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Slughorn loaned Harry an old Potions textbook, in which Harry found marginalia including helpful tips on how to make potions better,[30] and a variety of curious spells seemingly invented by an unknown student. He treated Harry Potter with maximal coldness and never missed an opportunity to cause him trouble, as any variation from this would have cast suspicion on him in Voldemort's eyes. This act could have cost Severus his life, as had it not been for James going after him to stop him when he learned of Sirius' 'prank', he might have found himself all on his own and caught off guard by a fully-fledged werewolf. Died Tulip also helped them find their brother's corridor at Hogwarts, although it was protected with a two-lock padlock and an Anti-Alohomora Charm. The Weasleys, like Snape in his youth, were profusely financially strained. Dolores Umbridge protected herself and the other questioners with a cat Patronus, which dissipated when Harry stunned her. Amortal[1] Hair colour However, it should be noted that, despite Snape's strained relationship with the Marauders, he dutifully concocted potions for Remus Lupin during his tenure at Hogwarts and attempted to save his life during the Flight From Little Whinging. It is unknown how the surviving Death Eaters reacted either as a group or as individuals to reveal of Snape's demise (if they found out) or the revelations of his true loyalties. In response, Sirius had to convince them they couldn't until their mother had been notified, as it would look too suspicious otherwise. The young Severus is depicted as being unwashed and wearing ill-fitting clothes "that were so mismatched that it looked deliberate". When last calls for the train came, Molly ushered her children onto the train and called for them to have a good term. He also taught this class slightly fairer than he did in Potions, such as lowering his entrance standards and biases for N.E.W.T. During the 19891990 school year, Jacob's sibling, Merula Snyde, and Ben Copper encountered several Dementors in the Forest Grove of the Forbidden Forest which surrounded them. By describing the Polyjuice Potion in Potions class (which Hermione remembered), and demonstrating the Disarming Charm to the Duelling Club, Snape taught Harry two skills that ultimately proved critical to his success. [28], Jacob's sibling spied on her many times while taking orders from Snape, although Snape admitted them spying on her was totally useless, since she said whatever she wanted Severus to know and also she knew they were spying. [2] Also, Harry Potter disagreed with Professor Snape on the best method for confronting one when it was the subject of a report in his sixth year. Snape possessed the ability of independent flight, which was presumably taught to him by Lord Voldemort as he displayed the same ability during the Battle of the Seven Potters. [14], The Burrow, where Molly and Arthur raised their family, Molly graduated from Hogwarts in the late 1960s. He was quite strict and had high standards. During the final duel between Harry and Voldemort, Harry finally told him that Snape had been, in fact, Dumbledore's man. Snape rushed to the scene and healed Draco's wounds, and then interrogated Harry about the source of the spell. After Harry got lost in Knockturn Alley, she was relieved to find him safe with Hagrid, being grateful to the half-giant for finding him. He showed that despite his mistreatment of them, he cared considerably for the students of Hogwarts, risking his faade for them by secretly doing everything he can to make sure they stayed out of harm's way and at one point being genuinely concerned when a student was taken to the Chamber of Secrets. She was last seen sitting with Ginny (who had her head on her mother's shoulder) and her other family members at a table in the Great Hall.[26]. Surprisingly, less blood is shown than in the book. [90], Snape offering Draco Malfoy assistance with his mission, Horace Slughorn, a retired Hogwarts teacher, replaced Snape as Potions Master. Play65 has been offering the best backgammon game and the largest backgammon community online. [5], After Horace Slughorn showed a cauldron of the Polyjuice Potion to his first N.E.W.T. Snape, in turn, never lost an opportunity to get one up on them whenever possible. The Marauders were a group of four Gryffindor boys, with whom Severus began a relationship of enmity and hatred throughout their school years. Their deaths influenced her later protectiveness of her family during the Second Wizarding War. Karkaroff consequently fled when the Dark Lord returned, but Snape, who remained in the Dark Lord's good favour with the information he could provide on Dumbledore, had nothing to fear from him in the term of retribution. Black[11][12] He also cut off the picture of Potter family and took the page, which contained Lily, for himself. The island in the North Sea on which the wizard prison was built had never appeared on any map, wizard or Muggle. [30] Hermione Granger's research revealed that Prince was the maiden name of Severus's mother and so the nickname was revealed to be a combination of his mother's maiden name and his blood status. ', Features: "Wonderful wizarding world happiness generator". While he disliked their children, he seemed to be on civil terms with Arthur and Molly. [5] The unfortunate consequence of this act was that it rendered Crouch unable to testify about his master's return, allowing Voldemort almost a full year to gather strength while the Ministry continued in its denial. [61], This school year began with Snape's old enemy, Madam Rakepick, being fired after her betrayal. Thus, it is believed to be derived from a nickname for someone small, but brave. While on the train they met James Potter and Sirius Black. Hermione is the mother of two of Molly's grandchildren: Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley. He was also a profound misanthrope who appeared to have a prominent hatred of almost every child under his tutelage, except of course for Slytherins. Given time over again, Snape would never have done many of the things he did, but at the time he did not truly understand her aversion. Suffice it to say, Severus Snape was not a man who it was wise to provoke, lest one incur his almost elemental wrath and magical power. [86], Harry was not the only one who had expressed scepticism over Snape's reform. It is unknown what happened to his parents. [30][26], The Half-Blood Prince's many annotations and corrections, Severus's potions textbook contained a few spells and curses which he was credited with inventing: Levicorpus, which grabbed the victim by the ankle and dangled him/her upside-down,[31] and Sectumsempra, which caused slashing bloody cuts (guided by the wand gestures of the caster, like a blade/sword) which bled extensively. None Father Mother Gideon Prewett (brother) Fabian Prewett (brother) Bilius (brother or brother-in-law) Arthur Weasley (husband)William Weasley (son)Charles Weasley (son)Percy Weasley (son)Fred Weasley (son) George Weasley (son)Ronald Weasley (son)Ginevra Potter (ne Weasley) (daughter)Septimus Weasley (father-in-law) Cedrella Weasley (ne Black) (mother-in-law) Two brothers-in-lawFleur Weasley (ne Delacour) (daughter-in-law)Audrey Weasley (daughter-in-law)Angelina Weasley (ne Johnson) (daughter-in-law)Hermione Granger (daughter-in-law)Harry Potter (son-in-law)Victoire Weasley (granddaughter)Dominique Weasley (granddaughter)Louis Weasley (grandson)Molly Weasley II (granddaughter)Lucy Weasley (granddaughter)Fred Weasley II (grandson)Roxanne Weasley (granddaughter)Rose Granger-Weasley (granddaughter)Hugo Granger-Weasley (grandson)James Potter II (grandson)Albus Potter (grandson)Lily L. Potter (granddaughter)Ignatius Prewett[6] (uncle)Lucretia Prewett (ne Black) (aunt by marriage) NephewTessie (possible aunt)Muriel (great-aunt)[7]Second cousinPossible great-grandmother[7]Prewett familyWeasley familyGranger-Weasley familyPotter family [42], Also he wanted to harvest the fairy wings for his potion ingredients. Likewise, the potion was not designed to be used by a non-human or half-breed, as Remus Lupin informed the half-giant Rubeus Hagrid. Lupin, like everyone, believed Snape an evil, cowardly servant of Voldemort's after Snape killed Albus Dumbledore, and died before learning the truth. It was unclear if she was unable to see the Dementors or if she was merely arriving late at the scene.[16]. For many years, it was believed that Barty Crouch was dead. A week into the summer holidays, Molly had her heart broken when Percy broke contact with the family after a row with his father. Snape is also an English verb meaning "to be hard upon, rebuke, snub", derived from the Old Norse "sneypa", "to outrage, dishonour, disgrace".[108]. Crouch Jnr started to question Harry about what had happened but was shortly rescued by Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape. ". Romances Snape agreed to do as the Headmaster requested. Instead of summoning it by magic, she went into the house to collect it herself. Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, and Ginny Weasley were at the forefront of the rebellion. Severus became a member of the Death Eaters after Hogwarts. In fact, Harry welcomed the fate that came with a Dementor's kiss, but Seamus Finnigan, Luna Lovegood, and Ernie Macmillan attacked the Dementors with their own Patronuses holding them at bay and encouraged Harry to do the same, allowing him to finally summon his Patronus, which caused the Dementors to scatter. His love for Lily Evans became most noticeable by his Patronus; a Doe, just like Lily's. It is later understood that, during his time as Headmaster, Snape consulted with the portraits of the previous Headmasters, and continued to receive instructions from Dumbledore's portrait. Though clearly not a common method of repelling Dementors, the enigmatic form people took after being brought back by the Resurrection Stone appeared to function much like a Patronus, as the "resurrected" forms of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and James and Lily Potter were able to shield Harry Potter from the Dementors that Voldemort had stationed in the Forbidden Forest in 1998. Severus suffered terrible remorse when Voldemort decided that Harry Potter was the subject of the prophecy and that Lily Evans, the woman whom he always loved, was now in danger as a result of his actions. Using his "mad" eye, Moody confirmed it was a Boggart and offered to get rid of it, but she declined, commenting she would do it after dinner. Authentic Hogwarts excitement with Fluffy Kids build rooms and role-play with Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley [4][2][5], Polyjuice was also used in Draco Malfoy's plot to smuggle Death Eaters into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1997,[6] in the Battle of the Seven Potters,[7] and in Harry, Ron and Hermione's Infiltration of the Ministry of Magic and their break-in of Gringotts Wizarding Bank in 1998. Horace Slughorn, Severus's Head of House and Potions Professor. And she was too fanatical to let such disparity in opinion between herself and her master go too far. Their sapience was heavily debated: they were sentient enough to taste and sense fear, being drawn to it and the promise of positive memories that it could feed off of. Outnumbered, Snape fled the castle, jumping out the window of a classroom and using the ability to fly without a broom, which he presumably learned from Voldemort. Interestingly, they were their generation's Marauders, map and all, and as such Snape may have viewed them as a reincarnation of his childhood bullies. Snape's friendship with Lily Evans was probably the only thing that truly brought joy to his life. In addition, both Riddle and Snape were Sorted into Slytherin, and were known for their intelligence. Molly duelling Bellatrix Lestrange during the second half of the final battle. Heat for 20 seconds at a high temperature. From that point on, the Dementors served the Ministry of Magic as the guards of Azkaban, as the arrangement allowed them to feed on the emotions of the prisoners within its walls. [30] He also became less biased, as he allowed Hermione to answer his question[30] (as opposed to three years ago, he insulted her for being "an insufferable know-it-all"),[89] and sentenced Crabbe and Goyle to detention for dissatisfying progress in their repeated fifth year. The only major thing that differs between Voldemort and Snape's relationships with their fathers is murder; Voldemort had murdered his own father while Snape did not murder his. Even outside of his own classroom, Snape did not hesitate from offering harsh opinions of Neville. Species Harry considered the Half-Blood Prince to be a better teacher than Severus, unaware at that point that Severus was the Prince, much to Harry's later displeasure. His unhappy relationship with his father may have been the origin of his disdain for Muggles. A few minutes later, Ron and Bill both returned safely. [94] Amycus Carrow arrived, but so did Minerva McGonagall. Extant McGonagall, like Snape, was very strict, but much more fair, as noted by Harry Potter. The death of his "last, best lieutenant" made Voldemort turn his wand on Molly, but Harry shielded her and revealed himself to be alive. He was that time rescued by Dumbledore, who slowed Harry's fall and then drove the Dementors away with a Patronus. Before Harry could leave, Draco arrived and disarmed Dumbledore, intending to carry out Voldemort's ordered assassination. This action was proved to be very offensive and it increased the hatred between the two adolescents. Descriptions of his social interactions as a child suggest that he had poor interpersonal skills and that he may have suffered from depression. He frequently derided the boy's abilities, bullied him in class, and punished him whenever possible. And now here's one for you". In addition, it is quite likely Eileen gave her son most, if not all of his school things. He had a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority and control; like Professor McGonagall, he had the ability to keep a class quiet without effort. When Snape easily backhanded all of her accusations, bringing up that Lord Voldemort himself interrogated him of those lines, Bellatrix was lost for words; Snape was cunning enough to use the power of mere words to render Bella such, for he knew that to further her doubt of Severus would, by extension, mean that she would also be doubting the Dark Lord. Arthur Weasley (husband) Rodolphus and Rabastan were the only ones who tried to search for Lord Voldemort after the first defeat, along with Bellatrix and Barty Crouch Jnr During the Second Wizarding War. [27], A little while later, when Jacob's sibling was planning to fly to the next Cursed Vault in the Forbidden Forest, Professor Snape broke Jacob's sibling's borrowed broomstick and sought an unexpected help from Jacob's sibling with revealing Rakepick's true intention. He was also noted to be particularly patient by Jacob's sibling during that specific Potions class, sympathising with the grief his class felt and patiently urging them to focus on his lesson. It is most likely that Mundungus learned that Snape was on their side after the Second Wizarding War. Successfully defeating both Voldemort and Nagini, Harry and Neville avenged Snape's death.[21]. [38], Throughout the rest of the year, he presumably continued to keep a sharp eye on the students, especially Jacob's sibling, and do everything he could to keep the discovery from the student body, in which he was ultimately unsuccessful. Andrewh7Harry James Potter (b. While Professor Flitwick approved of their spell, it was later revealed that this was not the Star Shower Charm but Star Shimming Charm. Those who have a checking or savings account, but also use financial alternatives like check cashing services are considered underbanked. Although Snape was reluctant, even asking about the impact of such an action on his own soul, Dumbledore implied that this kind of coup de grce would not damage a human's soul in the same way murder would. As the combination of the Order and Dumbledore's Army left to gather in the Great Hall, she was adamant about Ginny going home since she was under-age. Neville Longbottom was perhaps one of the worst Potions students Snape ever taught. Snape had a mixed relationship with the Weasley family. In his early life, he was insecure, vulnerable, and yearned to be part of something better. They were unable to identify Mrs Crouch being sneaked into Azkaban disguised as Bartemius Crouch Jnr using Polyjuice Potion, or Barty Crouch Jnr being sneaked out disguised as his mother, since both were ill nearly to the point of death, as divulged by Bartemius Crouch Jnr under the influence of Veritaserum in 1995 (though it may be that they simply did not care whom they were sucking happiness from so long as they were "fed"). This would bring him into conflict with fanatical Death Eaters like Bellatrix Lestrange later in life, but Snape was almost immediately forgiven by the reborn Voldemort, because he could provide him with thirteen years of information on Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. He had shoulder-length, greasy black hair which framed his face in curtains, curling lips and dark, penetrating eyes that resembled tunnels. In addition, Harry and Ginny would later name one of Molly's grandsons after Snape. Voldemort even stated that they were natural allies. After Percy apologised to the whole family, Molly was not shown to have any problems in forgiving him. Molly reacted heatedly to disparaging remarks made by Fleur in regards to Tonks, which is indicative of the high opinion she held for the young Auror. Cornelius Fudge also admitted they were factors in the British Prime Minister's recent decline in terms of public approval, as they were making people less happy in general. Harry was shocked to see that she could so easily look "like a sabre-tooth tiger" when she was angry with her sons. Molly was close to her other family members as well; her uncle, Ignatius Prewett's first name became her son Percy's middle name, and aunt by marriage Lucretia Prewett (ne Black). Snape was also rather displeased to be informed by Alanza that her potions had a tendency to explode. [62], This year at Hogwarts was also as dangerous as the other years, or perhaps more so. [18], Molly serving her family and Harry Potter breakfast after they stole the Ford Anglia. After getting to know more about Harry through Ron, Molly began treating him as another member of the family, whether it be by letting him stay at the Burrow for the school holidays or fussing over the state of his health and making sure he had additional helpings during meals, although she tended to avoid the subject of the Dursleys when Harry brought them up even briefly. LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts: Fluffy Encounter, Expand the magic with other Hogwarts sets. [84] Snape was also responsible for the brewing of the Mandrake Restorative Draught in order to cure all those petrified by the Serpent of Slytherin that terrorised the school that year.[85]. When they met at school in 1996, he maliciously said "I was interested to see your new Patronus. They could also consume a person's soul, leaving their victims in a permanent vegetative state, and thus were often referred to as "soul-sucking fiends", and the people they left soulless were deemed to have been turned into an "empty-shell".[2]. Being blind, Dementors sensed and fed on the positive emotions of human beings in order to survive, forcing their victims to relive their worst memories over and over again. She also heard from Arthur that the former prisoner intended to murder Harry. Snape had a strong, authoritative presence. Voldemort explained that he believed that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand from killing Dumbledore and that Snape must die so that the Elder Wand can be his. Unlike in the past where he spoke quietly in his anger, Snape in this instance was screaming and letting so much out, as well as confessing his identity of the Half-Blood Prince to Harry who had attempted to use one of Snape's own invented spells against him. Her brothers, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, were both members of the Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War, but were brutally killed by five Death Eaters. After deposing and killing the incumbent emperor Didius Julianus, Severus fought his rival claimants, the generals Pescennius Niger (possibly Phineas Nigellus Black) and Clodius Albinus (Albus Dumbledore). Even when it was important to him to make a good impression, he always seemed to have trouble doing so. Molly and Arthur returned to Hogwarts again in June after learning that Bill had been injured in the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. Along with most of the wizarding world, Molly was devastated by Dumbledore's death, and attended his funeral in 1997. Finding ways to fight off Dementors or depression were essential if one was to become permanently happier. In the aftermath of this discovery, the faculty successfully managed to keep it from spreading any further and securely sealed up the room afterwards, although he was unaware the two students he had just left had followed them and overheard portions of his conversation with Filch and resolved to break into the room in order to look for clues regarding the whereabouts of the vaults. When they opened the door, Jacob's sibling confronted a Boggart in the form of Lord Voldemort. Snape used his position as Headmaster to discreetly protect the students and to contain the Carrows. When Dumbledore acted to reactivate the Order of the Phoenix, Molly was shocked to learn Sirius Black was in the room, still believing Sirius to be a mass murderer like most of the wizarding world. She was born into the Prewett family and was sister to Fabian and Gideon Prewett, members of the original Order of the Phoenix. Later, Harry encountered more Dementors in the Forbidden Forest, but the presence of James, Lily, Sirius and Remus, summoned through the Resurrection Stone, shielded him from them.[11]. His deep understanding of potion brewing, as shown by his expert concoction of Wolfsbane Potion,[34][29] transformed the knowledge of potions from mere chemistry to an art. Molly Weasley (ne Prewett) (b. Molly later defended Harry with a fierce passion against Amos Diggory's accusations of not correcting Rita Skeeter in her original article about Harry, which was supposed to be about the Triwizard Tournament. Snape also, even if begrudgingly, accepted that they were fighting for the same side and was quick to check if Sirius was in fact safe after Harry reported to him he saw Sirius tortured by Voldemort and in the Ministry to be forced to retrieve the object. Rakepick then duelled the students. From that moment on, it is known that Snape and Rakepick were engaging in a subtle battle of wits, and even used students to spy on one another. He also came to resent Lupin, believing that he had been in on Sirius's prank. Thus, she notified the Potions Master, Severus Snape, and then they notified Jacob's sibling and their examination result was that the Petrified student had some texture, the same as the Merpeople Trident that he found in the Buried Vault. [60], During Jacob's sibling's mental examination on Scabbers for his odd behaviour, Percy Weasley, Charles Weasley, and Jacob's sibling met each other multiple times at the Great Hall. The original Order of the Phoenix, her allies. Occupation He begged Voldemort to spare her, who agreed. LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts: Fluffy Encounter 76387 Building Kit; 3-Headed Dog Hogwarts Set; Cool, Collectible Toy; New 2021 (397 Pieces) No parts were missing. None Joshua, following the instructions of the Lord, allowed no survivors in his sweeping victory over the five kings (Joshua 10:20,28,30,37,39,40; 11:8). Her brothers were murdered by Death Eaters during the First Wizarding War. exams, even if they were not intending to try for his N.E.W.T. Hugging his mother, Bill told the group that "Mad-Eye" Moody had been killed. Neville admitted in 1993 that Snape was his greatest fear, and, predictably, Snape was the form Neville's Boggart took at that time.[104]. Knowing that no Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher would last longer than a year, Dumbledore instead employed Snape in the position of Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House, following the retirement of veteran Potions Master Professor Horace Slughorn. Snape and other staff members discovering that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber, This hatred for Lockhart finally reached its apex when Professor Lockhart walked in upon their discovery of Ginny being taken to the Chamber of Secrets, as even Snape was genuinely concerned for her regardless of how he treated Gryffindor, and furiously led the teachers into forcing him out of the way so that students could be escorted to safety, outright not giving Lockhart even a second to rebuke Snape's claim of having heard Lockhart proclaim that he had found the monster. After having rescued Harry from drowning, Ron claimed to have supposedly seen someone watching from the shadows. [82] However, he was forced to let Harry go again as Dumbledore had made it clear to him that no other punishment but being expelled would be dealt out to Harry if he broke another rule and Snape could not let his anger overpower his desire to see Lily's son be protected.

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