the problem with booktube

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I came out online and to most of the people in my life in a BookTube video, and the support I received then and continue to receive is just a small sign of how much the community means to BookTube.. Getting good at talking to a camera gave me more confidence to speak in person. I find it fascinating to look at how this community has grown and adapted over time, including what its lost and gained along the way. It gave me the power to be myself, and gave me the chance to help others. The last trip I took before quarantine was to a BookTube friends wedding in Mexico. Or even the comparison to the popularity of channels and views., Sanne adds that on top of the pressure of creating original videos and trying to get views, BookTube has the unique aspect of feeling the need to read enough to generate content, which is a big time commitment in itself. The community also loves to celebrate heritage months like Black History Month in February, AAPI Heritage Month in May, etc. Like any social media platform, BookTube is not without its drama and controversy. Obviously, those of us who do it hopefully enjoy it and take joy from the process and the community, but I dont think people realize how much work is going on behind the scenes. C.S. Luckily, times have changed in the years since I started, with a lot more diversity in what kinds of books get coverage. Even bookmark collections are up for discussion on BookTube. Ashley of Bookish Realm points out that on top of the time investment, there's also the need to always have new, exciting ideas: "the most challenging thing about BookTube can be coming up with creative content. Over the past decade, BookTube has grown from a niche online group into a thriving community space connecting readers . I have long felt that removing it would be the right thing to do, but inaction is always easier. (I even remember the specific title it happened to. I really struggled finding good book recommendations before I joined BookTube, which is definitely not a problem anymore now! Bear of Et Tu, Brody? Its such a niche community, change isnt going to happen overnight, says Cindy. It's no surprise that it's difficult to find and elevate Black BookTubers when Black authors, editors and book characters are hardly over-saturating the literary world. I found quite hard to not follow persons you don't like but like their recommandations. Nicole and Saajid both related that their reading before BookTube was sporadic. 2022 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Ive also included some of their videos throughout the post. The panelists argued that if trigger . New to Booktube Tag. They would have Zoom calls where people could tune in and read, a way of spending time together while everyone was apart. Readers. And I absolutely believe that making content that fits these things has made me a happier and more open person. But, I worked up the courage to ask her, and it has been an incredible experience! Carving out a space for queer readers to loudly love queer books took work, and that work has to keep going if our community actually wants to be a safe place for all readers. I'm not sure. What information they do "know" is often incorrect. If youre not familiar, NjeriofOnyx Pages started Quarantined Pages in March of 2020, which was hosted by several different BookTubers. Cece says, I love being a BookTuber. It was an anomaly to see a BookTube channel grow that quickly, or have many big POC creators. And if people connect with what youre saying or what youre sharing, it creates such a genuine bond and it opens the door to them sharing not only their thoughts, but their experiences in return. While no one can tell the future, I asked BookTubers to predict how they thought BookTube will change in the future. Lewis Doodle 6. Review Your Favourite Place To Read It is a place in which passionate readers, called Booktubers, upload videos in which they film themselves discussing their favorite books, among other bookish activities. You can go on about your day. 10,900 Subscribers. It was also very cis, very straight, very able-bodied, and very neurotypical., Cindy of With Cindy says, When I joined [in 2018], I grew very quickly and became the first big (over 100k) non-white-passing BookTuber. While the community is not perfect and has its own deeply-embedded systemic problems, if you find people who you genuinely connect with, it creates this reciprocal bond of joy and support. Her videos feel like Im just sitting down and talking about spooky stuff with a friend, and its so relaxing. I'm gonna just get this out of the way: leet code exercises, in the context of job interviews, are only "bad" if you don't watch them in progress. It makes sense, because this is a conversation happening within the community and it has been for some time. This is a rant video where I speak about some of the problems I've noticed within the bookish a. Saajid says, Reading is often viewed as a solitary activity, but BookTubing turns it into a community affair, which I deeply appreciate.. Before I joined BookTube, my impressions of a book tended to be along the lines of I liked it, it was okay, I didnt like it, etc. There is no official definition of what counts as BookTube or who can call themselves a BookTuber, but if the content is mostly book-related, its a safe bet that it falls under the umbrella. Thrice. But diversity doesnt begin and end with the LGBTQIA+ community, and thats where BookTube seems to have a hard time.. Oh I completely agree! In any case, critiquing my work gives me something to improve. You learn how to pitch a book to an audience, what gets other readers excited and the best ways to reach new audiences, all while learning how to edit, do public speaking and lots of other creative things.. Whats important to remember about these conversations is that they go beyond books, Ashley says. Sanne has been making BookTube videos before BookTube was a thing! She started in 2008, inspired by other YouTubers who included books in their content. I think its so amazing. I hear so many people say they dont know where to start, but my advice is to just sit down and talk about what you love!, Bear says that while people may talk about the BookTube community being oversaturated, I think it comes from a place of fear. They recommend, If theres anyone reading this who wants to be a BookTuber but has heard that the community is too full, I want you to ignore that statement and join anyway. Booktube is a great way to meet others who like to read and gives you a fun community online that you can talk to. This raised a STORM of response videos, asking how Sasha could call herself poor when she was constantly traveling between Scotland and the US and buying books every seven seconds. But our community has grown so much in terms of uplifting one another, and there is a noticeable difference between 2015 and now when it comes to marginalized creators and the support they get., This lack of inclusion for diverse BookTubers led to a narrow kind of book being covered on BookTube. Im often frustrated by BookTubers who speak up for diversity and for inclusion and then dont reflect any of that in their reading, CeCe says. If you want to make money through Google Ads running on your videos, then you need to have 1,000 followers and 4,000 watch hours to qualify for the YouTube partner program. BookTok is really taking off, and peoples attention spans growing shorter and shorter, so I think the next step for BookTube will be quick, easily digestible content in contrast to the hour-long vlogs and three-hour liveshows weve got going on right now.. As CeCe says, The community of small BookTubers that exists is making the most inventive, inclusive content on our platform and the biggest thing we can all do is support that content!, Specifically, Brody says, Ive recently been diving into the horror side of BookTube and my favorite person right now is Nakia from Nakias Hideaway. "The author doesn't even say what kind of gun.". BookTube is the bookish community on YouTube, made of up a wide range of different channels making regular book reviews, hauls, tags, discussion videos, reading vlogs, and more. I should say that by Global North (GN), I am referring to countries like the U.S., Canada, the UK, and to a lesser extent Ireland, other European countries, and places like Australia and NZ (which, although they are in the Southern Hemisphere, they are socio-economically and politically adjacent to the Global North). Maybe use one of those voice modulators so that I sound super sexy. Book clubs and live shows like Bookmarked and Booksplosion use YouTube to discuss reading habits, pet peeves and literary tropes. I usually only get invited to do things during Native American Heritage Month, which is ironically when my schedule is fully booked., Marines also mentioned the challenges of being a marginalized creator online: The worst thing over the years has definitely been the challenges that come together with being a person of color making public content. There have been times when the genuine desire to engage in conversations about representation or publishing structures or how privilege plays a role in our community have been painted as stirring up drama, and it can be discouraging., Bear points out the need to stop repeating the same discussions around diversity and to start fixing systemic issues on the platform: BookTube itself (as far as the content creators) is a very diverse community, but theres no denying the fact that racism, queerphobia, ableism, fatphobia, it all has a negative impact on the community. If you are looking for more general fiction booktubers then check out Jen Campbell, RonLit or Words of a Reader. 1. Being part of a community of like-minded people can also help cultivate a sense of belonging. When asked about whats changed since these creators started BookTube, the first thing that came up was sheer numbers! I've also seen BookTubers combine this tag and the BookTube Newbie tag together for their first video. Your voice is just as necessary as everyone elses, and who knows what you can bring to the table?. With BookTube comes tons and tons of favorites and wrap-up videos. The grind never ends. I've also picked a video for each that I feel gives a good idea of the sort of content they post to their channel. ], Cece (from Problems of a Book Nerd), Joseph (The Boy Who Cried Books), and Adri (from Perpetual Pages). Call me arrogant; I don't give a shit. It was Proxy by Alex London.) I readily admit, I live in a bit of a bubble when it comes to Booktube so I might be over simplifying this. Constantly. Whether it be with the number of books I read each month to the specific books I read or the number of books I buy. He believes in reading across all genres and subjects to cast a wider net of knowledge and to heighten his imagination. Now do not get me wrong, I think its excellent that people in the community are celebrating diversity, but I just wish that people would acknowledge that their discussion of diversity is limited to the American context and thats fine. Ive definitely gone through periods where Ive felt the pressure, but its so important to keep checking in with yourself and remember the reasons why you started making videos in the first place! Below you can find a list of 30 BookTubers you should check out and a brief description of the sorts of video content they post. Booktube is Problematic (Part 1) 6,928 views Jun 18, 2021 383 Dislike Share The Unwanted Book club 1.55K subscribers So, it took a little longer than expected. Each video is an exercise in valuing myself and my thoughts, and figuring out how to make that part of the larger conversation.. These include: what I read this month, favorite books of the year, favorite fantasy books of the year and so on. Thank you for signing up! A lot of GS countries, like mine (Trinidad and Tobago) are not eligible for monetization, so I cannot make any AdSense off of my videos even though my analytics more than qualify. start with the YouTube algorithm and the fact that human psychology has a negative bias. While books bring people to the community, its the connections that make them stay. More channels mean more book recommendations but realistically people have only so much time. She adds, Thats why challenge videos, videos about adaptations, and nostalgic content about older popular books are doing so well. CeCe believes the trend towards more creative, less formulaic content will continue and who know what will come out of that! Or maybe what I should do is just do my shit on YouTube and actively disclaim any association whatsoever with the "BookTube" community. There's something for everyone on BookTube, from hilarious reviews of 50 . Cindy says, BookTube can fall into the trap of performative activism, using books and characters as props for virtue signaling or to prove moral superiority. Similarly, Adri discussed how marginalized creators are harmed when viewers click subscribe because we think a creator checks off some kind of diversity box for us instead of caring about the actual content they make..

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