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These practices can be religious rituals, but they can also be forms of environmental care, farming practices or protests, such as those conducted by the water protectors at Standing Rock, known as the No Dakota Access Pipeline, also called by the hashtag #NoDAPL. Keeping to ourselves and having our own laws rules and culture was not racist. I dont mind the semantics but I do worry that this was purely for politics again. Very interesting individual. in truth, white nationalism is in fact alt-right. Race is a real concept that we use as social beings. We have no choice in who we are, but we have a choice to view things differently and love everyone and that in itself is life. They are usually too small, create for one example among many others on the matter of genetics and interbreedability, with distinctive collective differences of the different distinguishable groups. to a personal or community context, questioning what influences their own decision-making. The curriculum at Stages A to D provides a study of personal and family histories. Every you went you found black! When we add up all of these variants, that is what we mean by genetic variability, the number of DNA differences from one person to another. Three out of four college students taking an introductory course in biology and genetics also do not know this. Limit intake of foods high in saturated fat such as many biscuits, cakes, pastries, pies, processed meats, commercial burgers, pizza, fried foods, potato chips, crisps and other savoury snacks. sequence events in chronological order, identify patterns and trends, make connections between old and new information) (WAHASS32), Identify different points of view/perspectives in information and/or data (e.g. Implement community food literacy and budgeting programs ensure culturally-appropriate approaches to development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination. Also no such thing as the black gene. Students So yes lets play semantics, again. The Aboriges date back to around the time when the oceans rose from the last ice age, stranding them on Australia and Mew Guinea and various islands. This is why theres nothing left of any other competitor Hominids. my conclusion from data collected by observation. But if you have graduated from Harvard, you will gain the ability to state with great confidence that all of this is the result only of environmental and cultural factors. .Humans are constantly evolving and changing. ANational strategy for remote Indigenous food securitywas added to the COAG agenda in December 2009 [243]. Or is the implication that those two have a more similar ancestry although they are of different races? The elephant in the room is of course the low IQs scored by black people everywhere. The freedoms that enable active participation in Australia's democracy within the bounds of law, including freedom of speech, association, assembly, religion and movement (ACHCK061), How citizens can participate in Australia's democracy, including use of the electoral system, contact with their elected representatives, use of lobby groups and direct action (ACHCK062), How laws are made in Australia through parliaments (statutory law) (ACHCK063), How laws are made in Australia through the courts (common law) (ACHCK063), The types of law in Australia, including criminal law, civil law and the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law (ACHCK064), Different perspectives about Australia's national identity, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and what it means to be Australian (ACHCK066), Participation and influences in the marketplace, The way markets operate in Australia and how the interaction between buyers and sellers influences prices and how markets enable the allocation of resources (how businesses answer the questions of what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce) (ACHEK027), How the government is involved in the market, such as providing some types of goods and services that are not being provided for sufficiently by the market (e.g. significance and contestability. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults were at higher risk of anaemia than their non-Indigenous counterparts in all age-groups (ratio 1.9 after age-adjustment). The understanding of time as a sequence is developed in the million hectares since 1990. budgeting, comparing prices, saving for the future) (ACHASSK121), Factors that shape the environmental characteristics of places, The main characteristics (e.g. Importantly, this perception varies by culture, because this is not, please excuse the pun, a black-and-white ruling. Soooo can the arguing stop now? Thank you for eloquently expressing my thoughts. We also know that cats and dogs are found on every continent along with roaches and rats too. It doesnt take much intelligence to figure out that the oldest race in the world is the negro race. protected. S I was hardly discriminated. For those who used salt in household cooking or preparing food, fewer people used iodised salt than non-iodised salt (21% and 24% respectively). However, by examining the functional purpose of each bone and applying the principle of correlation of parts, Cuvier believed that this problem could be avoided. Of these, 21 percent are likely threatened by extinction (Willis, 2017). I hope that you didnt emotionally invest too much in the notion that they werent. We seek answers to questions we are unlikely to ever know, but it keeps us from boredom. In Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics and There is no way scientific or otherwise that you can catigorize the first humans as any specific color. event : evt, The isolated splits happened, and are documented. The graphicAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guide to healthy eatingis included in Appendix 2. A joint Federal, state and territory government initiative, Tomorrow People was about promoting simple changes to eating habits and being active for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. So to say that all White people have a gene for fear and/or destruction not found in other races is simply false. Races Reality of anatomical & morphological World. Where data are available, the dietary profile tends to be better in those remote communities where more traditional foods are consumed [11, 109]. understandings through activities such as writing, painting, constructions or Expand in-store cross-subsidisation- increase mark-up of less healthy items, and lower price margins on healthier foods. The NATSIHP takes a whole-of-life approach to improving health outcomes [230, 263]. You are wrong. But there is another example where race seems to play a role in medicine: the drug BiDil, the first race-based prescription drug in the US which aims to treat heart failure. Together, these two 1796 papers were a seminal or landmark event, becoming a turning point in the history of paleontology, and in the development of comparative anatomy, as well. Be glad to field/debunk any other points in it. influences on the way people work now and consider how people will work in the Students continue This target is unlikely to be achieved, and theClose the Gap progress and priorities report 2017states that there needs to be greater attention to nutrition and food security [240]. The above consortium of ideas related to the interactions of human beings being transported on this planet earth at a velocity of roughly 66,618 nautical miles per hour, which by the way equalizes all of our daily activities to the 24 hour cycle we are locked into, proves we have something to live for, even if for only a possible 70 to 120 years. The Aboriginals here in Australia have suffered greatly and still do today at the hands of white people who implement racist laws. There are many ways to embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives into the curriculum, including through: To implement genuine inclusive environments than a meaningful understanding of acknowledgement and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is essential. The findings, revealed in The Australian newspaper today, challenge the prevailing out of Africa theory ofevolution because Mungo Man has a genetic line which hasvanished yet his skeleton is completely modern. Improving the availability, variety, quality and access of healthy foods can be achieved through improving stores and retail food outlets, transport, local food production, prepared food provision and food aid and subsidies. Some different races of babies will stay focused on the parents face and keep staring at the moving lips for the blinking eyes. Anti-whites dont have negative consequences for their hate speech nor are they taught that they cant organize on their groups behalf. recycling, stormwater harvesting and reuse, desalination, inter-regional transfer of water, reducing water consumption) including studies drawn from Australia, and one from West Asia or North Africa (ACHGK040), The factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places (ACHGK043), The influence of accessibility to services and facilities on the liveability of places (ACHGK044), The influence of environmental quality on the liveability of places (ACHGK045), The strategies used to enhance the liveability of places, especially for young people, including examples from Australia and Europe (ACHGK047), The ancient world (Egypt, Greece, Rome, India,China), Depth study 1: Investigating the ancient past, How historians and archaeologists investigate history, including excavation and archival research (ACDSEH001), The range of sources that can be used in an historical investigation, including archaeological and written sources (ACDSEH029), The importance of conserving the remains of the ancient past, including the heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (ACDSEH148), Depth study 2: Investigating one ancient society(Egypt,Greece, Rome, India, China), The physical features and how they influenced the civilisation that developed there (ACDSEH002; ACDSEH003;ACDSEH004;ACDSEH005;ACDSEH006), Roles of key groups in the ancient society, and the influence of law and religion (ACDSEH032;ACDSEH035;ACDSEH038;ACDSEH041; ACDSEH042), The significant beliefs, values and practices of the ancient society, with a particular emphasis on one of the following areas: everyday life, warfare, or death and funerary customs (ACDSEH033;ACDSEH036;ACDSEH039;ACDSEH042;ACDSEH045), The role of a significant individual in the ancient society's history (ACDSEH129;ACDSEH130;ACDSEH131;ACDSEH132;ACDSEH133), Identify current understandings to consider possible gaps and/or misconceptions, new knowledge needed and challenges to personal perspectives (WAHASS64), Construct a range of questions, propositions and/or hypotheses (WAHASS65), Use a variety of methods to collect relevant information and/or data from a range of appropriate sources, such as print, digital, audio, visual and fieldwork (WAHASS66), Select the best method for recording selected information and/or data (e.g. Core statements of this article like The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology. and race is a social construct, not a biological attribute are scientific inaccurate. Species (IUCN, 2019a), of which 8 056 were assessed as globally threatened (Critically Endangered, Community gardens are commonly identified as a solution to addressing food security in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities[143, 169, 170].Thereismoreevidenceofeffectiveness of home gardens in Torres Strait Islander communities, than on the mainland [25, 169] reflecting the relatively infertile soils, the effect of insects and other pests, and that agriculture can be inconsistent with mobility associated with Aboriginal cultural life [12]. The remaining neanderthals were probably slaves until bread out of assistance. Well said! to meet needs and wants in their community. Students develop their Also: Its ok to be in a white nation. current policies and financial incentives. An incredibly political and biased article, I just wanted to add that it still makes me laugh that in 2022 people genuinely, honestly believe in Lewontins bad and disproven science (its called Lewontins Fallacy for a reason) that because theres more variation within races, there cant be such a thing as race. part-time, casual, at home, paid, unpaid, volunteer) (ACHEK020), How people derive an income and alternative sources of income (e.g. We all need to be treated with respect, care, generosity and kindness. From what I am getting out of what little you gave on these 3 tests is that you needed something to validate your opinion, leaving out other crucial information so others wouldnt disagree. White people are genetically modified people that why antigen and toxcin is in the blood stream AB A B blood types genetically modified blood types! IM a threatened older, white male. Dont give me that garbage about conquering people unless youre prepared to take a look at some serious psychological/mental illnesses such as, narcissistic personality disorder and anti social personality disorder.these are primitive traits that homo sapiens had to evolve from in order to survive. This does not square with current forensics as I see it. Lol. Cuvier Island in New Zealand was named after Cuvier by D'Urville. Data on breastfeeding from this study showed that 80% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children had been breastfed at some time during their early years, and 22% of infants had been breastfed for at least 12 months. AtStage A the focus is on the present. into forest management practices. Im not offended on behalf of myself, my mum or the race I am (being Polynesian), Im just going by my own experiences living around my own family and seeing the differences in how both sides of my family behave, think and deal with things. This attempt to erase genetic differences stems from the same ideology that wants to erase gender differences, which completely ignores scientific facts (i.e. A particular abolitionist, travelled the country and described what was happening in towns & villages. This goes for diet as well. we would have to put it to a vote, i guess. Follow Jamaican news online for free and stay informed on what's happening in the Caribbean To develop a well- supported, resourced and educated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition workforce, food and nutrition units should be integrated into core Aboriginal Health Worker primary health care training across the country [81, 133]. birthdays, holidays, celebrations, seasons) (ACHASSK029), The differences and similarities between students' daily lives and life during their parents' and grandparents' childhoods (e.g. Over 20 years ago theAustralian national nutrition survey(1995) included a single question around individual food security: In the last 12 months, were there any times that you ran out of food and couldnt afford to buy any more? [283]. That Downs Syndrome people have a common appearance and are a specific genetic mutation, not environmental, is evidence that gene mutation occurs to change the appearance of people with common DNA. Although there appears to have been some improvement since the 1960s [64, 79], there is a paucity of recent national data on growth of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants. And if that doesnt prove superiority , Females were more likely than males to have eaten an adequate amount of fruit (57% and 51% respectively). TheStage D curriculum focuses on the features of places where students live focusing on developing students awareness, understanding and purpose of a place. My son and l are different colors. Equal yes as human beings, but in terms of race, some races are more advanced or evolved than others even when you take into account environmental factors and education level etc. As with all health programs, nutrition programs should be developed with the target communities, be delivered sensitively, be tailored to community needs, and not be forced, or perceived to be forced, upon communities. The way i see it is, yes there is this thing we recognise as race, in that there is high physical characteristics shared by groups of ppl due to many thousands of years of close group breeding, but the actual differences amount, in ppl of differing races, to about the same as hair or eye colour. nounGENETICS produce and consume our food and interact with nature. I am mixed race (white father, Polynesian mother) and Im sorry people might not want to hear it but its the truth. Furthermore, even a seemingly small difference of as little as 0.2% of genes yields a significant absolute number of genetic differences assuming a total number of genes not only those of the exons type of significantly above 10000. Otherwise, it was easy to disprove it. I will not use this description to then conceptualize other people who are at least putative members of this same group., Exactly so what makes this true they said we all have a black gene now that dna is there and many European have tests that show not one bit not even 000.1 percent of the so called eve gene its all deception to take white peoples identity away /and act like all these countries,their accents,way of life didnt take thousands of years to create as though everyone is the same its not unique an its only the people who feel worthless who want to mix or feel guilt that they shouldnt who believe this bs. i think they are so different to me. An evaluation of the impact of income management was. In order to collect reliable estimates of dietary intake at a community level in remote Aboriginal communities where there are a limited number of food outlets, the store turnover method was developed in the 1990s and validated against objective biomedical data [24, 104-106]. They are making a hybrid. Humans who left Africa bred with others outside of Africa such as the Neanderthals. The dietary intake of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was estimated from self-reported 24-hour data collected for the first time nationally in the 2012-2013 NATSINPAS [14, 15]4. Dogs share 99.9% of DNA with wolves yet theyre considered a different species, even thought they can mate. There, he became acquainted with Henri Alexandre Tessier (17411837), who had assumed a false identity. What makes 1 race think there better or smarter than any other. dispossession, dislocation, the loss of lives through conflict, disease, loss of food sources and medicines) (ACHASSK086), Translate collected information and/or data into different formats (e.g. What happened to objective, reasonable, and intelligent thought and discussion of substantive issues important to us all? Different Human populations have evolved in geographical isolation for the last 12K yrs. by Vivian Chou figures by Daniel Utter Donald Trumps election as the 45th President of the United States has been marked by the brewing storms of racial conflicts. I saw many statements bemoaning the confounding the science of race with politics. Whites are just tired of being blamed for everything by a bunch of racist pricks that pretend theyre not racist simply because theyre not white. A lack of food security and poor nutritional health, results in high levels of both growth impairment and overweight and obesity in childhood, and high rates of chronic disease in adulthood. & robotics!! But this is not to say the potential did not and does not exist in those populations, they were just late the party. While I agree with the sentiment here. Its not about your people identity its about biology and evidence. Males recorded a higher consumption of sodium than females in both populations. That mankind originated in Africa is nothing more than a guess. i believe i am viking. Meanwhile tge Caucasians will have lost their great country with no where else to go. Please give me a break, boohoo let, To cut to the chase, the element we currently describe as religion, is weaved in and out of human affairs persistently down through the ages, creating all manner of controversy that would lead to tribal uprisings, national and eventually international conflicts, that caused untold human suffering. It appeared in four octavo volumes in 1817; a second edition in five volumes was brought out in 18291830. They apply I have seen the same with Indians Hindus not marrying Muslims. Aboriginal people first arrived in Australia at least 50,000 years ago, with recent genetic evidence suggesting dates as early as 75,000 years ago, making Aboriginal Australians one of the oldest continuous populations living outside of Africa [20]. That why when you white came discovering every where you went you found black there. Others set ppl up posting false flyers, false threats etc. At Standard, students develop questions, locate and collect information and/or data from a variety of sources. shopping, recreation), distance (e.g. Your entire diatribe is nonsense, hypocrisy and pure bull shit. Race most certainly exists and is the main reason why we see huge differences between black society and white society. How do you explain Icelandic people in an artic volcanic ridden treeless island being crime free, advanced, etc ..compared to numerous black nations that are in regions that have arable land, rich in natural resources, much larger land area, etc but are violent, corrupt, backwards, illerate, etc..just for one of countless examples..why in past 1,500 years all technological advancements, inventions, etc all whites..on and on..why to blacks out run + jump whites but whites far excel academically than whiteswhy can Anthropologists identify a persons race with just some bones IF there is no biological races? In the Stanford study, over 92% of alleles were found in two or more regions, and almost half of the alleles studied were present in all seven major geographical regions. If one element attempts to elevate itself among the other elements or fights the other elements, destruction ensures. The value-of-a-person-is-based-on-their-ancestry notion must DIE. Of these, 21 percent are likely threatened by extinction (Willis, 2017). For the same reason officials in China are not opposing the Chinese communist party. provision of foreign aid, peacekeeping, participation in international organisations, such as the United Nations) (ACHCK091), The role of the High Court, including interpreting the Constitution (ACHCK092), The international agreements Australia has ratified and examples of how they shape government policies and laws (e.g. Homology yes. Again, politics and the views of those reporting nor the scientists should not be mixed into science, but since the article its self brought up the political views of one side, fairness and balance demands that the views of the other side be presented. Great topic, but sadly ruined by infection with unnecessary and senseless political agenda. Before Obama, there was little conflict that involved racism, and our country was not divided over race or history. Commitment and partnership across a range of government and industry bodies will be necessary to tackle the factors contributing to poor nutrition and diet-related health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples effectively. We know that if we ever turn that corner, there will not be any turning back or shutting it off. Barosh L, Friel S, Engelhardt K, Chan L (2014) The cost of a healthy and sustainable diet who can afford it? From my research Ive found that the tribes of so called Europe became civilized in building,reading,writing, chemistry,astronomy an so on thousands of years later than other tribes. Middle East, European, Irish taken sold, etc. evidence, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy, so, i thought about it and read some more. A recent program designed to help people reduce their risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease, is currently funded by the Victorian Government and managed by Diabetes Australia-Victoria [213]. It is unclear how it will articulate with other national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health initiatives. The curriculum at Levels A to D provides a study of personal and family histories. [9] During his gymnasium years, he had little trouble acquiring Latin and Greek, and was always at the head of his class in mathematics, history, and geography. What you wrote comes from a fearful and hateful mind and soul. I realize you mentioned this 3 years ago, but if you hadnt heard there was a discovery in 2020 of a skull from 200,000 years prier to the skull in asia, that was located in southern africa. Let the African American score my movie. I personally love every and each different race, all different cultures, costumes, habits, somatic appearances and so on, diversity is richness that belongs to the human species, and we should be happy and greatful for it. appropriate. I think David and people like him, are just using the social construct of race to express a different, underlying belief. Outwardly she is successful in a financial sense, she can mix with all kinds of people easily, she is amazing in that way, but theres another side to her that maybe only I would notice, being her sister. However, the most recent months indicate the contrary: race remains an incendiary issue. Everyone like to be right, a lot of people need to feel better about their assigned class / status. Europe (5 percent).*. includes the Russian Federation. the colour of skin. And its not just scientists who are excited about human genetics: widely affordable at-home ancestry test kits are now readily available from companies like 23andMe, Family Tree DNA, and Ancestry. vegetation clearance, fencing, urban development, drainage, irrigation, farming, forest plantations, mining) (ACHASSK112), Features of environments (e.g. Of the programs reviewed many used a peer education approach, training Aboriginal workers to deliver nutrition activities for their own communities [105, 158, 192, 195, 196, 200, 201, 224-226]. The sooner the flat earth society gets a grip on these so called real scientist the better and as for global warming its bloody freezing in my freeze and thats on the globe so go figure. Students describe different interpretations of the past, and identify the evidence used to support these interpretations. Students describe how families have changed or remained the same over time. not individual differences, but differences in the population as a whole. By the end ofStage D, students identify similarities and differences between families in their class. They have 24 pairs of chromosomes Are you telling me skin color just appeared in all people randomly at the same time in a specific area of the world because of genetics alone? Almost half of the carers involved in the study (45%) reported a barrier to their childs fruit and vegetable intake; dislike of fruit and vegetables was the most common barrier, reported by 33% of carers. From what Ive seen in life in generalWhen a party is to blame for something that thwy are guilty of, that blame ,and whatever harsh feelings that exists with it, remains alive until the guilty party: I cant remember the name , but there is an interesting documented example of a group of townsfolk in the north of the country were so appalled by what they had learned, they couldnt bloody believe it ; downed tools (that meant no pay for people who are already poor) and walked all the way to London (many, many miles away) no doubt getting support along the way; to protest. Its like saying we are chemically composed of 99.9999% of the same carbon as cut lumber, therefore we are just like cut lumber lumber. Most arguments to the contrary are blinkered short-termist and selfish. Harvard? There is not ONE European that doesnt have a minimal percentage of African, not one. I am just observant. The differences is visual As children we accept that some of our playmates have SUPERIOR skills! Hey Daryl you should turn your pointing finger towards your chest. !..Worry about the human race, becoming extinct, viaA.I. While it may seem paradoxical that food insecurity is linked to obesity, this can arise because filling up on some energy-dense, relatively nutrient-poor foods (such as flour and sugar) can cost less than filling up on nutrient-dense whole foods, such as lean meats, fresh vegetables and fruits [123, 124]. (now is the part where your comment comes into play). The bible does not clearly state that it is a sin to marry outside your race. Women were more likely to be at risk of anaemia than men (10% compared with 4.8%). Are we doing that? This eliminated within the ranks the majority of the IQ gap that causes so much discord in civilian America. You dont have the right or the power to define the nation without the consent of everyone else. This is an absurd article. It doesnt have to be dangerous, we are all still homo sapiens despite what ever genetic or racial difference we may have. the many ways in which stories of the past can be told. Students apply ethical protocols when collecting information. White people didnt create anyting, they got all their ideas from non-white ancient civilizations, theyre so prone to fighting and destroying other cultures, they built technology that helps attack or defend themselves from people that are trying to exploit.

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