ethiopian current political situation pdf

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The European Union has been trying to boost its relations with Ethiopia. It is worth noting, for example, the countrys role in the Nile Basin Initiative dialogue and in the Sudanese national dialogue, and its mediation efforts in the South Sudan power struggle. 0000123224 00000 n The objective of the study is to differentiate the current political situation of Ethiopia whether it is political transformation or change. Most of the projects had to be paused, owing either to the state of emergency declared because of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country or to local violence. In brief. Some reports and a number of interviews actually suggest increased centralization of power and a growing dominance of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi within the party after its restructuring in 2001, following the resolution of the divergence within the TPLF that had appeared on the conclusion of the EthiopianEritrean war.[51] According to a number of interviewees, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's dominance appears to have persisted until his death in 2012, after which the TPLFs internal cohesion weakened, with several factions emerging. Over 170 people were killed, some by security forces, others in attacks by civilian assailants who also looted and burned the businesses and homes of ethnic Amharas and other minority communities, causing significant property destruction and the displacement of over 9,000 people. 0000010972 00000 n 0000020042 00000 n Total public debt had ballooned from $13.7 billion in 2011 to $54.7 billion in 2020, which represents a four-fold increase. On the basis of this transition framework it can be observed that the TPLF espoused a clear vision for governance and development in Ethiopia after 1991 while retaining a closed hierarchical culture, firm internal control, and control over key security levers. In November 2020 the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) launched an offensive in Tigray against Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF). Longstanding grievances and increasing polarization over historical and complex questions about land, politics, and identity, led to deadly violence among ethnic communities in 2020. Besides, violence in Ethiopia has steadily increased in recent months. The groups that were forcibly incorporated into the Ethiopian empire are now citizens of todays Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.[18] The collective memory of violence[19] that certain groups suffered in this process has remained fresh in a number of cases, owing to the continued perception or experience of central political control and targeted use of coercion.[20], Indirect and direct control and centralization have continued as modes of governance since Imperial Ethiopia ceased to exist in 1974. 0000005666 00000 n 0000009122 00000 n The extent to which decision-making has been internally democratized: Despite the adoption of a federal governance model and a new constitution (1995), efforts to increase internal democratization of EPRDF decision-making since 1991 have been limited. They have no access to sanitary facilities and clean drinking water. Copenhagen: The Danish Immigration Service. Such missions generally act as a temporary conflict stabilizer. Keller, for example, argues that the persistence of strong central policy guidance, limited fiscal decentralization and variable capacity at different levels of the administration have imposed limits on the extent to which the federal model truly empowers its constituent states meaning that power continues to reside in the TPLF/EPRDF-dominated centre. Escalating tensions and clashes in the Tigray region prompted an urgent international response urging de-escalation and dialogue, including from the UN secretary-general, the German foreign minister, the UN high commissioner for human rights, the AU, and the regional body, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD). 2020, Forthcoming: African Security Review . 0000012421 00000 n The BBC has found that nearly 2,450 severely malnourished children have died in Ethiopia's Tigray region since last year, as the civil war there escalates. Relations with Egypt remained rather tense due to Egypts concerns that Ethiopias Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD) would divert water from the Nile River. Fast forward to 20018, finally came a change inspired by the youth movement against the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) led corrupt regime that propelled Abiy Ahmed into the scene. It is tempting to start an analysis of how power is organized and exercised in Ethiopia by going back to 1991, when the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) overthrew the military junta ('Derg') under Mengistu Haile Mariam and brought 17 years of rebellion-cum-liberation struggle to an end. The discovery comes despite. 0000013839 00000 n A peace deal that was signed between the government and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in early November represents a major breakthrough after two years of conflict, although the deal is extremely fragile and there is a high risk of renewed conflict. A Forum dedicated to discussing more sensitive issues such as security, justice and human rights has yet to be formed.[53], A second contemporary factor influencing Ethiopias current political settlement can be captured succinctly: the continuous dominance of the Ethiopian state by the TPLF/EPRDF since 1991. 0000010200 00000 n On this point, see also: Vaughan, S., Revolutionary democratic statebuilding: party, state and people in the EPRDFs Ethiopia, in: Abbink and Hagmann (2013). Share this via Printer, As More Climate Chaos Looms, Slashing Fossil Fuels Is Key. The results show that the current reform in Ethiopia mainly transformation rather than change. Planning elements include multi-year year development plans to stimulate growth through major infrastructure initiatives (such as the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) and by organizing the economy in accordance with ideological concepts. 0000015731 00000 n The political environment in Ethiopia is undergoing a period of radical transformation under a new Prime Minister who took office in April 2018 and launched a vast programme of political and economic reforms. P.O. Corruption is reported to be growing in volume and salience as it extends beyond small-scale individual self-enrichment to acquire larger proportions. 0000082615 00000 n This aid benefits around 86,000 people. Since the second half of 2019, however, these reforms seem to have stagnated and the country is now witnessing more stringent control of the media, a state of emergency imposed in different parts of the country and the postponement of national elections. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Office of the Prime Minister Context for the Current Situation in Ethiopia The Evolution of Criminality 12 November 2020 Following a wave of popular protests that swept across the country for almost two years, the reformist government led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in April 2018. Ethiopia - The New York Times Ethiopia Ethiopian Government and Tigray Rebels Set to Begin Peace Talks Delegations from both sides have traveled to South Africa for the first formal. This ten-sion is still present, as is evident from the nume-rous recent clashes and conflicts in the country. Ethiopian politics operates in a system of "ethnic federalism"while there is a central government to this federation, its constituent parts are carved out along ethnic lines and jockeyed . The government is structured as a federal parliamentary republic with both a President and Prime Minister. On this point see: Pausewang, S., Ethiopia: Crisis of State, Good Governance and the Reform of the Security Sector, in: Debiel, T. with A. Klein (2002). Yet, authorities in Benishangul-Gumuz and Amhara region began returning thousands of internally displaced people within Metekel in April. It was on the heels of twenty-eight years of the Tigraian ethnic dominated repressive rule with mixed . The EPRDF is a good contemporary example of this dynamic (discussed below). Given the countrys diversity, it is remarkable that the Ethiopian state has not just survived such centrifugal dynamics, it has also enjoyed relative stability since 2000, as well as making substantial economic progress. Figure 1 illustrates this rise and highlights its structural form. Ethiopia's main state security organizations. However, it can also be argued that the combination of Ethiopias political culture of militarism, history of violence and its control-oriented approach to power tends to prioritize the use of force in response to regional insecurity over softer conflict resolution methods, such as negotiation and dialogue.[34] Here, one could point to Ethiopias bilateral interventions in Somalia and its training of Somali militia along its border, which is separate from its engagement with the Somali National Army through AMISOM.[35]. HV]lU>,BC6f#TcPv3$ 1vwvHg[3x0h"`b$J`*1F(xxwVd{w @`Y$=IXqA%:-[=%RX{/'RR*:Nf05gfym7v.Y~}#skwV.L\dW;?kZ:4Q=`myd/'nosj`Jt{Cy!uU0}. 14. However, as Ethiopian scholars Emebet Getachew, Mehari Taddele Maru, and Yohannes Gedamu discuss, a national dialogue process may have the potential . This research explored the success and failure of the vicious circle of Ethiopian politics since 2018. 0000012057 00000 n the Ethiopian government had to call on the ceasefire to save innocents who were used by the criminal members as human shields. The highland periphery of the Ethiopian plateau consists of parts of the present-day nations (the Ethiopian term for federal states) of Oromia and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples. 0000007026 00000 n On the importance of land: Vaughan, S. and K. Tronvoll. PDF. 0000010330 00000 n To start with, ethnicity was more or less inadvertedly politicized by the military junta as a by-product of its large-scale repression of national movements, such as student associations and trade unions, that were considered political risks. 0000123863 00000 n In several high-profile cases, authorities appealed or seemed to ignore bail orders, requested more time to investigate, or transferred suspects between police authorities, some with overlapping jurisdictions, without informing relatives or counsel. Internationally. 0000014817 00000 n Public opinion polling from 2020 indicate that Ethiopians are evenly split between preference for ethnic and non-ethnic federation. Markakis (2011). It acquired more or less its present form through a series of campaigns resulting in the conquest of both the highland periphery of the Ethiopean plateau and the lowlands surrounding it.[12] Ethiopias ability to avoid all but a very short period of direct colonial rule has enabled its rulers to chart an autonomous path of national development, which has involved dealing with friction between its diverse social forces, and experimenting with various modes of governance and the organization of security. The crisis centers on the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia, along the Eritrean border. Institutional reforms, notably around the security sector, and truth, reconciliation, and accountabilitykey commitments made earlier in the Abiy administration and all of which are key to dealing with heightened political and ethnic tensionswere limited. For instance: Markakis (2011). 0000018797 00000 n As the former seek to maintain the status quo, the latter push for change.[63]. Ethiopia - the second most populous country in Africa - is a one-party state with a planned economy. 0000011104 00000 n This paper is mainly based on secondary data analysis of the available secondary information and news reports, online articles, academic literature, interviews . He co-authored a book on the Ethiopian Revolution. 0000013016 00000 n This has included arbitrary arrests, blockages of movement and trade, and cutting villages off from water and food supplies. As a direct result, thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced. c. 74 million (2007 census); c. 90 million (2015 estimate), Ethiopian Orthodox (43%+), Muslim (34%+), Protestant (c. 18%) (2007 census), Oromia (36%+), Amhara (23%+), Somali (c. 6%), Tigray (c. 6%) (2007 census), 16% vs. 84% (2007 census); 20% vs. 80% (2014 estimate), c. 25% of population (national poverty line), Sudan (civil war), Eritrea (no war, no peace), Djibouti, Somalia (civil war), Kenya, South Sudan (civil war), Sources: 2007 population census of Ethiopias Central Statistical Agency, IMF, World Bank database, UNDP, Geohive. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is warning that the worsening situation in Ethiopia puts at risk the "peace and stability" of the Horn of Africa.. In a June report, the special rapporteur welcomed steps to reform previous laws restricting freedom of expression but remained concerned by significant penalties in the media law and vague provisions in the hate speech and disinformation law. Tronvoll (2009). At the same time, the party also uses the ability to withhold such opportunities as a tool of control, in part to limit and discourage its citizens from political engagement. The fighting by all sides undermined the ability of humanitarian actors to operate in insecure areas. See: Markakis (2011). Then UN special rapporteur on freedom of expression, David Kaye, visited Ethiopia in December 2019, the first official mission by any mandate holder to the country since 2006. Due to internal and external factors such as political instability and climate change, millions of Ethiopians have been forcibly displaced, disempowered, and are without basic services such as water, shelter, and sanitation. Opposition leaders have been subjected to abuse and their parties prevented from operating as such through an array of restricting laws and regulations.[54], Some analysts portray a model of concentric circles, with the TLPF at the core of power and dominating the EPRDF coalition, followed by a second ring, composed of the ANMD, OPDO and SEPDF, which act as more junior partners of the EPDRF,[55] and a third ring made up of EPRDF satellite parties, such as the Afar Peoples Democratic Organization and Beni Shangul-Gumuz Peoples Democratic Party. In the security sector, a 2017 public report revealed that out of 49 ranking military generals in the Ethiopian National Defense Forces, 34 (around 70 percent) were TPLF appointed ethnic Tigrayans. Ethiopia enjoyed support from international actors and most of its regional neighbors, due to its role as host of the African Union (AU), its contributions to United Nations peacekeeping and regional negotiations and counterterrorism efforts, and migration partnerships with Western countries. Phone: +41 44 360 88 24 By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Schools were closed due to the pandemic until at least September 2020, affecting over 26 million children. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. Although the economy in Ethiopia is at the developing stage, recent protests . Nevertheless, two recent developments are making ethnicity more prominent as a future source of strife. Two years after Ethiopia and Eritrea signed a peace agreement, issues around the agreement remain unsettled, and the borders remain heavily fortified. Zelalem Teshome Baye. Ethiopia is virtually unique in Africa in possessing a tradition of the state which long predates the colonial era. 3. 7. It was a watershed moment that ended a prolonged period of harsh oppression in which tens of thousands of Ethiopians disappeared, perished, fled or were imprisoned.[11] It was also the start of the period 199195 in which Ethiopias current political settlement was forged between the different political parties that make up the Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). NGOs, partners and the international community have not been directly impacted by the ethnic clashes or the government's restrictive new policies. The EthiopianSomali war of 197778 is a high-profile example of such cross-border claims. 0000017122 00000 n See: International Crisis Group. Tadesse, M., Overcoming challenges for Security Sector Reform in the Horn of Africa, in: Le Roux, L. and Y. Kidane (eds). C Functioning of Government C1 0-4 pts HEKS/EPER currently has a total of eight projects in these regions. In some cases, security forces failed to intervene in time to protect lives and property or participated in the looting. 0000005351 00000 n This effectively meant that other groups that were more territorially and ethnically based became key channels of resistance. Food security and the health situation are rapidly deteriorating. The first quotation is taken from Tronvoll (2009). 0000015508 00000 n While the Ethiopian empire of the past was dominated by Amharans, the contemporary Ethiopian federal state has been dominated by Tigrayans for most of the time.[24] The origins of rule by the Amharan-Tigrayan imperial core can be understood through the power dynamics of the growth of the empire. On September 18, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order that established a sanctions regime on individuals and entities responsible for human rights abuses in northern Ethiopia and for . 0000008241 00000 n 1701 et seq.) Given the TPLFs historical role in shaping the EPRDF, and the number of respondents who commented on the continued influence of the TPLF within the EPRDF, the section that follows focuses primarily on the TPLF.[42], The first contemporary factor influencing Ethiopias political settlement is the partial and ongoing transition of the TPLF from liberation movement to political party. Reports of extrajudicial killings, mass arrests and detentions, and violence against ethnic Oromo civilians, including medical professionals, accused of supporting or being sympathetic to the armed rebel group the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), were widespread. In the process of imperial expansion and consolidation, entire sultanates, principalities and even population groups were eliminated as need dictated. 0000013141 00000 n In August, security forces arrested, beat, and used excessive force against scores of protesters, and allegedly killed over 40 people in eastern Oromia. These contemporary factors that influence Ethiopias political settlement point to the following broad parameters for the organization of security: The partial transition from liberation movement to political party indicate that security principles, policies and initiatives still lack transparency and are set by a small group of insiders whose background is one of military struggle and strong party loyalties. The local peasantry was subjected to serfdom and tied to its land by an elaborate mechanism of taxes and services, while local elites were either suppressed or co-opted into the existing feudal Amharan hierarchy, depending on the level of resistance they had offered in the process of their subjugation. For example, the large TPLF/EPRDF recruitment drive in the wake of the 2005 elections was primarily an effort to shore up the partys support base. This branding has happened mainly through associating such groups with the transnationalism, radicalism and extreme violence of Al-Qaedas jihad, which was the central theme of the war on terror. Hagmann (2014). A final contemporary factor that influences Ethiopias political settlement is the fusion of political power and economic interests in a governance model in which both state and economy are led by the party for the people through the state. Chapter 1. Contemporary Ethiopia emerged from the rebellion-cum-liberation struggle that toppled the military junta in 1991. Share this via Facebook Past and present of political power inEthiopia, Dynamics of political power in Ethiopia: past and present, Factors influencing the evolution of Ethiopias political settlement, A legacy of centralization, control and coercion continues to influence styles of rule and administrative approaches, The partial transition of the TPLF/EPRDF from movement to political party creates strong leadership structures that rest partly on internal control and a lack of external transparency, A legacy of exclusionary rule with ethnic undertones limits broader distribution of power and risks counter-mobilization(s), The expectation that TPLF/EPRDF rule will continue perpetuates a single-party monopoly, The volatility and insecurity of the region requires and perpetuates securitized approaches to (political) conflict, Political power and economic interests are fused and harnessed to a national strategy of state-led economic development. Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in 90 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3)nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808, Conduct of Security Forces, Attacks by Armed Groups, Due Process Rights and Fair Trial Standards, Freedom of Expression, Media, and Association, Bidens Challenge: Redeeming a US Role for Human Rights, Addressing the Climate Crisis in Times of Pandemic, From Flight Logs to Homeschooling, Human Rights Watch Grapples with Covids Challenges, As Online Gender-Based Violence Booms, Governments Drag Their Feet, The Other Pandemic: Fighting Inequality as We Beat Back Covid, Poverty, Pandemic, Police Violence: Ongoing Crises Demand the US Address Pervasive Racism, arrest of dozens of members of opposition parties, government counterinsurgency campaigns against armed rebel groups, detention of prominent Oromo opposition leaders, beat and shot at crowds, and reportedly killed over 16 people, half of the conflict-induced displacements, returning thousands of internally displaced people, arrested Abdi Regassa and eight other members of Oromo Liberation Front, authorities appealed or seemed to ignore bail orders, first place she officially visited outside Europe, EU high representative and several commissioners visited Ethiopia, committed US$3 billion in investment and assistance, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD. Ethiopia is one of the world's oldest countries, its territorial extent having varied over the millennia of its existence. to give chances for humanitarian actors to save more lives On February 29, police arrested Abdi Regassa and eight other members of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). 0000009281 00000 n The current political structure of Ethiopia was formed after This paper presents primarily the current political situation of Ethiopia whether it is transformation or change. the violent campaign of the military junta against Ethiopias civilian population and its various rebel-cum-liberation movements. HEKS/EPER is therefore building urgently needed latrines and rehabilitating water points in order to improve access to clean water and enhance the general sanitation situation. Inflation increased to 26.7% in 2021 from 20.4% in 2020, much above the . Nominally in an effort to restore law and order, the . 0000013420 00000 n Since the political changes of 2018, Ethiopia has been undergoing what may be its most rapid and drastic change in modern history. These are being carried out in collaboration with local and international humanitarian organizations. Moreover, as already noted, leaders beyond the political core typically have been incorporated to some extent into the ruling elite.[26] This has endowed central rule with greater legitimacy while at the same time creating functional channels for implementing decisions made at the political centre. 0000017777 00000 n 0000014670 00000 n Developments in this war, which started with a well-prepared nightly assault of the then-ruling Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) on federal army bases in Tigray Regional State, are going fast (see also Abbink 2021a, 3-4).The war was expanded by the TPLF into areas outside Tigray, where major abuses . See for instance: Dehz, D. and B. Gebrewold, When Things Fall Apart Conflict Dynamics and an Order Besides the State in Post-collapse Somalia,: A conflict complex is understood analogous to a security complex, meaning: a set of units whose major processes of securitization, desecuritization, or both are so interlinked that their security problems cannot reasonably be analysed or resolved apart from one another. Buzan, B. and O. Waever. The lowlands consist of the present-day nations of Somali, Afar, Benishangul-Gumuz and Gambela, as well as parts of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples and Oromia. This, however, triggered a protracted insurgency by the UICs youth wing, Al-Shabaab, that thrived on projecting Ethiopia as foreign occupier to justify counter-violence and radicalization. Indicative of this are, for example, the various reports of the United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea. For illustrations of these different aspects of Ethiopias economic management: see: Verhoeven, H., Africas Next Hegemon: Behind Ethiopias Power Plays. 2. In May, journalist Yayesew Shimelis was the first person charged under it. Within the EPRDF, the Tigrean grouping TPLF was the most powerful. While these may be developmentally oriented and positive for the country, they also reflect and maintain existing structures of power and authority, and can be used for less benign purposes. The diplomatic relationship between Ethiopia and the U.S. is important, complex, and focused on four broad goals: (1) protecting American citizens; (2) strengthening democratic institutions and expanding human rights; (3) spurring broad-based economic growth and promoting . National elections are now scheduled for June 2021 and given their significance, further outbreaks of violence are to be expected throughout the country. If this issue is not rectified quickly, the peace in the country may be jeopardised. Share this via Reddit 0000026826 00000 n Goods exports totaled $1.3 billion; goods imports totaled $445 million. HEKS champions the cause of a more humane and just world and a life in dignity. This Forum has gathered together leaders of sectors such as health, transport and construction throughout 2015 and 2016 with the aim of getting senior policy-makers to listen and hear from sectoral leaders about the impact of government policies on the functioning of their particular sector. Significant aspects of this approach were reproduced in varying forms by the military junta between 1974 and 1991 and some aspects by the EPRDF between 1991 and 2015, in particular the continuation of top-down decision-making and implementation, especially in the realms of high politics and security, with little scope for dissent or adaptation to local circumstances.[21] Even today, decision-making takes a committee-style form, usually involving small groups of well-connected individuals who, by and large, are not representative of the population at large.[22] That said, it should be noted that this centralized approach to governance seems to have served Ethiopias ruling elites well in terms of resisting colonization, facilitating significant surplus extraction from vast areas with diverse populations and enabling a focused mobilization of resources for economic growth today.[23], A second historical factor that infuences the evolution of Ethiopias political settlement is a legacy of exclusionary rule with ethnic undertones. The conflation of government and to some extent the state with the party indicates that instruments of state, such as security institutions, are used in pursuit of partisan objectives.

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