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It was supposed to be a prank, but they got well-educated, serious-minded folk calling to ask who wrote it because they claimed to see the Dogman and wanted to talk to someone who might have also seen it.There have been multiple sightings of the creature over the years. It was proudly hung there until 1977 before it got stolen.Actual illustrations of rabbits with horns date back to the 16th century. This sounds to me like, attempt to get out of the fact that he wrecked his car and broke the mirror, but later sightings of the creature have given some credibility to, Most of the cryptids on this list (if they exist at all) appear to be pretty harmless. It wasnt a cryptic, creature per say, it was more paranormal/demonic. The person said they would be willing to be on your show. We are starting off the series with quite a few cryptids that are found in the state of Illinois. There are many sightings recorded of this creature and they are usually reported before disasters, so its believed danger and chaos attract the Mothman. The first reported sighting was from Joseph Bonaparte the former King of Spain in 1812. According to the ship's captain, the sea monster had a head like a camel's, had glassy eyes, and gray, coarse fur.Although sightings of Colossal Claude have been scarce since the 1950s, the creature still adds to the mystery that comes with living on the North Coast.___________________________________________________________Pennsylvania: SquonkThe Squonk is a Cryptid creature that is said to live in the northern Pennsylvania forests. Its body was covered with thick grayish hair, but its abdomen was reddish-white. According to Steller, the creature performed an amusing juggling trick with seaweed to the delight of the crew. In the earlier reports, the flying creature seemed to be everywhere at once: Ohio, West Virginia, New Jersey, etc.James Harding was the first person who saw Snallygaster. The megaladon was a prehistoric sharkthat roamed the oceans in the days of the dinosaurs. Half-wolf, half-man, the creature stalks the fields, swamps, and outskirts of Louisiana towns, looking for its prey.Also known as Loup-Garou, the story of Rougarou is connected to Cajun culture. Some believed that Mothman caused the bridge to collapse since the creature is basically the harbinger of death. The mother measures around 1.8 meters high by 1.2 meters wide. One that is more alarming to farm owners and pet owners is related to its diet. The extent of this taste ranges from simply biting attendants as he passed in his wheelchair, to some evidence that seems to indicate he actually devoured some of them. U.G. Lets get into it! The local legend has multiple versions, but certain parts are the same. Like all great monster stories, our next creepy cryptid tale involves a teenager driving alone at night. With no attacks since 1954, most presume that the Beast of Bladenboro is long dead.___________________________________________________________North Dakota: ThunderbirdThe Thunderbird is a legendary cryptid that is part of North American Natives oral culture and history across the American Southwest, North Dakota, and Southeastern part of the United States.The legend of the Thunderbird spans hundreds of years. Sightings of ahools are often dismissed simply as mistaken glimpses of owls, eagles, and other large birds of prey that inhabit the same rainforests, but some sources claim the creatures do indeed exist, and may even be an isolated and as-yet undiscovered species descended from pterosaurs. However that may have been, they were so scared that the next morning all three refused to get up and eat; they were lying in their beds pale and trembling.. According to local legend, it is a creature that resembles a man and a moth, and it roams the state of West Virginia. During the investigations, all witnesses were asked separately to draw the creature that they claimed to see. But any solid evidence so far has been proven to be a hoax. According to him, he pulled his car over and saw the frogmen for about 3 minutes. Wes I volunteered to take calls for Dukes shows. Washington.Latta, Frank F. California Indian Folklore, as Told to F.F. One account that has passed down through generations describes them as muscular and short, with dark or red skin, long eyebrows, big eyes, and protruding forehead. The legend also has its fair share of irony; those very tears of Squonk are what supposedly protect the beast.___________________________________________________________Rhode Island: Vampire Mercy BrownIn the 1890s in Exeter, Rhode Island, the Browns family became the focus of a true vampire hunt. The traditional stories represent the Bigfoot as an omnivore, wood knocking, nocturnal hunting, association with forest environments, whistling. Origin: Many Native American stories depicted a large ape-man walking through the forest. The FBI has also kept a file of the Hairy Man since 1976.Some people claim that the Sasquatch is as real as the narwhals and gorillas, but others claim it is a hoax alongside videos that claim to show lizard people, aliens, and ghosts. Just as quickly as the sightings in Elkhorn began, they ended. Usually, the creature is described as wolf-like; however, there are some cases where the witnesses claim it resembles a wolfhound or greyhound. Eventually, I'll have entries for all 50 states, plus US territories like Peurto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, etc. Steller described the animal as " about 5 feet (~1.5 m) long, with a head similar to that of a hog.It had large eyes, pointed erect ears, and . At first, no one took him seriously, but that changed when the dogs started barking. On April 3, 2013, Instawallet, a web wallet provider, was hacked, resulting in the theft of more than 35,000 bitcoins, which were valued at $ 129.90 per bitcoin at the time, or almost $ 4.6 million in total. He first thought that it was a llama but soon witnessed it spreading its wings and taking flight. After this event, there was another notable sighting. They would spend all day pounding on the big rocks near the river, making the acorn meal, and then take it down to the river to leech it. When it noticed these men, it started to violently thrash its tail and quickly vanished under the churning surface.___________________________________________________________Nevada: Water Babies of Pyramid LakeThe scenic Pyramid Lake of Nevada attracts photographers and anglers from around the globe, but the lake also has a dark side. However, Brabham claimed that the creature had bright, glowing green eyes.All three sightings were reported to the local police. Whether or not there is definitive proof is hard to say, but that doesn't sway the millions of believers.Native Americans have stories about Sasquatch dating at least as far back as the 16th century, though cave paintings date back to around 1 to 500 AD. 2022 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Of all the entries on this list, this is the creepy cryptid storythat scares me the most. Sightings of Tessie date back to at least the 19th century and usually describe a vast snake-like creature with a long neck and humped back, that swims so fast that it can even keep up with sailboats. Jerry Cornelius (author) on July 31, 2021: Thanks, Kanwal, I'm happy you liked the article! John Baxter a 15-year-old teenager was leaving his girlfriends house on foot. Though the cryptid element of this story is fairly small, the story itself is so frightening that it is worthy of a spot on this list. How did they get in the lake if they are all landlocked? The current Lake Lagarfljot is. The child was imprisoned until it escaped, either up the chimney or through the cellar door.AppearanceMultiple encounters with the cryptid over the years have left a detailed portrait of the Jersey Devil: a 7-foot tall monster with the head of a horse, large bat-like wings, a reptilian body, long, spindly legs, and arms with claws. Very elusive and intelligent, making howls, whistles, knocking on trees, and throwing rocks to communicate. But when he tried to get a closer look, the mysterious figure ran away. However, one thing is for certain; this incident helped to solidify the idea of aliens as little green men. This is because newspapers used the term little green men when telling the story even though the Suttons and Billy described the creatures as little silver men.___________________________________________________________Louisiana: Rougarou/ Loup-GarouIn Louisiana, there are tales of a mysterious wolf-like cryptid known as Rougarou. Sightings of the Ogopogo . Others believed that the creature was actually there to warn people.Theories Behind MothmanFollowing are a couple of possible theories behind this cryptid: George Johnson Mason county sheriff, said that the creature sightings occurred because of an unusually large bird. Dr. Robert L. Smith a wildlife biologist, stated that the descriptions of Mothman fit the sandhill crane, which is a large American crane with a wingspan of about seven feet. Most of these sightings were reported by people who specially visited the area in hopes of spotting the beast. According to his description, the creature had its feet molded to the top. Joann Smithey, who arranges the yearly Little Green Men Days Festival, believes this theory to be invalid.Several decades have passed since the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter, and today, the truth about what happened is more elusive than ever. This eel-like creature has the teeth of deep ocean fish and translucent skin that is nearly invisible and only shows its organs. It was last reported in these parts in March 1909.Since these sightings, a great deal has been written about the Snallygaster. According to locals, any person who ventured into the lair of this aggressive creature was never heard from again. The Altamaha-ha is a 20- to 30-foot long river monster with large flippers and a seal-like snout that is said to inhabit the mouth of the Altamaha River near Darien, Georgia. Far from being your ordinary tragedy, various strange elements of the story (and the Soviet governments overall shadiness) caused the Dyatlov Pass Incident to devolve into a media circus. Its described as a nine-foot-tall ape-like hominid and its believed to live in the woodlands of the Pacific Northwest. The word cryptid comes from cryptozoology, which derives from the Greek roots kryptos, meaning hidden, zoon, meaning animal, and logos, meaning study or discourse. Please whitelist TheClever or disable your ad blocker to continue. The legend behind the New Jersey Devil, however, is largely based on a single night which occurred in the dead of winter in 1909. was a prehistoric sharkthat roamed the oceans in the days of the dinosaurs. In the 17th century, George Wilhelm Steller spotted a sea creaturethat would appropriately be called Stellers Sea Ape. This hunt ended in January 1954, apparently three times. As a result, she drowns herself. One of them is the Selbyville Swamp Monster, also known as the Burnt Swamp Monster. While the validity of this field is still hotly debated, there are some pretty damn good stories surrounding the various cryptids of the world. 10. The word spread that the lair of the Pigman was found. The creature has appeared in numerous articles in the Middletown Valley Register as well as other local newspapers. Unsurprisingly, they found that the hair did not belong to the Bigfoot. And considering that Grayton (1976) stated that stories from Yokuts involved real behaviors observed from animals, assuming that the Yokuts had observed the behavior of Bigfoot man and incorporated it in their story is logical.Another story shows that the Hairy Man influenced Yokuts women to develop a unique working style. Between 1946 and 2002, it has been sighted dozens of times. The grootslang, or great snake, is a legendary monster said to dwell in the caves of the Richtersveld, a mountainous desert region in northwestern South Africa. While many people have disproven his claims and photo, Emily Martin, who also claims to have seen the creature, shared a video that she said was recorded at a place about a few miles from Blacks encounter. It has a dusty white shade that gives off a faint glow. If a cryptid is discovered and studied, then it no longer can be considered a cryptid. Its not that I am particularly scared of snakes, but stumbling across one that is supposedly over 40 feet long doesnt exactly sound like a great Friday to me. A local man reported seeing three of these cryptids at the side of the road in 1955. Also during this night, several residents claimed to have heard various strange noises above their heads and atop of many of their rooftops (Santa Clause, perhaps?). Today, the creature is mainly known as a bogeywoman of sorts. But then, on May 25, 1904, a fire destroyed over 200 residences in Yazoo City. One origin story is; in 1930, two brothers went hunting one day, and after returning home, one of them tossed a jackrabbit on the floor, and it landed next to some deer antlers, giving them the idea to put them together. The video portrays a similar creature.Whether or not the tales of the Jersey Devil are true, the creature has certainly made its way into New Jersey culture. Its fur color is said to be somewhere between black or silver.Dogman sightings have no clear timeline. At that time, the condition was called Consumption. In more modern tales, Wendigos are considered to be aliens, and they are often associated with UFOs.Wendigo PsychosisVarious groups living in the Northern Ojibwa region describe a mental or psychological condition that results from the Wendigo. Nowadays, the Spirit Mound is a state park covered in local prairie grass.___________________________________________________________Tennessee: Wampus CatThere are rumors of a half-animal, half-human cryptid known as Wampus Cat from Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky, and even West Virginia. Elsewhere in this article you will find an entry about Mothman in connection to the Silver Bridge incident, but that wasnt the only creepy cryptid storythat cameout of West Virginia during this time. The state by state cryptid search is a great idea. Nowadays, the creatures are generally considered a myth, but in the 19th century, sightings were remarkably common, to the extent that in 1892 an Australian amateur adventurer and scholar named Herbert J. McCooeywho had supposedly spotted a yowie near Batemans Bay in New South Wales several years earlierwrote to the Australian Museum in Sydney, offering to capture one of the creatures for a fee of 40 (around US$3000/1,800 today). Ever since then, hundreds of reported sightings of a grotesque two-legged, hooved monster with a sheep-like head and large scaly wings have been reported in the Pine Barrens, including one famous incident in the winter of 1909 when a long trail of hooved footprints, crossing under fences and over walls and rooftops, mysteriously appeared in the snow one night. One of the most unique cryptid stories is that of the Lagarfijot worm of Iceland. If more Cryptids do exist, there are scientific evolutionary . Our next creepy cryptid tale should give pause to anyone thinking about committing any crimes in urban Connecticut. While the video taken by Gimlin is incredibly grainy, it does appear to show a Bigfoot like creature ambling around a small riverbed. When the Earth was created, the grootslangs were all apparently destroyed, but according to legend, some survived and retreated to the deepest caves of the Northern Cape province. According to reports, in the final days of his life, Justinian developed a taste for the flesh of his attendants. According to the legend, the massive and mystical bird hung out among the mountain tops and snapped up its prey, e.g., humans, etc., using its gigantic talons. Stories of the Filiko Teras are probably inspired by the Greek legend of Scylla, a huge seamonster that attacks Odysseuss boat in The Odyssey, but in truth sightings of the creature are probably nothing more than mistaken sightings of squids or octopuses. He later described that object as real bright with rainbow-colored exhaust. There havent been any notable sightings of the creature after the incident.Recently, there have been reports of flying things in the area. We will continue this series until all 50 are done.. According to reports, in the final days of his life, Justinian developed a taste for the flesh of his attendants. For those with an interest in the unexplained, the summer of July 1971 will always remain a mystery.___________________________________________________________Montana: Shunka WarakinThe Shunka Warakin is a presumably wolf- or hyena-like cryptid reported throughout Montana. Blackburn, ed., pp. In the 1960s, this condition was a source of much clinical intrigue that sparked many psychological studies. This disease is commonly known as jackalopism. Otoes, Omaha, and Sioux Indians revered and feared the mound because they believed it housed Little Devils the 18-inch-tall cryptids that hated humans. We will likely never know if this is true, however, it does make for a seriously creepy cryptid story, worthy of a spot on this list. It has glowing red eyes, but during the day, it walks in human form. This must have soured the creature for all humans, because no other sighting of the cryptid has ever been reported. Humans populated the earth very fast and occupied the space other animals did before. People have also reported having seen it more recently. Although the descriptions of that monster make it seem more like a Devil Monkey than the Enfield Horror, some believe that it was the same creature.___________________________________________________________Indiana: Beast of BuscoA cryptid of sorts has left its mark on the Churubusco, Indiana community. Just as quickly as the sightings in Elkhorn began, they ended. In 1998, police in Hartford were, to find a couple of young hoodlums inside their station, admitting to attempting to kidnap a young girl. 1-882 in 10th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology for the Years 1888-1889. The crew of the Columbia River Lightship saw an animal for some time using binoculars. Hairy Man said, "I will go live among the big trees (Giant Sequoias) and hunt only at night when people are asleep." It is said that they vanish before your eyes if they are seen. They are typically associated with cannibalism, murder, and greed.AppearancePhysically, the cryptid is quite revolting. With this, fear of sharks, it is inevitable that the king of all sharks, the, , would be particularly awe inspiring. Shafter: Shafter Press. Handbook of Yokuts Indians. The name El Chupacabra literally means "goat sucker" because it is the supposed method of attacking and drinking the blood of goats and other livestock. El Chupacabra is known as one of the well-known cryptids in popular culture. According to eyewitnesses, the cryptid stands about 4/5 feet tall, has two arms attached to its front, three legs, and gigantic pink eyes. George and Mary Brown had settled into this area with their kids. The Mapinguari is a large ape-like creature said to inhabit the rainforests straddling the border between Brazil and Bolivia. Whether this creature is real or a legend, there are enough witnesses and circumstantial evidence available to keep its name and myth alive.___________________________________________________________Massachusetts: Dover DemonThe Dover Demon is a bizarre cryptid that was sighted three times in 1977 in Dover, Massachusetts, over the course of two nights.

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