i always think i am having a heart attack

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breathlessness. Or could that chest pain simply be angina or indigestion? SUBSCRIBE my channel! I have had anxiety, panic attacks and depression since I was about 10, developed extreme agorophobia about 2 years ago, and discovered almost a year ago that I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Failure to take care of the condition may cause heart damage or other organ damage. Recognizing early heart attack symptoms and treating those symptoms early can help avert sudden death and damage to the heart. These so-called silent heart attacks are only diagnosed after the event, when a recording of the heart's electrical activity (an electrocardiogram or ECG) or another test reveals evidence of damage to the heart. I am 44 years old. Prozac may take 4-6 weeks to kick in and prior to that you may experience certain unpleasant side effects. appropriate medical assistance immediately. Your heart is fine - this is what the tests showed. My heart breaks for you I am so sorry you are this young and dealing with this! It has to do with your gut.. And for teenagers like you and me.. This all started about 5 months ago. I took Prozac for a while when I was younger, around 12 and 13, and it worked pretty well for me, though I wasn't having those heart attack feeling symptoms. . Being tired and experiencing exhaustion is a classic symptom of heart problems, and of an impending heart attack, especially for women. there are some women who have heart attacks and don't get rushed to hospital and then find out !! I appreciate any sort of help you can give me. Posted In the United States, someone has a heart attackevery 40 seconds. I'm 38 and been dealing with this for at least 7 years. Learn about precautions - including visitor guidelines, If You Think You Are Having A Heart Attack, someone has a heart attackevery 40 seconds, Remote Patient Monitoring For High Risk Patients, Learning To Reuse An Arm After Hunting Accident, Uncomfortable pressure, fullness or squeezing pain in the center of the chest, Discomfort or pain spreading beyond the chest to the shoulders, neck, jaw, teeth, or one or both arms, or occasionally upper abdomen. But it could be helpful to your other loved ones And that way you can know whether or not someone else is having a heart attack. Hi I've been suffering 4 14 months with anxiety and it's been worse last few weeks a I know it's scary and when I get it I feel like I'm gonna die it's horrible, im on Meds 4 it and they dnt work.I also suffer with acid reflux and when I get bad trapped wind my anxiety gets worse coz I worry about the pain .I've tried everything to end this anxiety but nothing works. They can also feel generalized upper back or neck discomfort, says Weeks. If you breeze through that, then you are fine. Heart & Vascular Due to my agorophobia, I didn't want to go back to the doctor to get prescribed more pills, so I didn't go back. respect of any healthcare matters. I even went to a cardiologist.. And he told me my heart is in perfect condition And the risk of heart attack is very tiny. Only do it when you are relaxed Never do it when you are even just a bit anxious.. Because even a tiny bit of stress could cause bp to skyrocket. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance.Read more. I think I'm having a panic attack and I need to talk to someone. This usually happens even before you begin experiencing chest discomfort. Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin. Sometimes my left arm would even go numb. Panic attacks and heart attacks can feel frighteningly similar: shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, vertigo, feelings of unreality, numbness of hands and feet, sweating, fainting, and trembling. I worry that im gonna have a heart attack as well. You can have a fear of death without having an anxiety . It's just very hard to believe that I'm okay when I've convinced myself that there's something seriously wrong with me. Living a heart-healthy lifestyle is important. Why am I always thinking Im going to have a heart attack and die. TikTok video from ~not funny~ (@1926_2022.e): "fly. And when it senses a deadly arrythmmia.. Or even just harmless tachycardias like sinus tachycardia.. I am 35, with 5 young kids and I think the fear of me dying when they are small is at the back of everything. Good luck and happy heart rate. Will I eventually accept the pain as being there and not fearing it??? But second-guessing could put your life at risk. Heart Attack Symptoms. Did you ever find anything to make you feel better? All i can really say is that it's all part of it. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified It just feels really sore all the time and sometimes my sternum cracks or crunches when i stretch?! Hi, I'm Rachel. It I get a headache, I think maybe its an aneurysm. What it is , your stomach is created too much stomach acid for the amount of food you are consuming therefore the excess floats up and causes heartburn, chest pain, or if it's severe enough it can cause damage to your throat lining. sweating. That made me nervous though because I had anxiety in that moment and I hadn't eaten that day because I felt like whatever I ate was going to kill me, so did it mean that my blood pressure was usually low and it only seemed okay because my anxiety raised my blood pressure? It was "why do anxiety sufferers still believe they have diseases after so much reassurrance from docs that everything is ok?" Whether you're awake or asleep makes no difference when it comes to heart attacks. ICDs. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Has anyone on here gotten the proper diagnosed or treatment. Still am a little bit, but I don't ruminate on it anymore. This fatigue is not the same as feeling tired. Cookies help us improve your website experience. Throughout the entire day, I eat about a cup or so of strawberries or pineapple, one packet of Quaker oatmeal, sometimes an avocado, and will only eat one or two small pieces of skinless chicken for meat (if my family even has that for dinner, sometimes I don't eat dinner at all) because I know all of these things are labeled as heart healthy. ?I am 19 6'4 220 lbs male, I have been to the ER five times in my life thinking I am having a heart attack. i am dealing with it too. Trouble getting a deep breath. I dealt with constantly feeling like I was going to have a heart attack for about a week, but then the feeling slipped away. For 2 days now had jaw pain, back pain, chest pain, stomach pain, dizziness, sweaty palms, heart pounding, headache, stiff neck! ALWAYS BEEN SLIGHTLY ANXIOUS PERSON, BUT UPBEAT ETC. So I reasoned that these things create gas in your stomach that gets trapped in the fundus. Heart Attacks Don't Always Cause Common Symptoms Not all heart attacks begin with the . May adults ignore these warning signs and put themselves at risk for significant damage to the heart muscle, or even death. It scared me so much that I forced my parents to take me to a hospital and they did an EKG and they said everything was fine. Read the full notice: Franciscan Health Facilities | Franciscan Physician Network, ATTENTION: If you are not proficient in English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. How did you get through it at 66? Registered in England and Wales. Heart Attack , are people with anxiety funnier than the average person? Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain. They prescribed me Celexa (I think 20mg) for depression and anxiety and Klonopin for panic attacks. When a person is having a heart attack, damaged muscle cells releases certain enzymes into the bloodstream. I was laying in bed resting, but felt like my heart was beating very quickly. I eat healthy and my job is relatively active. That definately started me off on this panic trip initally. I always think that any little filling I get in my body is because of my heart. Q: Why do I have to submit to a bunch of tests? Emergency & Urgent Care , I'm in a very Is there a reason why my therapist won't reassure me? People who suffer from panic attacks often say their acute anxiety feels like a heart attack, as many of the symptoms can seem the same. Hi there, don't really have a specific experience to share. I was using shitty leaky Juuls last year and it was WAAY too much nicotine for me. And shes doing alright. Im a healthy 23 year old, the only unhealthy thing I do really is vape nicotine. My chest pain is often with left arm and back pain but never shortness of breath. Can someone give me some reassuring words to remind me Im not going to die? Yellow, black. Calm down. Depending on the type and intensity of symptoms of a heart attack, a person might wake up while experiencing a heart attack, or might not. Symptoms may not be dramatic I was in a department store, riding the escalator and i tripped. iv been back and forwards to hospital and doctors who assure me its ANXIETY after numerous ecgs, blood tests etc! Then I worry about how I mights give myself a heart attack just because i'm thinking about it so much. Ya I honestly hate my juul but same thing for me lol. PLEASE let me know how you are doing and did they ever find out what was causing this. I'm currently having a squeezing feeling in my chest and it totally sucks, but I'm trying to talk myself through it. One thing applies to everyone, though: If you think that you're having a heart attack, immediately call 911 or your local emergency number. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use Registered in England and Wales. Lightheadedness. Now I use Vuse 2.4% only because I haven't found any others that I like. Yellow, black. Someone having a heart attack usually experiences severe, persistent (>15 minutes), central or left sided chest pain that may spread to the jaw or the left arm. The doctor says I am just more aware of my heartbeat after the heart . Just to keep yourself safe. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The EMS crew in your ambulance will route you to the right hospital based on your location. Im to the point that if i am gonna have a heart attack, might as well have it so DR can find out what is really wrong with me. Good, because you haven't got heart problems. Be personal and persistent. Can someone with anxiety get a random pain due to anxiety, but not feel other, more typical anxiety symptoms (shaking, hot/cold flashes, upset stomach, racing thoughts) until they feel pain? 3 This varies based on the type of heart attack, which arteries are involved, and additional factors such as age and gender. I always feel like i will die. HAVE STRESSFUL JOB, BUT . I have the same exact symptoms as you! ( implantable cardioverter defibrillators ) prevent v fib by monitoring the hearts rythym 24/7. I am way too scared to eat anything that is not labeled heart healthy, but I am not eating enough, especially for my body weight. Heart attack testing: FAQ. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting, and back or jaw pain. Scared I'm going to have a heart attack . i too have been dealing with this myself. A rise in blood pressure, where the systolic pressure is higher than 180 or the diastolic pressure reaches 110 or more, should also be referred . Yes, I'm hoping to start slow and go on walks soon once the Prozac kicks in and I start to feel less scared about leaving and depressed. Other symptoms of a heart attack could include unusual or unexplained tiredness and nausea or vomiting. I've been having sharp chest pains every now throughout the day today and I've now got a really achey left forearm and heart burn. I was so tempted to call 911 earlier.. If you are really concerned then speak to your doctor, and they will help to put your mind at rest (easier said than done). Pain or discomfort in one or both arms or shoulders. I have new fearsite now. Horrible cycle. Breakfast is ready! Fatigue. My BP is ususally 128/80 to 130/85. The condition can be fatal if proper care is not taken by the people. Chest pain is only one of the possible signs of an impending heart attack. I too have gone to the emergency room for chest pain. I take Xanax as needed (.25mg about 5 times a month). Sometimes i get a squeezing sensation in my chest! Lets just get it checked.. If you do not have aspirin in the house, the paramedics will have it when they arrive. All rights reserved. So over the past few weeks I've been having heart attack symptoms! Now I'm not a doctor by any means, but this is my experience. I've had so many tests and EKGs, MRIs, etc. Those are the common symptoms, saidBabu S. Doddapaneni, MD, FACC, a cardiologist at Franciscan Physician Network Indiana Heart Physicians in Indianapolis. Of that number, 605,000 are first heart attacks. ? I understand that running may be problematic considering the forces acting on your joints. Many heart attack survivors have questions and wonder about the diagnostic procedures and medical care. This includes making dietary changes,;quitting smoking, exercising regularly and keeping up with doctors appointments. Does anyone else have chest pains?? Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek This can be with or without any chest comfort. Chest Discomfort Don't know about them. Thank you so, so much if you read this entire thing, and I'm sorry if it was rambly! WHY DO I ALWAYS FEEL IM HAVING A HEART ATTACK I HATE THIS :'(, https://patient.info/forums/discuss/help-why-do-i-always-feel-im-having-a-heart-attack-i-hate-this--337920. I still had anxiety on and off, but no heart attack-like symptoms. A: Tests help the doctor determine if a heart attack occurred, how much your heart was damaged and what degree of . Let's shake it up a little. Sometimes a heart attack can cause an increase or decrease in blood pressure, but having a change in blood pressure reading doesn't always mean it's heart-related. Therapy helped a lot, once I found a therapist I could connect with. Trust in your docs.. You wont have a heart attack!!! It could have a lot to do with the internet. I feel that im gonna die, blood pressure shoots up to 160 over 100, heart beats fast and i cant breathe. I was convinced I was having a heart attack and going to die. Better to be safe than sorry. I've experienced them more often in the - Answered by a verified Mental Health Professional . Every time I go they give me the routine EKG, tests, etc and end up always telling me that i am 100 percent fine. I haven't been eating very normally at all because I'm worried about my heart as well. Every year, about805,000 people in the United Stateshave a heart attack, and three-fourths of these are having their first heart attack. "For a lot of people, it is very much a progression and there are a lot of warning signs before they actually have a heart attack," says Dr. Poon. heart palpitations after a heart attack. If you have a blocked artery or are having a heart attack, you may feel pain, tightness, or pressure in your chest. It's more like having the flu, or being run over by a large bus. And they feel pain up their neck or down their arm. But the thing is, I am only 5'4 and 400 pounds, so it is only natural that I am so worried about my heart. If it was not fine, no one would release you from the hospital (risking his/her career). I get tired of doctors saying its anxiety and get put on more meds. If you think you are experiencing a heart attack, call 911 right away. Just call 911. I suffer from pvcs and they're frightening because sometimes its like a big bump in the chest. Drive yourself only if there are absolutely no other options. If you experience these symptoms and are wondering, "Am I having a heart attack or anxiety?" go to an emergency room right away. I have no idea what to do at this point, and am terrified that I am actually feeling heart failure symptoms. Press J to jump to the feed. I would recommend either swimming or using a cross-trainer (elliptical trainer) these activities put no pressure on joints. I know it's 3 years later, but do you still get these feelings? Blood pressure of 148/78 is good. All of a sudden this week ive been anxious all day and had a bad Panic Attack two days ago. I have been overweight my entire life, probably due to me not being very active. Its a common concern with panic attackers to have this fear. I am so fed up of doing well and getting on with things and having a few days of chest pain that totally sets me back. In fact, heart defects could also trigger ventricular fibrillation which is a fatal but shockable arrythmmia that can be reversed if treated quickly. You may feel as if you are having a panic attack and experience shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain, and dizziness. They then gave me an EKG and said that everything looked totally fine and it was just my anxiety giving me those scary symptoms. I had a serious heart attack 15 years ago and have been carrying a packet of BC Powder (845 mg aspirin and 65 mg caffeine) in a plastic bag in my pants pocket ever since. They may complain of nausea or . THANK YOU, that's crazy I feel the same exact way like I've been reassured her that there's nothing wrong with my heart but it's like okay maybe that was just then what about now what if something now is wrong and I get scared as well what if I don't go to the hospital this time you have the same problems I have and I feel the pains and all the symptoms and the doctors keep telling me there's nothing wrong with me so why do I feel that way I know what to say I know exactly what you're feeling and I don't know how to cope with it either so if you do find out please let me know, Hey Laura are you still currently dealing with this issue Cus I'm dealing with it and scared also I need help and amdwers. If you think you might be having a heart attack (even if you're not sure), call 9-1-1 immediately. I did have a heart attack two and a half months ago. If they occurred, they should be similar to the ones you experienced with Celexa - so be prepared and don't give up! Shortness of breath. Tags: Anxiety One symptom of an impending heart attack can be extreme anxiety. Shortness of breath. Anxiety could mimic heart attack symptoms. If there's not enough blood flowing to your heart muscle, it can damage the affected. If you think you or someone else is having symptoms of a heart attack, quick action is key. i have seen doctors, specialists had every test done and shows normal. I am so paranoid when i am in public or home i constantly have to tell myself i am ok. . Mine get so bad, like yours, to where I can't even go outside and definitely can't get into a car, I avoid it like the plague because I'm SO terrified of it triggering a panic attack! Ooh, black and yellow! If you're wondering "Am I Having a Heart Attack?", you're not alone. 7 years ago, Heart attack is a severe medical problem. They would also be able to pick up past heart attacks from st elevations and all that. And while it's true that the risk of having a heart attack increases as you age, young women are also not immune to them. And yes, I definitely avoid caffeine ALWAYS! Also, nicotine increases anxiety, so you may want to wean yourself off of your %. A lot of times, we also talk about when people are doing exposures or they're having a panic attack, they're like, "Ah, it's not just the panic attack. I also take klonopin but only .5 mg. The more time that passes without treatment to restore blood flow in your heart, the greater the damage to the heart muscle. The elusive reason for post-heart attack fatigue might also lie in the damage to . Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. I was still having the symptoms when I woke up, so I called her from work and asked her to please come home and take me to the hospital or Urgent Care to check my heart (I do not drive, due to anxiety, panic attacks and agorophobia). I was convinced I was having a heart attack and going to die. Having a small dick has kept me shy from hookups. AVOID CAFFEINE and try doing something you enjoy doing. When we got there,the nurse checked my blood pressure and said it was a little high (I don't remember the exact numbers), but my mom said it was probably because I was anxious. I'm 16 years old now (born March 7, 2000) and have been having stabbing chest pains and chest discomfort in the left side, tightness, jaw tingling, leg tingling, and arm tingling. Looking at your story, it seems to me that the doctors did everything what they were supposed to do. Do you guys ever look at other normal people and think Getting a job is harder than actually working a damn job. Men and women experience chest pains in different intensities and forms. I always think i am too. 6 years ago 10 Replies. I am trying to take it easy and not hink so much about things like that. If I have a sudden random pain, I immediately think I'm having a stroke. 4. A few months ago I took a Midol for cramps and I had severe anxiety all day because of the caffeine in it. 4) If you are having a heart attack, this would not be going on for a month's period of time; heart attacks are acute, not chronic. It usually occurs when the flow of blood inside the heart is suddenly stopped. Symptoms of panic attacks can include rapid heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, hot flashes, and lightheadednessas well as a sense of impending doom, chills, nausea, abdominal . My advice is I know it's hard and basically impossible to get yourself to come out of the panic attack once it's started. nausea. That will only make you even more anxious. If someone is resistant to getting medical attention to early heart attack signs, the Early Heart Attack Care campaign recommends these steps to help the patient get to care as soon as possible: 2022 Franciscan Alliance, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Franciscan Health Facilities and Franciscan Alliance d/b/a Franciscan Physician Network comply with applicable Federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Discussion and support for sufferers and loved ones of any anxiety disorder. This will help you to recognize a heart attack a month before it happens. Sometimes, I won't even feel anxious until I get a stabbing pain or discomfort in my chest. I havent taken Xanx again, just did a breathing excercise and dealt with it for half an hour. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Stop checking your blood pressure so much! Here are some tips for your visit. I always think there is something wrong with my heart! If I have a sudden random pain, I immediately think Im having a stroke. Posted DO NOT watch this if it will make you anxious!! After that night, I was having anxiety all day every day, and after about a week of it, I told my mom that I couldn't take it anymore and we needed to go back to the doctor as soon as possible. So please make sure that you have enough tablets all the time and never run into this situation again. I constantly think of a new disease when something hurts. My problem is work related, I cannot stop worrying about a new job I recently took on, its not working out too well. Ive been to many docs. I cant use those fancy mods. (This indicates how the heartbeat looks on an electrocardiogram . Have you considered engaging in any physical activities in order to lose a few pounds? A lot of the time.. Many people survive heart attacks. Maybe a gym or a swimming pool? respect of any healthcare matters. 18 users are following. I have bigtime health anxiety because of it. Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, burning, tightness, or pain in the center of the chest. Anytime I get really anxious Im convinced that my heart beating out of my chest from stress and anxiety is gonna lead to a heart attack or stroke. Of course, it may be the fact you are standing next to someone hot that your heart rate is increasing. People will deny they are having a heart attack by actually doing more physically to prove to themselves that they are not having one, or they do not want to upset the event they are currently attending, said Kathryn Stark BSN, RN, Heart Failure and Chest Pain Program Coordinator at Franciscan Health Indianapolis. So if you think you might be having a heart attack, most experts now advise dialing 911 immediately and having aspirin on hand so that you are able to take it if advised to do so by a medical professional. I think i am having a heart attack i'm 41 year old male - Answered by a verified Doctor We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. I am always taking my pulse and my blood pressure. Lightheadedness/Difficulty Breathing Cardiovascular problems are associated with fainting and death. You're not going to have a heart attack. I have had an Echo and EKG's and my family Doctor, they always rule out . Always think I'm having a heart attack Venting My anxiety causes such bad chest pains i think about calling an ambulance every day. 45 users are following. Patient Stories. i seriously thought i was getting better up until early on i started getting serious shooting type pains in my left side as if it was in my left breast and it was soo painful im sat here in tears because my left arm is numb! 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