missile defense agency acquisition

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The Federal Contract Opportunities (SAM.gov) link below will take you to our current listings of MDA Solicitations and Contracts. As MDA implements its initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, and oversight, and begins efforts to manage and oversee MDA at the element level, the Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to report to Congress variances against all established baselines. Recently, DOD has taken steps to address some of these open recommendations, but further action is needed to fully implement the remaining recommendations. MDA MISSION The Missile Defense Agency's (MDA) mission is to develop and deploy a layered Missile Defense System to defend the United States, its deployed forces, allies, and friends from missile attacks in all phases of flight. In 2020, DOD determined that modifications to MDA's acquisition flexibilities were needed to better balance risk. DOD did not concur with our recommendation but stated that MDA would propose a change to DOD Directive 5134.09 (referred to as the MDA Charter) that would effectively implement our recommendation.

Actions that satisfy the intent of the recommendation have been taken.


While the intent of the recommendation has not been satisfied, time or circumstances have rendered the recommendation invalid.

, Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program. One of the strengths of the 2019 MDR was its broader description of missile threats, to include ballistic, cruise, and hypersonic missiles. 1558]] Sec. Traditionally, the Department of Defense allowed more flexibility in acquiring these systems. It describes UAS as an inexpensive, flexible, and plausibly deniable means to carry out tactical-level attacks below the threshold for major response, making them an increasingly preferred capability. Still, other delivery systems must also be contemplated going forward, including spaceplanes and fractional or multiple orbital delivery systems that move in and out of the atmosphere., The threat description in the MDR is, however, less sharply put than that conveyed by the May 2022 congressional testimony of Assistant Secretary of Defense John Plumb: Offensive missiles are increasingly weapons of choice for Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, for use in conflict and to coerce and intimidate their neighbors.. washington citing a disconnect between the missile defense agency's fiscal 2021 budget request and what it would need to meet national defense strategy goals, congress has injected $1.3. Although the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) no longer reports its initiatives in a report entitled "Department of Defense's Plan to Enhance the Accountability and Transparency of the Ballistic Missile Defense Program", the agency met the intent of GAO's recommendation by capturing its current initiatives in its February 2011 and February 2012 Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) Accountability Report (BAR). To accomplish this, GAO reviewed asset fielding schedules, test plans and reports, as well as pertinent sections of Department of Defense (DOD) policy to compare MDA's current level of accountability with that of other DOD programs. GAO also assessed MDA's progress toward improving accountability and transparency in agency operations, management processes, and its acquisition strategy. 1 The services struggle to accommodate the resource burden of protecting themselves and the homeland. Since MDA was established in 2002, the Department of Defense has spent over $174 billion to equip operational commanders with a network of sensors, interceptors and command and control capabilities collectively called the Missile Defense System. As MDA implements its initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, and oversight, and begins efforts to manage and oversee MDA at the element level, the Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to obtain independent Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation cost estimates in support of these cost baselines. This includes moving ahead on aggressive schedules when key technologies are not yet properly developed. Download the Brief The Issue The 2022 budget request for missile defense and defeat seeks, but does not yet achieve, alignment with the reality of long-term strategic competition. Fiscal year 2009 testing indicates an increased level of interoperability among multiple elements, improving both system-level performance and advancing the BMDS models and simulations needed to predict performance. GAO has previously recommended that MDA take steps to increase transparency and align its acquisition approach to reduce high-risk practices. . These pages provide reports, recommendations, curated information and summaries, videos, podcasts, blog posts, and more. BMDS (Ballistic Missile Defense System) program costs increased $21,003.1 million (+31.8%) from $66,120.3 million to $87,123.4 million, due primarily to field Blocks 08, 10 and 12 capabilities. Missile Defense Transition Provides Opportunity to Strengthen Acquisition Approach. In addition, though it had committed to, MDA did not report total cost estimates in 2009. The 2010 review declared that the Administration will continue to reject any negotiated restraints on U.S. ballistic missile defenses, and the 2019 review affirmed that the United States will not accept any limitation or constraint on the development or deployment of missile defense capabilities needed to protect the homeland against rogue missile threats. Instead, with language reminiscent of the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treatys preamble, the document highlights the interrelationship between strategic offensive arms and strategic defensive systems. Without endorsing limitations, the 2022 MDR suggests strengthening mutual transparency and predictability.. Main Address: 5700 18th St. Missile Defense Agency is a function of the U.S. Department of Defense that concentrates on missile weaponry research, development and acquisition. When one must defend what one cannot move or hide, fixed emplacements may be good enough. The Biden administration released its unclassified Missile Defense Review today, as part of the National Defense Strategy.

Actions that partially satisfy the intent of the recommendation have been taken.


Actions to satisfy the intent of the recommendation have not been taken or are being planned.

, Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, The Commander of U.S. Strategic Command should include in the next update to U.S. Strategic Command Instruction 538-03 a process for documenting and validating operational-level warfighter requirements in an initial requirements document. GAO also found that DOD generally met the statutory requirements Congress established for changing missile defense non-standard acquisition processes and responsibilities by: (a) consulting with required DOD officials; (b) certifying this consultation occurred; (c) reporting the changes to Congress; and (d) generally waiting the required 120 days before implementing the changes. In addition, the agency delivered 83 percent of the assets it planned to deliver by the end of fiscal year 2009. The memorandum also describes a timeline of planned events for implementing the new process throughout 2022 and into 2023. The Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to delay the manufacturing decision for SM-3 Block IB missiles intended for delivery to the fleet as operational assets until after (1) the critical technologies have completed developmental testing, (2) a successful first flight test demonstrates that the system functions as intended, and (3) the successful conclusion of the manufacturing readiness review. The 12-page, 4,700-word document is dramatically shorter than the 2019 version, which came in at 28,834 words and 100 pages. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is a research, development, and acquisition agency within the United States Department of Defense. CMD-H must also include engagement capabilities; its sensors must include those capable of combat identification and fire control quality tracks. The missions for AMD sensors are to detect, characterize, track, and engage current and emerging advanced air and missile threats regionally, and to improve early warning, identification, tracking, discrimination, and attribution for missile threats to the homeland. Requiring engagement support for regional threats but not for attacks on the homeland seems especially odd since the document repeatedly highlights the specter of nonnuclear strategic attack on the homeland. However, as of August 3, 2022, DOD has yet to update the MDA charter. We testified that MDA's acquisition processes are now more closely aligned with leading practices, and that the agency has made progress in building the Missile Defense System. The discussion of future technologies prioritizes sensors above all, followed by battle management and command and control (C2). The missile threat spectrum is not a boutique problem, but a central military challenge from China and Russia. Missile Defense Agency employees at computer stations with multiple monitors. This statement highlights key findings from GAO's work on missile defense acquisitions. Despite these problems, MDA proceeded with production and fielding of assets. MDA has received about $174 billion since 2002 and is requesting another $9.2 billion for fiscal year 2021. One notable absence is timelines and phases. DOD did not concur, stating that the process we recommended was inconsistent with MDA's unique acquisition authorities and processes. We hope to provide you with information on our current and prospective MDA procurements. This statement summarizes lessons that GAO has identified from its prior reviews of MDA starting in 2004 that can be applied to strengthen the transparency and acquisition practices for developing and fielding missile defense elements. In providing comments on our report, the agency concurred with this recommendation, but has not taken all the actions necessary to implement it. The president and Congress rely on the MDA leadership to provide guidance to carry out the mission entrusted to them. The process introduces several new changes, including the development of "foundational" and "dynamic" products that: (1) document initial missile defense capability requirements; and (2) are subject to warfighter validation via DOD's Joint Requirements Oversight Council. All rights reserved. In our prior work, GAO reviewed key MDA management documents including annual program reviews, tests plans and budget documents. European countries who have given their air defenses to Ukraine, for instance, will no doubt be expecting a backfill. For example, the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation stated that the many configurations of the fielded ground-based interceptor inhibits a full evaluation of the GMD program. As MDA implements its initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, and oversight, and begins efforts to manage and oversee MDA at the element level, the Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to ensure that program acquisition unit costs for BMDS assets are reported in the BMDS Accountability Report, to provide Congress with more complete and comprehensive information by including development costs. As MDA implements its initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, and oversight, and begins efforts to manage and oversee MDA at the element level, the Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to update DOD's Plan to Enhance the Accountability and Transparency of the Ballistic Missile Defense Program to reflect MDA's current initiatives and include dates for fulfilling each commitment. As such, MDA has implemented GAO's recommendation. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has taken important steps in recent years to improve management practices, reduce acquisition risks, and deliver capabilities to defend the United States and its allies from ballistic missile attacks. The Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system is an essential element of missile defeat, and its continued modernization and expansion is necessary to maintain both a visible measure of protection for the U.S. population and an assurance to allies and partners that the United States will not be coerced by threats to the homeland. The Biden administration initiated a competitive development process to procure 20 Next Generation Interceptors (NGIs) in March 2021. Within NATO, the Patriot, NASAMS, and the SAMP-T systems get shoutouts in the endorsement of 360-degree AMD (read: to include Russia). (Recommendation 3), Missile Defense: Recent Acquisition Policy Changes Balance Risk and Flexibility, but Actions Needed to Refine Requirements Process. GAO maintains the recommendations are valid, as discussed in this report. MDA has also made progress toward improving homeland and regional defense. As technology has advanced in service and DOD-wide applications, concepts like high-powered microwaves, short-pulse lasers, and other types might now have applications for active defense missions. The document recognizes the longstanding cooperative efforts with Israel, encourages Gulf Cooperation Council cooperation, and notes the ongoing normalization efforts between Israel and key Arab states to create new opportunities for AMD cooperation. The Missile Defense Agency must be free to move quickly and with limited restrictions By Robert Joseph Sep 15, 2021 A Terminal High Altitude Area Defense interceptor is launched from the. Memorandum, "Ballistic Missile Defense System Acquisition Decision Memorandum," May 8, 2013 . For more information, contact W. William Russell at (202) 512-4841 or russellw@gao.gov. Independent study of roles and responsibilities of Department of Defense components relating to missile defense. It is one thing to say that the United States must defend Guam, that it must have hypersonic defense, and that space sensors are critical, but there are no express milestones or dates to assess whether they will be available within the decade, let alone at the speed of relevance. The MDR notes how Russia uses several lower-tier air defense systems for its own use and export as a foreign policy instrument. The sale of the S-400 to countries like Turkey and India, for instance, has certainly been a wedge within the alliances. The production contract was awarded in the fall 2010 for 30 missiles. Since MDA was established in 2002, DOD has spent over $174 billion to develop a network of sensors, interceptors, and command and control capabilities collectively called the Missile Defense System. MDA has received about $174 billion since 2002 and is requesting another $9.2 billion for fiscal year 2021. It also corrects the 2019 MDRs insufficient attention to integration, air defense layering for cruise missile and UAS threats, and survivability. View Agencies. Such changes present new challenges for MDA but also opportunities to strengthen acquisition approaches. About. The Missile Defense Agency ( MDA) is the section of the United States government's Department of Defense responsible for developing a layered defense against ballistic missiles. The new MDR is a step forward from past reviews in several respects. However, we noted in our report that several DOD components agreed with our recommendation and that the Joint Staff was considering implementing a process that could potentially address our recommendation. Washington DC. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 included a provision for GAO to assess whether DOD complied with these requirements. The tests identified in the BARs were in accordance with the agency's official test baseline, referred to as the Integrated Master Test Plan. By providing these baselines, MDA met the intent of our recommendation and included key performance dates for the Ballistic Missile Defense System. The agency also demonstrated increased levels of performance for some elements through flight and ground testing. However, problems persist at the start of the processwhen MDA defines the goals and estimates costs. GAO has previously reported on MDA's process to acquire assets and capabilities for this system. The Missile Defense Agency is developing a Ballistic Missile Defense System to protect against ballistic and hypersonic missile attacks. Possible capability improvements are legion, but capacity and training for the mission remain paramount. The Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering did not agree with GAO's recommendations but various other DOD components, such as U.S. Strategic Command, agreed. The 2019 review referenced transregional threats, which blur the legacy distinction between homeland and regional concerns. Our workforce includes approximately 7,150 personnel (2,359 government, 168 military, 3,172 contractors, and 1,451 other governmental agency staff GAO is not making any new recommendations in this statement. Recent developments in Europe include Germanys consideration of Arrow-3, Polands defense buildup across the board, and Finland and Swedens likely accession to NATO. The Japanese procurement of the Aegis BMD system was the first time a missile defense capability produced by the U.S. Missile Defense Agency was sold to a military ally. The department will. The Trump administrations actual programmatic and budgetary implementation of hypersonic and cruise missile defense, however, were quite modest. MDA has taken steps to improve how it develops missile defense assets and capabilities, but problems with its acquisition policy and practices persist. CSIS does not take specific policy positions. In 2020, DOD determined that modifications to MDA's acquisition flexibilities were needed to better balance risk. Moreover, some changes to BMDS elements are still being delivered while testing of the architecture is already underway, limiting time to thoroughly assess the integrated BMDS as planned. TITLE XVII--TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE TRANSFER AND REORGANIZATION OF DEFENSE ACQUISITION STATUTES Sec. The test problems also precluded MDA from gathering key knowledge and affected development of advanced algorithms and homeland defense. As MDA implements its initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, and oversight, and begins efforts to manage and oversee MDA at the element level, the Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to report top-level test goals for each element, or appropriate portions thereof, to Congress in the next BMDS Accountability Report. Congress also required DOD to enter into a contract for an independent study of MDA's acquisition process and organizational placement within DOD. Technical . The GAO stated that since the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) was established in 2002, the DoD has invested more than $174 billion in developing and fielding missile defence capabilities. You can browse or search our information by relevant agency . Addressing the open recommendations would help reduce acquisition risk. In August 2018, we are closing this recommendation because MDA has no plans to take action to implement the recommendation. Published: Mar 12, 2020. In the 2012 BAR, MDA also reported variances to these baselines. Gray Research. A prudent fly before you buy approach should apply to exotic non-kinetic and left-of-launch capabilities just as it does to hit-to-kill interceptors. Previously, Product Manager in the Facilities and Deployments Program office within the Missile Defense Agency. Sep 2009 - Sep 20145 years 1 month. Weve reported on MDA every year since 2002 and found it has fallen short of its goals, in part because of the high-risk approach it takes to developing these systems. As with CMD-H, the problem of Guam further defies the homeland-regional dichotomy of yesteryear. It remains to be seen whether the Air Force moves out to field not just sensors but active defenses for CMD-H. Secret weapon for getting america 5g ready to expand 5g's.Northrop Grumman Corp .'s NOC subsidiary, Northrop Grumman System Corp., recently secured a contract for supporting the remanufacturing activities related to the air launch cruise missile. Published: Feb 25, 2010. The Boeing AH-64 Apache (/ p t i /) is an American twin-turboshaft attack helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement and a tandem cockpit for a crew of two. The 2022 MDR does, however, acknowledge the need for adaptive acquisition approaches. Rescinding the Trump DTM would help protect such approaches. Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. Missile Defense Agency The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is a research, development, and acquisition agency within the Department of Defense. The new MDR likewise embraces cruise missile defense for the homeland (CMD-H), which first appeared in the 2022 and 2023 budget requests. The MDR notes that the NGI may not merely augment but potentially replace todays fleet of 44 Ground Based Interceptors. For example, MDA must now obtain independent cost estimates and Under Secretary of Defense approval of its acquisition strategies. Most of the changes are consistent with GAO's identified acquisition best practices and align with changes GAO previously recommended. Ellen Lord, undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition Technology and Logistics WASHINGTON: Despite deep concerns within Congress about Pentagon management of the Missile Defense Agency. Following the overarching theme of the 2022 NDS, the MDR describes missile defenses as a critical component of integrated deterrence, defined as a framework bringing together all instruments of national power. The European Sky Shield Initiative may be an important element of this, although C2 and sensors for NATO probably deserve prioritization. Given the intensity of the air and missile threat spectrum, non-kinetic effects offer considerable promise. The Missile Defense Agency has begun market research on potential industry sources and their capabilities to help inform the development of its acquisition strategy for the MDA Integration and . Another omission is any reference to acquisition authorities, the protection of which was affirmed in both the 2010 and 2019 reviews and in numerous legislative pronouncements. Unimplemented GAO Recommendations on Missile Defense Acquisitions by Year, 2010-2022. Even as threats increase, the new MDR states the United States will also continue to stay ahead of North Korean missile threats to the homeland through a comprehensive missile defeat approach, complemented by the credible threat of direct cost imposition through nuclear and non-nuclear means. The use of missile defeat represents a subtle but important shift which applies broadly to the missile defense enterprise. In its June 2010 and February 2011 Ballistic Missile Defense System Accountability Reports (BARs), the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) provided test dates and top-level test goals for its programs. The Missile Defense Agency will also be rolled under the USDR&E, at a time when the Trump administration has . However, we noted in our report that several DOD components agreed with our recommendation. But has that flexibility improved the program? to address and deter large intercontinental-range, nuclear missile threats to the homeland. While this distinction may apply specifically to Chinese and Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles, it need not apply to other delivery systems, to non-nuclear strategic attack, or to the likes of North Korea. The scope of the review included panel discussions with leadership from the Army; Navy; Air Force; Joint Staff; Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, We recommended doing so. The 2018 NDS endorsed dispersed basing and operations, but the 2019 MDR did not apply that logic to AMD. Defense Acquisitions: Missile Defense Transition Provides Opportunity to Strengthen Acquisition Approach. By law, GAO is directed to assess the annual progress the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) made in developing and fielding the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). The MDRs policy direction does not seem to address who will manage the departments missile defeat enterprise. Huntsville, Alabama Area. The arrow missile defense program's initial cost was $1.6 billion, with an additional $3 million per missile produced. Stay informed as we add new reports & testimonies. As MDA implements its initiatives to improve transparency, accountability, and oversight, and begins efforts to manage and oversee MDA at the element level, the Secretary of Defense should direct MDA to develop and report to Congress in the annual BMDS Accountability Report the dates at which performance baselines will be achieved. Executive Candidate Assessment and Development Program, Missile Defense: Acquisition Processes Are Improving, but Further Actions Are Needed to Address Standing Issues. While embracing of the full means of countering and defeating missile threats has much to commend it, an unbalanced pivot to missile defeat could have pitfalls. In the June 2010 Ballistic Missile Defense System Accountability Report (BAR), Missile Defense Agency (MDA) provided more complete unit costs by including program acquisition unit costs. How well Russia is able to maintain the operation and upgrades of those exports in the face of sanctions on its defense industry will remain to be seen. It is critical to acknowledge that adversaries will attempt to suppress U.S. and allied AMD capabilities. Tom Karako is a senior fellow with the International Security Program and the director of the Missile Defense Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. Commentaryis produced by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a private, tax-exempt institution focusing on international public policy issues. Getting missile defense systems into the field to defend the U.S. and its allies from attacks is a high priority. Missile Defense Agency. In 2002, the Department of Defense (DOD) provided the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) with flexibilities to diverge from traditional requirements-setting and acquisition processes and instead implement a unique approach to managing its acquisitions. The eponymous agency has wandered far from its research and engineering roots into a morass of realized risk, canceled programs, and bureaucratic infighting. But DOD doesn't fully match the new systems' capabilities with the needs of the systems' users. For more information, contact John Sawyer at (202) 512-4841 or SawyerJ@gao.gov. Despite the National Defense Strategys emphasis on this as the decisive decade, the MDR does not specify dates or timelines, and budget documents suggest that key new capabilities appear to be pushed to the 2030s. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has already committed to production of SM-3 IB missile by awarding the contract for production. Component Acquisition Executive (CAE) The Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) is the overall executive sponsor responsible for any Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP). To improve missile defense acquisitions, we have made 61 recommendations since 2010, of which 23 remain open. In providing comments on this report, the agency concurred with this recommendation. However, DOD exceeded the statutorily mandated reporting deadline by 13 days. For example: Since 2010, GAO has made 61 recommendations to improve missile defense acquisitions. The Targets and Countermeasures program is among those that have not received an independent verification of its cost estimates, and no independent CAPE cost estimates are currently being developed for any of MDA's target classes. 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