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mattermost_username_override: By default Mattermost will use your username when posting to the channel. Every time a match is found, If youd like to see how to use these commands to interact with VPC endpoints, check out our Automating Access To Multi-Region VPC Endpoints using Terraform article. query_key: Counts of documents will be stored independently for each value of query_key. filenames) with multiple listings (thanks to Amelio above for the first lines). summary_table_max_rows: Limit the maximum number of rows that will be shown in the summary table. _source_enabled: If true, ElastAlert 2 will use _source to retrieve fields from documents in Elasticsearch. (Optional, boolean, default True), verify_certs: Whether or not to verify TLS certificates. MySite offers solutions for every kind of hosting need: from personal web hosting, blog hosting or photo hosting, to domain name registration and cheap hosting for small business. as a relative url (e.g. Each new event that the reference window has less than a third as many. field_value: When set, uses the value of the field in the document and not the number of matching documents. least three times that for an alert to be triggered. field name plus .keyword to count unanalyzed terms. threshold_cur: The minimum value of the metric in the current window for an alert to trigger. If none specified, the default will be used. Make sure to only include either a schedule field or standard datetime fields (such as hours, minutes, days), not both. This can be a single string or a list of strings. caller_id: The caller id (email address) of the user that created the incident ( opsgenie_proxy: By default ElastAlert 2 will not use a network proxy to send notifications to OpsGenie. query_key will be used if fields is not set. alerta_correlate: Defaults to an empty list. For example, if you need to copy only .png files from the ./directory, you can use the following command: You can achieve the same result by using the aws s3 sync command: Note: the aws s3 sync command supports the same arguments for setting up the S3 storage class and encryption. servicenow_urgency: An integer 1, 2, or 3 representing high, medium, and low respecitvely. For example, if you wish to receive alerts that are grouped by the user who triggered the event, you can set: Then, assuming an aggregation window of 10 minutes, if you receive the following data points: This should result in 2 alerts: One containing alices two events, sent at 2016-09-20T00:10:00 and one containing bobs one event sent at 2016-09-20T00:16:00. twilio_auth_token: Auth token associated with your Twilio account. Specify the title using name and a value for the field or arbitrary text using value. The body of the notification is formatted the same as with other alerters. the reference window is less than a third of that value. Use this option to change it (free text). slack_ignore_ssl_errors: By default ElastAlert 2 will verify SSL certificate. 1 hour maximum. alert_missing_value: Text to replace any match field not found when formating strings. (Optional, string, default empty string) exotel_to_number: The phone number to which you would like to send the alert. ms_teams_alert_summary: MS Teams use this value for notification title, defaults to Alert Subject. than during the previous time period. no authentication will be attempted. Show what metadata documents would be written to elastalert_status. Any Apple emoji can be used, see . Defaults to . Defaults to Jira Ticket. have each username, for the top 5 usernames. A new field with the key For example in an alert triggered with num_events: 3, You can use {{ field }} (Jinja2 template) in the key and the value to reference any field in the matched events (works for nested fields). least three times that for an alert to be triggered. Ie: Alert for {clientip}. The underlying type of this field must be Defaults to False. The body of the notification is formatted the same as with other alerters. Defaults to #ec4b98. query_key: Group cardinality counts by this field. In addition to that, Amazon Linux AMI already contains AWS CLI as a part of the OS distribution, so you dont have to install it manually. In addition to that, you can use --include and --exclude arguments to specify a set of files to upload. slack_parse_override: By default the notification message is escaped none. For example, with the following settings: and a match {"@timestamp": "2017", "data": {"foo": "bar", "user": "qlo"}}, an email would be sent to This rule also requires at least one of the two following options: max_threshold: If the calculated metric value is greater than this number, an alert will be triggered. query_key: With flatline rule, query_key means that an alert will be triggered if any value of query_key has been seen at least once When done, remove the old folder. Currently this checks for all the fields in compare_key. http_post2_all_values: Boolean of whether or not to include every key value pair from the match in addition to those in http_post2_payload and http_post2_static_payload. (Optional, base64 string, no default) The environment variable ES_API_KEY will override this field. only supports https. An instance ms_teams_theme_color: By default the alert will be posted without any color line. to generate the index names. more comprehensive explaination. Ex: description_{{ my_field }}: Type: {{ type }}\nSubject: {{ title }}. Set this option using hostname:port if you need to use a proxy. comments: Comments to be attached to the incident, this is the equivilant of work notes. Both str.format() and %-format syntax works. Defaults to . Additionally you can specify whether this field should be a short field using short: true. To create an S3 bucket using AWS CLI, you need to use the aws s3 mb (make bucket) command: Note: S3 bucket name has to be always started from the s3:// prefix. telegram_proxy_login: The Telegram proxy auth username. use_local_time: Whether to convert timestamps to the local time zone in alerts. A public channel can be specified #other-channel, and a Direct Message with @username. Lets output only buckets whose names starts from hands-on-cloud-example: We can extend the previous command to output only S3 buckets names: To delete the S3 bucket using AWS CLI, you can use either aws s3 rb or aws s3api delete-bucket commands. than regular searching if there is a large number of documents. alertmanager_alert_text_labelname: Rename the annotations label name for alert_text. http_post2_headers: List of keys:values to use for as headers of the HTTP Post. consider the following examples: alert_on_new_data: This option is only used if query_key is set. For example, when the date type field in Elasticsearch uses milliseconds (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z') and timestamp_format (Only used if format=card), googlechat_footer_kibanalink: URL to Kibana to include in the card footer. --count-only: Only find the number of matching documents and list available fields. The following configuration settings are common to all types of rules. Note that alerts that are ignored (e.g. This can be overridden using alert_on_new_data. Set this option to True if you want to ignore SSL errors. mattermost_author_name: An optional name used to identify the author. If the field cannot be found, This behavior can be changed The labels can be changed. This can be a single string or a list of strings. Each entry in the Defaults to True if http_post_payload is not specified, otherwise False. than a threshold. You can use a list of URLs to send to multiple channels. For more information writing filters, see Writing Filters. A warning will be logged to the console if this scenario is encountered. dingtalk_msgtype: Dingtalk msgtype, default to text. twilio_to_number: The phone number where you would like to send the alert. The ServiceNow alerter will create a ne Incident in ServiceNow. Set this option using hostname:port if you need to use a proxy. For an example configuration file using this rule type, look at examples/rules/example_change.yaml. smtp_host: The SMTP host to use, defaults to localhost. supported authentication methods are: Basic authentication by specifying kibana_username and kibana_password, AWS authentication (if configured already for ElasticSearch). The AWS SNS alerter uses boto3 and can use credentials in the rule yaml, in a standard AWS credential and config files, or The alerter supports adding tags, The field names whose values will be used as the arguments can be passed with alert_subject_args: It is mandatory to enclose the @timestamp field in quotes since in YAML format a token cannot begin with the @ character. dingtalk_btn_orientation: 0: Buttons are arranged vertically 1: Buttons are arranged horizontally. Note that this field will not be available in every rule type, for example, if Defaults to using the rule name of the alert. ", " Alert if at least 5 events occur within two hours, and twice as many events occur within the next two hours. It is logged into a Python Logger object with the name elastalert that can be easily accessed using the getLogger command. jira_transition_to: If jira_bump_tickets is true, Transition this ticket to the given Status when bumping. victorops_message_type: Splunk On-Call (Formerly VictorOps) field to specify severity level. tencent_sms_sign_name: Content of the SMS signature, which should be encoded in UTF-8. additional alerts for {'username': 'bob'} will be ignored while other usernames will trigger alerts. smtp_port: The port to use. The composite fields may only refer to primitive types, otherwise the initial ElasticSearch query will not properly return fields (e.g., {field_1[subfield]}). pagerduty_client_name: The name of the monitoring client that is triggering this event. linenotify_access_token: The access token that you got from Also note that datetime objects are converted to ISO8601 timestamps when uploaded to Elasticsearch. This may catch invalid YAML For example, if This section of the article will cover the most common examples of using AWS CLI commands to manage S3 buckets and objects. must change with respect to the last event with the same query_key. Set this option to True if you want to ignore SSL errors. (Only used if format=card), googlechat_header_image: URL for the card header icon. opsgenie_key: The randomly generated API Integration key created by OpsGenie. Defaults to . Defaults to . (Only used if format=card), googlechat_header_subtitle: Sets the text for the card header subtitle. opsgenie_recipients_args: Map of arguments used to format opsgenie_recipients. All of the results of querying with these filters are passed to the RuleType for analysis. will trigger an alert. If discord_embed_icon_url parameter is provided, emoji is ignored. How to Automate Amazon S3 Management Using Terraform, How to use AWS CLI to manage Amazon DynamoDB, Terraform How to enforce TLS (HTTPS) for AWS S3 Bucket, Terraform Deploy Lambda To Copy Files Between S3 Buckets, Difference between AWS s3, s3api, and s3control, Working with S3 in Python using the Boto3, Automating Access To Multi-Region VPC Endpoints using Terraform, How To Remove Files And Directories In Linux, Using Terraform to deploy S3->SQS->Lambda integration, Working with EC2 instances in Python using Boto3. (Optional, list, default none). phone number. Because ElastAlert 2 uses an aggregation query to compute this, it will attempt to use the use_keyword_postfix: If true, ElastAlert 2 will automatically try to add .keyword to the fields when making an evaluated separately against the threshold(s). terms_size: When used with use_terms_query, this is the maximum number of terms returned per query. For example, Separate multiple indices with commas. For example, to only comment on Open tickets and thus not In Progress, Analyzing,

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