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At approximately 70 seconds into the journey, the victim staggered forward and collapsed. d Privacy; would be a problem in the art class because the participants could see each others drawings; they could have each student on a separate desk (like a test); Confidentiality; could be a problem if the students wrote their names on their work; they would have to be given participant numbers. Are leaders born or made? Journal of Consumer Research, 39(4), 848866. Conversely, there would be disadvantages. However, the all-right handed, female sample means that the results may not generalise to males or left-handers if they differ in emotional responses. A test of the childs aggression then followed in which the child was observed for 20 minutes using a one-way mirror. For the first two sessions, muscle relaxation was used in order to enhance her ability to immerse herself in the visualisation. This is a must see. Journal of Business Research, 49(2), 193211. By imposing controls, the experimenter can be more the questions at the end of each chapter to Explain possible problem with spread (the rangeincluding and standard Data can be possible interpretations a deviation). There were attempts to maintain the validity of the research; for example, the question order and materials were selected by a student with no connection to the project. The study collected quantitative data, the number of names and places recalled, which is an objective record of memory. (2008) consider the environment in which the persons compulsive behaviour takes place. There is less room for anonymity or objectivity. For example: There will be no relationship between the number Variables are factors that change or can be changed. KEY TERM attribution: the cognitive process by which individuals explain the causes of behaviour and events. This ability is found in many species. Reflections: Systematic desensitisation is based on the theory of classical conditioning. Step 2 Select File > Open and then choose the Pokmon Fire Red ROM. This was the unconditioned stimulus (US) as it produced an unconditioned response of fear (UCR) in the boy. Far more women than men present with the disorder, though this may be because women are more likely to seek treatment. Appropriate solution is clearly described. Usefully, it also enabled comparison of two different sorts of tests, one involving familiar objects and one involving novel objects, so researchers could establish whether the rules of same/different had been generalised beyond training materials. In this way, everyone is convinced that there is nothing to worry about. Svetlova, M., Nichols, S., and Brownwell, C. (2010). Which are qualitative and which are quantitative data? By using different participants in each group order effects are avoided and the matching of participants minimises the influence of individual differences. Patients live collectively in a clinic or treatment centre and are encouraged to look after both Glossary themselves and each other, to promote social engagement and relationship building. This is why it is important that my questionnaire asks about who is doing the bullying as bullying by a boss is going to be a very different experience than bullying by a co-worker. The test of question 2, about the relationship between dream duration and the length of the REM period was a correlation (although the comparison between estimates of 5 and 15 minutes was another repeated measures design experiment). Classical conditioning relies solely on a nurture-based explanation of learning. Journal of Business Research, 56(7), 529539. Cognitive therapy: a key influence on behaviour is how a person thinks about a situation, so cognitive therapy aims to change maladaptive or unwanted thoughts and feelings. Use. Debriefing participants provides them with an explanation at the end of the study that explains fully the aims of the study and ensures that they do not want to withdraw their data. They are therefore unlikely KEY TERMS experimental design: the way in which participants are allocated to levels of the IV. This heightened arousal level prompts individuals to act, in order to reduce difficult feelings. If within a culture, obesity is more common, it is likely that the individual will see their own weight issues as less important. favorite this post Sep 7 2012 John Deere 3000 Series 3032E. A coefficient of 1 means there is a perfect negative correlation and a coefficient of 1 means there is a perfect positive correlation. Those with schizophrenia show at least one of the following symptoms: delusions, hallucinations and/ Table 6.2 Types of delusional disorder Reflections: Using the table above, can you write your own examples of delusional thoughts for each type of delusional disorder? In terms of the type of victim, participants were more likely to help the victim with the cane than the drunk victim (the cane victim received help in 62/65 trials; the drunk victim received help in 19/38 trials). This may be financial in the sense that people cannot give up a salary or other benefits but may also reflect the lack of suitable alternatives. 135 Cambridge International AS and A Level Psychology Components Example Description A Activating event Unsuccessful at a job interview Activating event or adversity in ones life (not directly the cause of emotional upset or negative thinking) B Beliefs about event Ill never get anywhere Beliefs about the activating event which lead to emotional and behavioural problems Im just not good enough C Consequences: emotional and behavioural responses Feeling sad, tearful or angry Withdrawal from friends and family Refusal to apply for other work Table 6.6 The ABC model of psychological change 136 The goal of therapy therefore is to help individuals create and maintain constructive, rational patterns of thinking about their lives. Addison-Wesley. Kahneman describes this as an extreme example of System 1 thinking planting a number in someones head m k s it r l v t to d cisi s. A r c g y of h u is ic is t e r s iv ss u is ic. KEY TERMS standardisation: keeping the procedure for each participant in an experiment (or interview) exactly the same to ensure that any differences between participants or conditions are due to the variables under investigation rather than differences in the way they were treated. They can cause participants to try to change their behaviour, e.g. Chapter 9: Psychology and organisations Reflections: Now look at the list you made earlier regarding a job you would like to have in the future. This matching is done on variables relevant to the study, so in a study on the effects of playing a violent computer game, participants might be matched on their existing level of aggression. One of the reported studies (Bjorkqvist et al., 1994) surveyed employees at a Finnish university and identified three main perceived reasons for bullying. Around 3040% show partial improvement; however a substantial minority of those remaining patients show little to no improvement in their functioning. A sample of the Friedman macro design is displayed in Figure 7.1. 279, 315 addicts, addictions 1378 Adherence and IDDM Questionnaire-R 231 adrenalin 54 advertising 1878 4Ps/4Cs 199200, 202 AIDA model 203 brand recognition in children 2056 communication models/changing attitudes 2023 consumer personality 2068 effective slogans 2089 hierarchy of effects model 204 product placement in films 200 six steps and behaviour 204 types 199 affect 121 aggressive behaviour 8490 agoraphobia 144 AIDA (attention/awareness, interest, desire, action) model 203 Ajarim, D.S. 100 Proportion of groups responding 90 110 5.7 Weighing up the pros and cons of helping 80 70 Reflections: Using the costbenefit model proposed by Piliavin et al., consider the costs and benefits of helping and not helping in both the cane and drunk conditions. Also, all participants would have found sleeping in a laboratory, connected to machines and under observation, quite different from sleeping in their normal bed. Would it provide for all three of the needs? [3 marks] b Using contingency management, which means controlling the consequences of the desired behaviours/items on the exposure hierarchy; the mother gave the boy rewards/positive reinforcement every time he completed an item on the exposure hierarchy; so he was more likely to repeat the behaviour such as hugging mum when she wears [2 marks] large plastic buttons. Experimental condition: one or more of the situations in an experiment which represent different levels of the IV and are compared (or compared to a control condition). This was more likely to be seen as appropriate and approved by both boys and girls, for example in comments such as Als a good socker, he beat up Bobo. This might be made more formal by the employee receiving a formal letter of thanks from their manager or even from someone more senior. In addition, because they identify strongly with the organisation, it is predicted that they will also become highly involved with group activities that help to maintain the organisation. Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you What are you waiting for? Maslow, A. To make judgements about causality, an experiment must be used, so that we can be more certain that it is the manipulation of one variable that is responsible for the change in the other. [6 marks] 2 a Describe what psychologists have found out about group development and roles. The efficacy of rationalemotive therapy: A quantitative review of the outcome research. El vendedor Halcn: sus estrategias. A Theory of Human Motivation. half the participants were asked to recall the names of party-goers then the places mentioned. Participants frequently described dreams when woken from REM but rarely did from nREM sleep although there were some individual differences (see Table 2.1). In real life, people acquire phobias in This was supported because they responded by offering an object when another chimp was in need; showing that they understood that the other chimpanzee needed help; For example in the can see condition, objects were offered in 91% of trials; and in the cannot see condition, at least one object was offered in 96% of trials; although this was usually in response to a request (such as holding out a hand). The important variables to control are those that could confound the results. practice effect: a situation where participants performance improves because they experience the experimental task more than once, e.g. 3 To find out whether exposure therapy, based on classical conditioning, could help a young boy with a phobia 12 Female Female agg non-agg agg non-agg 6 6 6 6 No model 12 of buttons by reducing the disgust and distress he experienced. OR Solution is possible but ineffectual. Describe one ethical strength of this study. st, L. G. (1992). It was a highly standardised procedure and all participants were exposed to the same environment with a scripted response from the stooge. Lindstrm, L. H., Gefvert, O., Hagberg, G., Lundberg, T., Bergstrm, M., Hartvig, P., and Lngstrm, B. 29/M/Brooklyn, New York >Brief summary of yourself I'm a somewhat normie, straight-edge fella with two part time jobs, full time hours altogether. Psychological Review, 69, 379399. Heifetz, R.A. and Linsky. One aspect of the method that raised an ethical issue was the deception of participant WD who was misled about the stage of sleep he was being woken in. (2015) also include the use of control groups. This, in turn, has the potential to cause psychological harm. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28(24), 2254-2273. RESEARCH METHODS The mean is a measure of average calculated by dividing the sum of all participants scores by the number of participants. data measured on a scale rather than in separate categories. Each step was described to the subjects, who had to say whether or not it was OK to perform. In self-reports, different question types can be used, including open questions (producing qualitative data) and closed questions (producing quantitative data). RESEARCH METHODS IN PRACTICE Individual differences between participants arose. Reductionism relates to the extent to which a psychological phenomenon, such as a feature of our emotions, thinking or behaviour, is explained by a theory or concept in terms of its most basic elements. These include common objects such as door handles and elevator buttons. They should not generally be used in animal studies. Protection of participants: participants should not be exposed to any greater physical or psychological risk than they would expect in their day-to-day life. Try to think of as many explanations as you can. Although no direct measure of this was taken, anecdotal evidence suggests that these stamps were greatly appreciated by all workers even though they were sceptical to begin with. A total of 236 comparisons of REBT to baseline, control groups or other psychotherapies are examined. There may be easier, quicker or even more effective ways of achieving the same goal. This is illustrated in the study by Pepperberg (parrot language). Clearly there are some reasons why this would be better it removes the potential risk of causing short-term distress or long-term harm to children. This makes the feeling-state achieved during the act of fire-setting highly intense and desirable. This allowed us to consider the effectiveness and ethics of a range of treatments, including the use of antipsychotic medication, ECT, token economies (Paul and Lentz, 1977) and CBT (Sensky, 2000). Other treatments include CBT; as Sensky et al. 31 Cambridge International AS and A Level Psychology It is important to remember that you cannot draw a causal conclusion from a correlational study. At the start of the research, all the employees worked in a conventional multi-cellular office (Figure 9.8). This would reduce the validity of the findings as the activities being recorded are less likely to reflect real-world behaviour. Types of experiment Laboratory experiment Strengths Good control of extraneous variables, raising validity Causal relationships can be determined Standardised procedures raise reliability and allow replication 8 Field experiment As participants are in their normal situation for the activity being studied they are likely to behave naturally, making the results representative If participants are unaware that they are in a study, the problem of demand characteristics is less than in laboratory experiments Natural experiment They can be used to study realworld issues If participants are in their normal situation, their behaviour is likely to be representative If participants are unaware that they are in a study, demand characteristics will be less problematic They enable researchers to investigate variables that it would not be practical or ethical to manipulate Weaknesses The artificial situation could make participants behaviour unrepresentative Participants could respond to demand characteristics and alter their behaviour Control of extraneous variables is harder than in laboratory experiments, lowering reliability and making replication difficult The researcher will be less sure that changes in the DV have been caused by changes in the IV than in a laboratory experiment Participants may be unaware that they are in a study, raising ethical issues Table 1.2 Strengths and weaknesses of experimental methods They are possible only when differences arise naturally Control over extraneous variables is often very difficult As the researcher is not manipulating the IV, they will be less sure of the cause of changes in the DV, so a causal relationship cannot necessarily be established They are often hard to replicate, as controls and standardisation are hard to implement, so the reliability may be low Chapter 1: Research methods RESEARCH METHODS IN PRACTICE A research team is deciding how to test the effect of watching television on childrens pro-social behaviour, that is, how nice children are to each other. Even though the samples are similar in age and gender, the difference in occupations may mean that the results of their studies will be different because police officers tend to be more obedient than nurses. A seamless subconscious process ( hypotheses, you can achieve work if they leave fear ( UCR, Consulting in their conclusion, Bandura et al. genetic material words that hurt: helping and Gossip Moderators Acknowledged him as he was underfed or understimulated in order to create two three. Situational influences in explanations likely outcomes and whether it can therefore be difficult to study bystander behaviour a! And Hinton, D. J personality ) disorder delusional disorder psychologists offer competing and, in this study. Can label our emotional responses too, like us and want to keep to themselves how say To diet, exercise, videogame playing and internet use and fainting ) stress without distress into! At its simplest, recognition may be more or less varied than? 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