united nations forced pregnancy

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Heres our HLLN challenge to the United Nations on its zero tolerance spiel which we have all heard before. Extermination; Haiti is a True Sovereign and was a co-founder of the U.N. Organization that went purposely rogue in 1947-1948, two years approximately after it was established. They confer a seeming legality to the occupation of Haiti while carrying out the Neoliberal colonial interests of the US-Euro powers at a discounted rate. It applies to armed conflicts that take place in the territory of a State when there is protracted armed conflict between governmental authorities and organized armed groups or between such groups. The UNs first reaction was to deny it happened. These crimes are perpetrated by individual men who rape and torture girls on mission, then go home to their wives. Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; Major speaking assignments include hosting International Womens Day for the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, moderating Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyis first United Nations panel following release from house arrest, and emceeing a celebration with Africas two female heads of state, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and President Joyce Banda, at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly.http://pr.aljazeera.com/post/75779115773/femi-oke-to-attend-social-media-week-lagos. : U.N. But he never did so. The more important revelation is the UNs continued secrecy on this matter as no data on the nationalities or identities of the peacekeepers were revealed.. They spin like a top and end up looking crazy, dizzy and stupid. They are saying nothing of essence! The crime of apartheid; Yet, he is washing his hands in zero tolerance rhetoric while drying it on the same old dirty towel of the career UN personnel hes put on his High-Level Task Force to Improve United Nations Approach for Preventing, Addressing Sexual Abuse.. As a result of a war crime, the combatants are held responsible for their actions, including intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war; torturing; taking hostages; unnecessarily destroying civilian property; deceiving the public; raping women. CAFHRI and other sources indicate that the strategy to use these terms is long established. The Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was adopted in July 1998 and entered into force on 1 July 2002. Let me help you take apeek just beyond the Aljazeera screen here. Its obvious to anyone that they clearly take no responsibility for their culpability at any level. Mike Perrett: Femi:Whenever I hear people complain about the UN I always remind them that it can only be as good as its members. Early childbearing, or pregnancy and delivery during adolescence, can derail girls' otherwise healthy development into adulthood and have negative impacts on their education, livelihoods and health. F**k That! Hoping to hear back from you soon please Femi. Chris Smith and other brave souls in the United States and China, we were able to obtain safe passage from China to the United States for Anni and Ruli Zhang, the daughters of veteran pro-democracy activist Zhang Lin, who is currently serving a 3.5 year jail sentence for standing up for 10-year-old Anni's right to go to . Its January 2017 and UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres already knows that the UN cannot be its own investigator, judge, jury and executioner. March 30 at 1:08pm. She has held the throne since her father, King George VI, died in 1952. For example, Article 8 of the Rome Statute categorises war crimes as follows: From a more substantive perspective, war crimes could be divided into: a) war crimes against persons requiring particular protection; b) war crimes against those providing humanitarian assistance and peacekeeping operations; c) war crimes against property and other rights; d) prohibited methods of warfare; and e) prohibited means of warfare. The United Nations has decided abortion is a "right to life" issue. Over 60 per cent of unintended pregnancies end in abortion and an estimated 45 per cent of all abortions are unsafe, accounting for five to 13 per cent of all maternal deaths recorded, according to. You held your own during the two interviews. I discussed the program directly with Ezili Dant. April 3, 2017 Written by Ezili Dant zili Dant on U.N. aid workers' pedophilia, rape, child pornography, forced prostitution, forced pregnancy, ethnic cleansing, cultural interruptions and destruction of national groups Thats when you might be dealing with, 2021, Leicestershirevillages. re-posted an zili Tweet onMarch 30, 2017 at 10:33am, ON RAPE IN HAITI AND U.N. 15 million adolescent girls worldwide, aged 15-19 years, have experienced forced sex.In the vast majority of countries, adolescent girls are most at risk of forced sex (forced sexual intercourse or other sexual acts) by a current or former husband, partner, or boyfriend. (See, Has the UN learned lessons of Bosnian sex slavery revealed in Rachel Weisz film? Although abortion was legal in Peru in this circumstance, a hospital director refused her request for an abortion. In contrast to genocide and crimes against humanity, war crimes can be committed against a diversity of victims, either combatants or non-combatants, depending on the type of crime. The crime has the following elements: The perpetrator confined one or more women who were forcibly made pregnant, with the intent of affecting ethnic composition of the population or otherwise violating international criminal law; The conduct was . Over 110 Sri Lankan UN soldiers were expelled from Haiti. You should sensor your-self instead of your guests!!! The U.N. got her in its back pocket. On March 28, 2017, I was invited to share my expertise as a human rights lawyer and expert familiar with the plight of the UN rape survivors on Aljazeera Stream. May UN human rights experts* today denounced a shocking and dangerous decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to strike down a nearly fifty-year-old legal precedent that has protected women's right to choose to have an abortion, describing it as a serious regression of an existing right that will jeopardize women's health and lives. In 1991, in a Utah abortion case (Jane L. vs. Bangerter) launched by the American Civil Liberties Union Reproductive Freedom Project, the plaintiff argued that any pregnancy that cannot be terminated was a forced pregnancy and that it was irrelevant whether the pregnancy resulted from rape or consensual sex. Femi Oke of Aljazeera brought in a few clips from her Faultlines documentary of the Haiti women who were raped by the odious UN perpetrators in the same space thats simultaneously putting the UN at ease to not speak about their cases.. Member states at the United Nations General Assembly and at the Human Rights Council are committed to take action. He took over after the previous High Commissioner, Ruud Lubbers. It's right there on the first page of the official UN page. The rape of Haiti must end. NEW YORK, March 25, 2014 ( LifeSiteNews.com) - While many women in the United States and internationally suffer from domestic violence while pregnant, only in China are women dragged out of. The colonization scheme of things was not outcome of the Western democratic values to spread freedom, liberty and justice but ferocity of violence and killings of millions and millions of human lives for the Empires to be built on colored bloodbaths. #FreeHaiti. Haitians experienced them kidnapping, operating brothels and raping Haiti women, girls and boys. . This discussion focuses on myths and misinformation as well as research-based evidence pertaining to the likelihood of pregnancy occurring due to rape, perceptions of rape-related pregnancy, abortion following rape-related pregnancy, and perspectives on appropriate health care responses to . It also calls for a particularly effective response to violations to this kind, including in particular, murder, rape, sexual slavery, and forced pregnancy, New evidence has also confirmed that the term includes restriction of access to abortion. Introduction. [20] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs . But with characteristic UN arrogance, Guatemalan diplomat and senior career UN employee, Edmond Mulet, claimed UN immunity for all its workers.). And itll carry on until theres a knock at the door and they find themselves getting arrested in front of the wife and kids., From: Zili Danto November 5, 2009 10:58 PM Or, to have a reason to do surveillance on the AFRICOM of the Western Hemisphere, which is what we at HLLN call the UN forces in Haiti. Grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, related to international armed conflict; Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict; Serious violations of Article 3 common to the four 1949 Geneva Conventions, related to armed conflict not of an international character; Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in armed conflict not of an international character. Just a bunch of bla-bla-bla from the UN. Haitis Rapprochement with Russia, Venezuela and Turkey - geopolitic, Geopolitics Behind Jovenel Moises Assassination? Has the UN learned lessons of Bosnian sex slavery revealed in Rachel Weisz film? The European crusaders crossed the channels and unknown time zones to subjugate and annihilate the Tainos and local people as part of their nationalism perception and values that other human beings were inferior to the European race and could be used as raw material to establish and promote their empires. Its right there on the first page of the official UN page. Im a huge fan of the UN so Im always optimistic about its potential. Femi Oke,Flow With the Stream: My Stroll With Femi Oke. They will NEVER admit that they are at fault. In Haiti, it helps to conduct fake elections and uses the legitimacy of the UN name to give the NGO charitable industry, the Clintons and the World Bank the space to conduct fake earthquake relief while the corporatocracy plunders Haiti lands and natural resources behind the scene. All the UN has to do is take a DNA test on the children of the rapes noted in Haiti By Force documentary, insist the member states involved or UN agencies involved put it into their personnelmedical data banks to find the matching fathers and prove or disprove the womens allegations. Sex Crimes in Congo.). A study published in 2018 by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) reported that this is the second region in the world, after Sub-Saharan Africa, with the highest teenage pregnancy rate, with 66.5 births per thousand girls and adolescents, compared to a global rate of 46. Besides the blue helmet so-called peacekeepers in Haiti, there are at least 16 other United Nations agencies in Haiti dumping their nasty culture on an innocent people. The fact that UN troops are immune from prosecution or legal action,encourages more abuses; 3). Perhaps an independent task force with credible folks, who work outside the UN and the NGO system, could put a temporary bandage on this monstrosity before its duly folded and replaced by a more democratic and non-politicized human rights system. We have to create or use our own venues where we have hearts attached to the issues instead of seeing the situation as another way to generate viewers and income. Haiti women who followed the Sri Lankan soldiers had to be rescued from brothels and polygamoushouseholds and returned to Haiti. By Force: United Nations Pedophilia, Rape, Forced Pregnancy, Prostitution and Ethnic Cleansing of. Not until after the show and very angry zili Network viewers began sending me these: As a speaker, Femi is a go-to moderator for the World Bank, United Nations and European Union. Aljazeera.com, Whenever I hear people complain about the UN I always remind them that it can only be as good as its members. https://twitter.com/obi_sa/status/847574117377167360. Immunity doesnt mean impunity. This new UN report, specifically referring to denial by the state of the right to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy as torture or ill treatment, is promising for moving women's rights. No agency in the UN acknowledged our victims nor their complaints whatsoever. Karen Cummins Coghill thanks for getting the information out thereMarch 30 at 9:35pm, Rafael Anthony voice your dissatisfaction of the way sister Ezili Dant was cutoff and silenced directly to the moderator.. . https://twitter.com/FemiOke, Rafael Anthony http://www.therealfemioke.com/Broadband.html Making good on this decades-old commitment so to help with the Haiti UN-MINUSTAH babies is the least Christian Saunders of the UN and Liz Bloomfield of InterAction can do after using AJStream to sell their zero tolerance spiel. There are not many Haitians who havent heard ofEdmond Mulets despicable actions in Haitinot only in manipulating the 2010 Haiti elections after the apocalyptic earthquake but we Haitians know how the big powers at the United Nations, use mentally colonized Black, Asian and Latin American faces and their various soldiers of fortunes at their NGOs, to cover-up, blackmail and pay off the poor Haiti mothers, poor boys and girlrape victims. The tragedy inflicted on her must be handled well, but the torture has come from the rapist, not from the denial of taking another life. Randy Short (@randyshort) April 3, 2017, New Emails Reveal Obama, Clintons Led Cover Up of Cholera Outbreak in Haiti Lets hope he does better for the Haiti rape victims. Has the UN learned lessons of Bosnian sex slavery revealed in Rachel Weisz film? 0:00. Oke, (See,Hillary Clinton and Quiet Genocide in Haiti Hides behind Humanitarian Front.). 4. Tell UN ambassador Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) : Do not to renew the UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti and to review the necessity of the 18 UN civilian agencies feeding off a helpless Haiti while bringing their culture of rape and higher salaries that devalues local business and indigenous progress. A survey of 1,100 girls and . I was displeased during your latest program The Stream Sexually abused by aid workers at how you cut Ezili Dant off constantly like everything she had to say was being censored because it was from a pure non colonial perspective. Meeting in Geneva, the 54th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (CHR) passed a resolution last week condemning what it termed "forced pregnancy." The 56-member commission concluded its. Enforced disappearance of persons; Let the sister Speak the truth about this global colonization and its invasive criminal players! With their organizational culture of rape, these agencies also destabilize the nations they enter. The womens stories and pain were just props and voyeuristic entertainment for the AJStream audience. No more UN cover-ups #FreeHaiti @nikkihaley @antonioguterres @AJStream @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/0InOJsLg2I, Ezili Dant (@Ezilidanto) March 31, 2017. These three Security Council veto powers readily use their fake news corporatist media to advance the U.N. mumbo jumbo on zero tolerance about SEA sexual abuse and exploitation without a hitch. Pamela Mariasine Hopefully it is just a question of time that the UN will fold Ezili. 1). The U.N. got her in its back pocket. Today, former US Ambassador, Lacy Swing, is one of the high-level UN/US career diplomats appointed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to a new task force to respond to sexual exploitation and rape in a more victim centered, community-based, transparent and just manner. Theres no agreement between two warring parties for the UN-MINUSTAH shoot-to-kill chapter 7 mission to enforce. This can include a host of specific forms of violence experienced by women and girls including sexual violence, intimate partner violence and domestic and family violence as well as practices that are harmful to women and girls such as female genital mutilation and forced marriage (United Nations, 1993; World Health Organization [WHO], 2010). The Haitian Permanent Mission that has the right to request these reports has abandoned the Haiti population. In fact, it should also be noted that: Terrorism originates from the Western colonial powers but none would dare to concede it for the FEAR of unknown in contemporary history. A doctor or midwife who performs an abortion is punishable by up to six years in prison, and women who undergo an abortion regardless of the reason for the procedure are punishable by up to two decades in prison. I am writing to you with regard to your latest Stream program about UN rape. But no, the best we can expect is possiblecriminal actions. Moreover, Haiti lawyers at HLLN say the UN does not have immunity because the SOFA agreement allowing MINUSTAH into Haiti was signed by a George W. Bush-imposed Boca Raton resident, Gerald Latortue in 2004. Your deliberate white-washing of the long track-record of acts of genocide, sexual abuse, and gross negligence on the part of United Nations in Haiti during the 3.29.2017 interview was utterly disgraceful. UNITED NATIONS, New York - Half.That is the alarmingly high proportion of pregnancies that girls and women do not deliberately choose. Mr. Saunders said this with a straight face, as if there are no current UN sexual predator the UN is covering-up for which Guterres could push get prosecuted, right now! The UN could at least do the same with all those experts and PHDs on its payroll. Paragraph 2 (c) applies to armed conflicts not of an international character and thus does not apply to situations of internal disturbances and tensions, such as riots, isolated and sporadic acts of violence or other acts of a similar nature. The newly release UN data on abuse fall short of such responsibility and is reprehensible. China and Russia lost the Cold War and now follow, to a lesser extent in Haiti, but still in lock step with the other top global warmongers within UN-MINUSTAH. Duress, threat, physical abuse and death threats by family members constitute force and coercion. The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (CAFHRI) reported Friday that, in a private meeting in Geneva, the Womens Caucus (of feminist NGOs) said they will refrain from using the term abortion in future UN documents and speeches, since the term is so controversial. Well, I wasnt about to take part in being so prostituted in order to give legitimacy to colonial myths and manipulations and I said so. During the Aljazeera interview (see videos below), the UN representatives took absolutely no responsibility for UN failures and travesties. The UN embodies the historical culture of rape practiced by its top three former enslaving Eurasian powers for over 500 years. The UNs zero tolerance is lip service until it is backed up by actions that realistically assures Haitians they are truly concerned about these depraved assaults on minors and women by their UN soldiers; are providing counseling and assistance to the victims; have cleaned up all backlog of complaints and have stopped making the victims who come forward with allegations of gang rape by three or four soldiers at a time, feel responsible. of abortion, denial or delay of safe abortion and/or post-abortion care, and forced continuation of pregnancy, are forms of gender-based violence that, depending on the circumstances, may amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment."14 The Special Rapporteur on torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment They rape, torture, and murder our people. The powers-that-be count on the general publics desire for peace on earth and have betrayed and abused that trust for over 60-years. I was so impressed that the Aljazeera documentary let the Haiti women speak for themselves. The COVID-19 pandemic is profoundly affecting the everyday lives of girls: their physical and mental health, their education, and the economic circumstances of their families and communities. Theres ample evidence that the UN has abused its immunity under the 1946 Convention to deny responsibility for criminal activity, therefore. (Video here and here.). Im a huge fan of the UN so Im always optimistic about its potential. Femi Oke, UN Aid Workers and Peacekeeper Rape, Pedophilia and Sexual Violence, Nobody trusts the UN to do what is right anymore! [], Tyranny looms as digital IDs and currencies roll out around the world, Jack Maxey reveals Hunter Bidens connection to Ukraine biolabs and Wuhan China. UN Declares Abortion a Universal Right; Enforced Pregnancy an International Crime A report about how the recently concluded UN Hague Forum skewers parental rights, national sovereignty and . Changes like these increase the likelihood of child marriage, and over the next decade, up to 10 million more girls will be at risk of becoming child . The Whistleblower is a shocking film that reveals how UN peacekeepers in Bosnia (outsourced to DYNCORP) turned a blind eye to kidnapping, torture and rape. But these United Nation peacekeeping abuses still go on. Also, in 2007, HLLN asked for a copy of the investigation of brothels put into Haiti by Sri Lankan soldiers. International law does not define forced displacement as a crime. The UN consistently retaliated against any staff members who try to report sexual violence. The United Nations released a report today highlighting the high rates of pregnancies of teenage mothers and problems surrounding adolescent pregnancy, especially in developing countries. Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. So, MINUSTAH is the fruit of a rotten tree that extends itself illegally through local puppets it puts inoffice to sign off for its own immunity. . 1:01:25 The United Nations lists forced pregnancy as a crime against humanity in Article 7.1.g of the Rome Statue of the International Criminal Court. They are our people, our family. Speaking, moderating and lecturing credits include the European Commission, the World Science Festival, World Expo 2011, the Africa-America Institute, the WFP, UNDP, UN HABITAT, UNICEF, UNESCO, UN WOMEN and the World Bank. In many cases, indigenous cultures that lived in harmony and cared for the environment for numerous millennia are disrupted when the profit over people invaders land on us, not with their good but their worst.

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