iraqi population in turkey

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The two ethnic divisions are Arab and Kurd. [110] The 1997 census states that there was 600,000[20][111] Iraqi Turkmen out of a total population of 22,017,983,[112] forming 2.72% of the total Iraqi population; however, this census only allowed its citizens to indicate belonging to one of two ethnicities, Arab or Kurd, this meant that many Iraqi Turkmen identified themselves as Arabs (the Kurds not being a desirable ethnic group in Saddam Hussein's Iraq), thereby skewing the true number of Iraqi Turkmen. Modern Iraq is an Arabian country with a population of ~ 40 million, bordered by the Arabian Gulf, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia to the south, Jordan and Syria to the west, Turkey to the north, and . With is geopolitical location on the route from the Middle East to Europe and open conflicts continuing in neighbouring Iraq, Iran and Syria, Turkey hosts one of the largest migrant populations in the world. In 1990, it rose to 54.13 million and then . Likewise, after Barzani and Talabani fought a civil war between 1994 and 1997 over the regions customs revenues, the Turks inserted Peace Monitoring Forces which stayed well beyond their mandate. What are the three main geographic regions of Iraq? Guide to Iraq and Iraqi culture, society, language, etiquette, customs, manners and protocol. The KRG has signed about 50 contracts with foreign energy companies to develop its reserves, some of which lie in territories taken by Baghdad in October 2017. The capital city of Turkey is Ankara, which is located in the center of the country. Karbala and Najaf both have holy sites for Shia Muslims. [88], The Iraqi Turkmen generally also have an active command in standard Turkish due to their cultural orientation towards the Republic of Turkey. The Iraqi population was estimated at 38 million in 2017 by the Ministry of Planning. [56] Turkish media outlets (especially satellite TV) has been influential; moreover, there are a number of private schools which teach in Turkish backed by Turkish institutions. Investment in the IKR operates within the framework of the Kurdistan Region Investment Law (Law 4 of 2006) and the Kurdistan Board of Investment, which is designed to provide incentives to help economic development in areas under the authority of the KRG. [4], Nowadays, ever since the end of the war with ISIS in Iraq and the return of stability to the country, most refugees living in the country returned to Iraq. Inflation has remained under control since 2006. The deals the two leaders made were between individuals rather than systems, and so it remains unclear if a more Kemalist government in Turkey or one less corrupt that Erdoans would abide by the same agreements. [56] Several prestige languages in the region have been particularly influential: Ottoman Turkish from 1534 onwards and then Persian after the Capture of Baghdad (1624). Figure 8.51 Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice During the US Presidential Administration of George W. Bush. Occupying troops continued to remain as the country struggled to adapt to the reforms. Iraq is not a core economic country, but it holds vast petroleum reserves, making it vulnerable to exploitation by industrialized core countries. . ), urban population: 71.4% of total population (2022)rate of urbanization: 2.91% annual rate of change (2020-25 est. This was a major victory for the coalition. Finally, he thanked Iraq for its contribution in supporting the Greek positions in various international organizations. Vote 0 users . This was one of the worst environmental catastrophes regarding oil on record. Turkey grows large quantities of food in the central Anatolian Plateau; vast fields of grain extend across this central plateau. )industry: 51% (2017 est. [90], However, in 1959 the military junta introduced the names "Turkman" and "Turkmanja". US vice president Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, the worlds most extensive oil service company. Possessing a small portion of its land area in Europe and being a member of NATO provides Turkey with an opening to join the European Union (EU), but so far it has been denied membership, mainly because of Turkeys controversial human rights record, conflicts with the Kurds, disagreements with Greece over Cyprus, and low economic indicators. [2] )government consumption: 22.9% (2016 est. In 1965, this figure was 2,219,502, out of a total population of 31,391,421. Photo courtesy of the White House public domain. At a time when rising Arab-Kurdish tensions again threaten Iraq's stability, neighbouring Turkey has begun to cast a large shadow over Iraqi Kurdistan. ), 79 deaths/100,000 live births (2017 est. The current population of Iraq in 2022 is 44,496,122, a 2.21% increase from 2021.; The population of Iraq in 2021 was 43,533,592, a 2.29% increase from 2020.; The population of Iraq in 2020 was 42,556,984, a 2.39% increase from 2019. . In spite of being allies, Turkey did not allow the US military to use these bases as direct invasion points when the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. [140] Those Iraqi Turkmen who remained in cities such as Kirkuk were subject to continued assimilation policies;[140] school names, neighbourhoods, villages, streets, markets and even mosques with names of Turkic origin were changed to names that emanated from the Ba'th Party or from Arab heroes. If the boat engine stalled, passengers would have a stark choice: jump into the river and try to swim to the other bank or drift down into Iraqi territory and a certain prison stint for illegal entry. Michael Rubin is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East. The United States has been allowed to have military bases in Turkey, which were helpful in Operation Desert Storm during the First Persian Gulf War. The second wave of Turkmens to descend on Iraq were the Turks of the Great Seljuq Empire. In geographic terms, the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War were wars over resourcesnamely, oil. This was the outcome of decades of political and military efforts to secure self-rule by the Kurdish minority, who are estimated to number more than 6 million and make up between 17% and 20% of the. Additionally, in late 2017 Iraq received more than $1.4 billion in financing from international lenders, part of which was generated by issuing a $1 billion bond for reconstruction and rehabilitation in areas liberated from ISIL. [58], Under the British Mandate over Iraq, the Turkish language was recognized as an official language in Kirkuk and Kifri under Article 5 of the Language Act of 1930. What factors are keeping Turkey from joining this group? Universal and local, Iraqi and Turkish at the same time, the Turkoman poets were willing to serve their nation yet unwilling to neglect their culture and their Turkishness. The Kurds are the largest nation of people in the world without a country. Small-scale agriculture and village trading activities are not usually owned by the government. Iran is a religious state that has often been at war or clashed with its Middle Eastern neighbors. )2.5% (2015 est. What ethnic groups make up Iraq? [132] Furthermore, on 15 July 1959, Kurdish soldiers of the Fourth Brigade of the Iraqi army mortared Iraqi Turkmen residential areas, destroying 120 houses. Iran and Turkey have conducted a series of strikes against rival Kurdish groups in the north of neighboring Iraq at a time when the country's capital has been consumed by political unrest and . [40] The Iraqi Turkmens made their participation in the electoral process conditional that the preservation of the Turkish character in Kirkuk's administration and the recognition of Turkish as the liwa's official language. ), total: 6,254,099 (2020 est. He also regularly teaches classes at sea about Middle East conflicts, culture, terrorism, and the Horn of Africa to deployed U.S. Navy and Marine units. [81], Besides their traditional dialects, the Iraqi Turkmen diaspora also communicate in standard (Istanbul) Turkish,[82] whilst the younger generations in Iraq (below the age of 18 in 2019) speak Istanbul Turkish with ease. One claim was that the day was named after a Christian martyr and therefore was not supportive of Islam. Husseins use of weapons of mass destruction provoked the US invasion in 2003, which eventually removed Hussein from power. . The monarchy was ruled by a shah, which is a title for the sovereign leader in Iran similar to a king. Qanatssystems of shafts or wells along mountain slopesbring water from the mountains to the valleys for irrigation and domestic use. The countrys Persian identity and culture continued throughout the centuries under different ruling powers. Life expectancy at birth, female (years) Iran covers a physical area larger than the US state of Alaska. Commerce Secretary Donald Evans was former CEO of Tom Brown Inc., an independent oil and gas company based out of Denver. The last was SADDAM Husayn from 1979 to 2003. [113][114] Iraqi Turkmen claim that their total population is over 3 million. Key Facts. On 01 Jul 2021 Iraq population will be 37547686 people. Western Africa. [80] Indeed, the dialects spoken in Turkmen-dominated regions in other parts of the country including Amirli, Kifri, Tal Afar and Tuz Khurmatu are all said to be similar to the Turkish dialect of Urfa. According to . There are also Iraqi Turkmen communities living in Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand,[citation needed] Greece, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.[121][122][123][124]. Urban and Rural Settlement. [58] It was not until 2005 that the Turkmen dialects were recognized under the Iraqi constitution; since then, the Iraqi Turkmens have opened numerous Turkish schools[59] and media exposure from Turkey has led to the standardisation of their dialects towards Standard Turkish and the preferable language for adolescents associating with the Turkish culture. Turkmenistan. Middle East, bordering the Persian Gulf, between Iran and Kuwait, total: 438,317 sq kmland: 437,367 sq kmwater: 950 sq km, slightly more than three times the size of New York state, total: 3,809 kmborder countries (6): Iran 1,599 km; Jordan 179 km; Kuwait 254 km; Saudi Arabia 811 km; Syria 599 km; Turkey 367 km, territorial sea: 12 nmcontinental shelf: not specified, mostly desert; mild to cool winters with dry, hot, cloudless summers; northern mountainous regions along Iranian and Turkish borders experience cold winters with occasionally heavy snows that melt in early spring, sometimes causing extensive flooding in central and southern Iraq, mostly broad plains; reedy marshes along Iranian border in south with large flooded areas; mountains along borders with Iran and Turkey, highest point: Cheekha Dar (Kurdish for "Black Tent") 3,611 mlowest point: Persian Gulf 0 mmean elevation: 312 m, petroleum, natural gas, phosphates, sulfur, agricultural land: 18.1% (2018 est. Reformers and many young people in Iran would like to see the country become more democratic and more open to personal freedoms. Iraq Turkey; Population: 39,650,145 (July 2021 est.) Should Turkey return to the status quo ante and once again isolate Iraqi Kurdistan, the Barzanis would not go down without a fight. Second, Turkey, Iran and the United States, the most influential international powers in Iraqi Kurdistan, exerted pressure on Kurdish leadership to keep Kurdish territories within Iraq. [6], Large movements of Kurdish refugees took place after revolts that broke out in Kurdish areas in northern Iraq during the Gulf War (August 2, 1990 February 28, 1991) were curtailed by raids of the Iraqi military. . ), 7.512 million BAGHDAD (capital), 1.737 million Mosul, 1.414 million Basra, 1.052 million Kirkuk, 930,000 Najaf, 878,000 Erbil (2022), at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female0-14 years: 1.04 male(s)/female15-24 years: 1.04 male(s)/female25-54 years: 1 male(s)/female55-64 years: 0.97 male(s)/female65 years and over: 0.65 male(s)/femaletotal population: 1.01 male(s)/female (2022 est. [45][76][77][78] Yet, the Kirkuk dialect also shows comparable features with Urfa,[79][70] and there are other regions in the Kirkuk Governorate, such as Altun Kupri, Taza Khurmatu, and Bashir, which are said to show unity with the Eastern Anatolian dialect of Urfa. While he was Iraqs oil minister, Abil Abdul Mahdi spoke about discrepancies between the quantity of Iraqi and Iraqi Kurdish oil Turkey reported exported from Ceyhan versus meter readings; he suggested the difference was split between Erdoan and Masoud Barzani. Iraq. The idea was simple: The coalition states would create a safe haven in Iraqi Kurdistan, both to stem the refugee flow into Turkey and to prevent Saddam Hussein from resuming his efforts to slaughter the Kurds. Unemployment remains a problem throughout the country despite a bloated public sector. The removal of Hussein from power brought to the surface the competition between the trilateral powers of North America, Europe, and East Asia. Additionally, 49.3% originated in Baghdad, and while 47.3% arrived to Turkey in 2010, 7.8% arrived prior to 2006. Figure 8.50 The Three Core Economic Areas of the World That Consume High Levels of Energy. )nuclear: 0% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Why are there conflicts in Iran over such things as Valentines Day? From the independence of Iraq in 1932 to the republican revolution in 1958, the most significant events in Iraq-Turkey relations were the regional pacts: the Saadabad Pact and the Baghdad Pact. Ultimately, protesters are seeking personal freedoms and a more open society. ), Fitch rating: B- (2015)Moody's rating: Caa1 (2017)Standard & Poors rating: B- (2015), agriculture: 3.3% (2017 est. [39] However, due to the demise of the Ottoman monarchy, the Iraqi Turkmen participated in elections for the Constituent Assembly; the purpose of these elections was to formalise the 1922 treaty with the British government and obtain support for the drafting of a constitution and the passing of the 1923 Electoral law. A population estimated at 500,000-650,000, lives in Iraq, concentrated in Sinjar, Sheikhan, Tel Kayf and Bashiqa; some live in northern . One aspect of the invasion plan was to use Iraqs vast oil reserves to help pay for the cost of the war, which quickly ballooned to more than a billion dollars a week. [21] Rather, the term "Turkmen" in the Middle East is often used to designate Turkic-speakers, particularly in the Arab areas, or where Sunni Turks live in Shiite dominated areas.[21]. In 2006, Talabani became Iraqs first Kurdish president. The people of Turkey are neither Arab nor Persian; they are Turkish and speak the Turkish language. Industrialization requires high energy demands; therefore, the industrialized countries of the world consume energy on a massive scale. While 36.4% are Arab, 28.5% are Assyrian, and 6.2% are Kurd. )tide and wave: 0% of total installed capacity (2020 est. Diplomatically, Turkeys foreign ministry promoted the fiction of a region populated by an undercounted Turkmen minority and demanded the United States deal with the Iraqi Turkmen Front, a group whose main constituency was more Turkeys intelligence service and less Iraqi Turkmen. ), $4.344 billion (2017 est. Other support projects were contracted out to other European countries. [8]:117, The Kurdish issue seriously tested UNHCR's protection mandate, as while it is obliged to protect and assist people who are outside of their own countries, the refugees camps were located inside Iraq. Arabic is widely used as a second language and a language used in science, which was helpful in reaching a broader audience and reaching out to the regional community with academic and scientific findings. The Persian language remains and is a branch of the Indo-European language family. [24], The state-imposed terms on the Turks of Iraq were not resisted, for the word "Turkmen" had historically been designated to the Oghuz Turks who had accepted Islam and migrated westwards from Central Asia to the Middle East,[24] and had continued to be used in the region. Ethnic and religious differences thus fueled the conflict. )4.1% of GDP (2020 est. Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic. A large part of the Iraqi population lives here. [144] According to United Nations reports, the KRG and Peshmerga were "illegaily policing Kirkurk, abducting Turkmen and Arabs and subjecting them to torture". )other alcohols: 0 liters of pure alcohol (2019 est. Iraq has a very heterogeneous population in terms of ethnic background. Legend has it that Mount Ararat was the resting place of the legendary Noahs ark. About twenty-five million Kurds live in the Middle East, and most - about fourteen million - live in Turkey. It is one of the largest cities in the Middle East. 1918), being part of the Turks of Iraq signified maintaining brotherly relations with every nation, being united with Iraq, while speaking in Turkish. [36] However, war broke out after 89 years of peace and the city was besieged and finally conquered by Abbas the Great in 1624. Overregulation has made it difficult for Iraqi citizens and foreign investors to start new businesses. Most of the seventy million people in Iran are Persian. )subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 93 (2020 est. )imports of goods and services: -40.9% (2016 est. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. For example, the Iraqi Military Intelligence issued directive 1559 on 6 May 1980 ordering the deportation of Iraqi Turkmen officials from Kirkuk, issuing the following instructions: "identify the places where Turkmen officials are working in governmental offices [in order] to deport them to other governorates in order to disperse them and prevent them from concentrating in this governorate [Kirkuk]". [73] There are also linguists who have said that Iraqi Turkmen is closer to Azerbaijani,[74] placing the Kirkuk dialect as "more or less"[75] an "Azerbaijani Turkish" dialect. Demographic data, ethnic groups population and demographics from Iraq. It is interesting to note that the Persian Gulf War, initiated in response to Iraqs invasion of Kuwait, can be traced directly to globalism. [57] Consequently, the Turkish language, alongside Kurdish, was to be recognized as an official language under the Iraqi constitution of 1932: "in the liwa of Kirkuk, where a considerable part of the population is of Turkmen race, the official language, side by side with Arabic, shall be either Kurdish or Turkish". note: data are in current year dollars$56.88 billion (2018 est.) )crude oil estimated reserves: 145.019 billion barrels (2021 est. Kurds make up around 18% of Turkey's population; Turkey's largest Kurdish population lives in Istanbul (2 million). Turkey, whose population approaches 70 million, has also become a destination for irregular migrants from former Soviet Bloc countries, and a magnet for . The island is separated by the Green Line, monitored by the UN, which divides the Greek-dominated south from the Turkish-dominated north. Tribal leader Masoud Barzani, who years earlier had fled with his wife and sons to Iran after Saddam had slaughtered thousands of their tribesmen, returned with his family with not much more than the beat-up cars they drove in on and the clothes on their backs. . km with 97% of this area located in Asia and the rest in Europe. [9] Moreover, the fact that the Turkmen mainly live in urban areas, where they deal with trade and commerce, and their tendency to acquire higher education, the power of religious and tribal factors inherent in Iraq's political culture does not significantly affect the Turkmens. ), household consumption: 50.4% (2013 est. In 2010, the country was the fourth-largest oil exporter in the world and held about 10 percent of the worlds known oil reserves ( The Sunni Turkmen form the majority (about 6070%), but there is also a significant number of Turkmen practicing the Shia branch of Islam (about 30% to 40%). Iraq was ruled by Saddam Hussein from 1979 to 2003. Understand how Iraq is divided ethnically and by the branches of Islam. It was estimated there were 3 million Kurds. Chapter 8: North Africa and Southwest Asia, Figure 8.55 2010 Population Estimates for the Ethnic Triangle of the Middle East, with Egypt, Turkey, and Iran Anchoring Each Corner,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. )$10,300 (2018 est. Most of Irans population lives in cities along the mountain ranges. The Iraqi Turkmen primarily inhabit northern Iraq, in a region they refer to as "Turkmeneli" which stretches from the northwest to the east at the middle of Iraq. The Arab Shia population in the southeast makes up most of the Iraqi people. The third, and largest, wave of Turkmen migration to Iraq arose during the four centuries of Ottoman rule (15351919). [145][146], In the December 2005 elections, between five and seven Turkmen candidates were elected to the Council of Representatives. Jun 21, 2022 In 1800, the region of present-day Iraq had an estimated population of just over one million people. [140] Moreover, many Iraqi Turkmen villages and neighbourhoods in Kirkuk were simply demolished, particularly in the 1990s. Where are the two main mountain chains located in Iran? LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN. . Birth Rate. 1910), this signified that his community was Muslim and that my father is Turk, and the homeland [is] my mother". A new constitution was drafted and approved by vote of the Iraqi people. The Persians ruled the city until 1638 when a massive Ottoman force, led by Sultan Murad IV, recaptured the city. . [148], Tensions between the two groups over Kirkuk, however, have slowly died out and on January 30, 2006, the President of Iraq, Jalal Talabani, said that the "Kurds are working on a plan to give Iraqi Turkmens autonomy in areas where they are a majority in the new constitution they're drafting for the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. many Kurds were forced to flee the country to become refugees in bordering regions of Iran and Turkey A northern no-fly zone following the First Gulf War in 1991 to facilitate the return of Kurdish . When was the hope of establishing Kurdistan first proposed to the UN? [144], Between ten and twelve Turkmen individuals were elected to the transitional National Assembly of Iraq in January 2005, including five on the United Iraqi Alliance list, three from the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF), and either two or four from the Democratic Patriotic Alliance of Kurdistan. After all, it is not Turkeys broad society and economy that benefit from the Turkey-Iraqi Kurdish rapprochement but rather just a small circle of companies surrounding Erdoan. Population Pyramids: Iraq - 2021. The use of Turkish was presented as a natural progression from the Turkmen; any suggestion that the oral languages were different was immediately rejected. Iraqi Turkmen consider their capital city to be Kirkuk. Arabs are well integrated into Turkish population, some speak Turkish as well as Arabic in a daily capacity. The remaining seven states with the largest Iraqi immigrant populations include Tennessee (2,766), Texas (2,752), New York (2,721), Arizona (2,456), Virginia (1,841), Missouri (1,275), and Pennsylvania (1,209). Latvia. [25], The Iraqi Turkmens are the descendants of various waves of Turkic migration to Mesopotamia beginning from the 7th century until the end of Ottoman rule (1919). These data (statistics and projection) are based on information from the United Nations and Census on the assessment and forecasting of the Iraq population. To date, the EU does not have an Islamic country in its membership; Turkey may be the first. [140], The Kurds claimed de facto sovereignty over land that Iraqi Turkmen regards as theirs. A number of US troops will remain in Iraq in an advisory capacity. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism and stroke in a population from Eastern Turkey. In reality, just as Masoud embraced Saddam for the sake of preserving his personal power just eight years after the Iraqi government slaughtered his fellow tribesmen, so too do the Barzanis have deep ties with Iran that they might again activate should preservation of power and wealth mandate it. In July 2019, the United Nations estimated the number of international migrants (including refugees and asylum seekers) in Iraq to be 368,100, or 0.9% of the general population. Iraqi Kurdistan also contains Christian minorities (about 100,000) and Turkmen (500,000), as well as 1.8 million refugees and displaced persons. Turkey experienced a large influx of Iraqis between the years of 1988 and 1991 due to both the IranIraq War and the first Gulf war,[3] with around 50,000 to 460,000 Iraqis entering the country. Located on the Bosporusthe straits that connect the Black Sea with the Mediterranean Seathe ancient city of Constantinople was the capital of the Ottoman Empire. Though the world community opposed this action, it was not until Hussein nationalized all the oil assets of the international oil corporations that resistance was organized. [94] As of 2012, Trkmeneli TV has studios in Kirkuk and Baghdad in Iraq, and in the ankaya neighbourhood in Ankara, Turkey. Mailing List - See more. Formerly part of the Ottoman Empire, Iraq was occupied by the United Kingdom during World War I andwas declared a League of Nations mandate under UK administration in 1920. Between 2014 and 2017, Iraq was engaged in a military campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS) to recapture territory lost in the western and northern portion of the country. With the support of Ankara, a new political front of Turkmen parties, the Iraqi Turkmen Front (ITF), was formed on 24 April 1995. ), production: 0 metric tons (2020 est. )crude oil and lease condensate exports: 3,975,800 barrels/day (2018 est. )investment in fixed capital: 20.6% (2016 est. . Life expectancy at birth, male (years) Life expectancy at birth, total (years) Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24) Malaria cases reported. However, Turkey took a different approach following the 2003 invasion of Iraq in 2003, when the government took strong measures in ensuring there be no mass influx of Iraqis for the third time. Iraq attained its independence as a kingdom in 1932. . 1979. [54] Collectively, the Iraqi Turkmen dialects also show similarities with Cypriot Turkish and Balkan Turkish regarding modality. [32] In 1534, under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, Mosul was sufficiently secure within the Ottoman Empire and became the chief province (eyalet) responsible for all other administrative districts in the region. As much as 90 percent of the Turkish population is Sunni Muslim, which is similar to many of the other Muslim countries in the Middle East. The population of Iraq mainly comprised Arabs (70%) whose official language is Arabic, which originated in the Southern-Central Semitic language and is spoken in the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and other parts of the Middle East. [128] The Iraqi Turkmen living in the region of Kirkuk were perceived as posing a threat to the stability of Iraq, particularly as they did not support the ascendancy of King Faisal I to the Iraqi throne. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam. Many NGO workers and journalists would instead travel to Syria and then, if Syrian intelligence permitted, fly from Damascus to the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on an old Soviet aircraft and then take a taxi to the small, informal crossing point on the Euphrates River. After the US invasion, many of the contracts Iraq had with other countries were canceled. Furthermore, the Turkmen officer for the Ministry of Education in Nineveh has requested from the "United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq" the instigation of Turkish language classes for parents. [85] Ottoman Turkish had a strong influence in Iraq until 1920, for it was not only the official language of administration but also the lingua franca. It was against this backdrop that Erdoan decided that, given new realities, the best path forward was to co-opt the Kurds rather than seek to crush them. The US sanctions extend to an almost total trade embargo against Iran stemming from the 1979 revolution. )1,182 (2016 est. [7]:46 Historically, this was the only time that Iraqi refugees were in camps. The two main cities of Karbala and Najaf contain holy sites for Shia followers worldwide. Also in late 2017, ABADI responded to an independence referendum held by the Kurdistan Regional Government by ordering Iraqi forces to take control of disputed territories across central and northern Iraq that were previously occupied and governed by Kurdish forces. A group that is ethnically Kurdish and follows the Sunni division dominates northern Iraq. )agricultural: 35.27 billion cubic meters (2017 est.

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