list of crimes against humanity

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How about Jeb's face went pale when he opened his? If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. 810, The words "crime against humanity" were first used after the Armenian Genocide. Vincent Otti was indicted on 8 July 2005 on 11 counts of crimes against humanity and 21 counts of war crimes in regard to the situation in Uganda. On and around 24 February 2003, he is alleged to have ordered his forces to attack the village of Bogoro in a military operation coordinated with the Nationalist and Integrationist Front (FNI), an allied armed group composed mostly of members of the Lendu ethnicity. A significant distinction between crimes against humanity and war crimes is that crimes against humanity do not have to take place during war. Crimes against humanity are certain acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack on a civilian population. Center for Justice and Accountability Do you remember when all the members of the cabal were handed envelopes? The charges against Jean-Pierre Bemba also include those from a case initiated on 20 November 2013; in that case he has completed his sentence of one year's imprisonment and a 300,000 fine. [71] Hussein continued to play an active role in the Sudanese government (which has refused to cooperate with the Court) where he served as Minister of Defense. To allow the court to charge the Nazis for these crimes, the court passed a law. The list of people who have been indicted in the International Criminal Court includes all individuals who have been indicted on any counts of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, aggression, or contempt of court in the International Criminal Court (ICC) pursuant to the Rome Statute. On 13 July 2012 he was additionally charged with three counts of crimes against humanity and four counts of war crimes. In, Violence in mass media has been constantly discussed in the past twenty years as a reasoning for teenage violence against others, between video games such as Doom and Call of Duty, movies such as Fight Club, Scream, American Psycho, and Natural Born Killers and social media dehumanizing acts of violence. [5]. The charges against Omar al-Bashir also included those from an additional arrest warrant issued on 12 July 2010. "[10] The campaign included attacks against four internally displaced person camps: Pajule on 10 October 2003, Odek on 29 April 2004, Lukodi on 20 May 2004, and Abok on 8 June 2004. [151] Although both the prosecution and the defense appealed the judgment and the sentence, both parties discontinued their appeals on 25 June 2014, thus ending the proceedings. This was the first time that any type of sexual abuse, other than rape, was included as a crime against humanity. [194] However, on 13 September 2017, the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC stated that there were contradictory reports on whether he was arrested or not. He is alleged to be "one of the most senior leaders in the tribal hierarchy in the Wadi Salih Locality" who commanded thousands of Janjaweed forces in the Darfur region from August 2003 to March 2004 during the Darfur conflict. The document, which obtained over 3,100 signatures around the world, blasts the "one size fits all" treatment recommendations . [citation needed], Saleh Jerbo was indicted on 27 August 2009 on three counts of war crimes with regard to the situation in Darfur, Sudan. As the Leader of the Revolution (the de facto head of state) and Commander of the Armed Forces of Libya he allegedly planned, in conjunction with his inner circle of advisers, a policy of violent oppression of popular uprisings in the early weeks of the Libyan civil war. On 23 January 2012, Pre-Trial Chamber II decided not to confirm the charges against Ali, thus ending the proceedings against him. This continues through racist laws and attitudes. They want to hurt an entire group of people that they do not like. [191] Because Otti's death has not been independently verified, the Court still considers him to be at large as a fugitive and proceedings against him are ongoing. Kosgey, as a top leader in the ad hoc Kalenjin organization, directed Kalenjin youths to target civilians of the Kikuyu, Kamba, and Kisii ethnic groups, which were perceived to be supporters of the Party of National Unity, the political party of Odinga's opponent during the election. The target of the attack was alleged to have been both the village's predominantly Hema civilian population and the base of the Hema armed group, the Union of Congolese Patriots (UPC), located in the center of the village. Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both. [20] Since his indictment, Haroun continued to play an active role in the Sudanese government, which refused to cooperate with the Court, for several years. According to the arrest warrant issued for him, sometime after 1 July 2002 (the date the Rome Statute entered into force) he allegedly ordered his forces to carry out attacks against internally displaced person camps which were pillaged and resulted in attacks on, enslavement of and cruel treatment of civilians. , or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. [46] Mbarushimana was arrested in France on 11 October 2010 and transferred to the Court on 25 January 2011. Recent definitions used in international law have expanded the list of violations to include: institutionalized racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination (apartheid); forcible population transfer; forced disappearance; or forced prostitution, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy, and other severe forms of sexual violence. [87], Callixte Mbarushimana was indicted on 28 September 2010 on five counts of crimes against humanity and six counts of war crimes with regard to the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). [175] The trial in the case began on 2 September 2015. We are also advocating an amendment to the Torture Victim Protection Act that would provide a civil remedy for crimes against humanity. [75], Joseph Kony was indicted on 8 July 2005 on 12 counts of crimes against humanity and 21 counts of war crimes with regard to the situation in Uganda. [90] It is alleged that between about 30 June 2012 to 10 July 2012 he directed and participated in an attack against at least nine mausoleums and one mosque in the city. Abu Garda was alleged to have been a commander of a splinter group of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), a rebel group fighting in the Darfur conflict against the Sudanese government. [130] On 22 March 2014, the Ivorian government transferred Bl Goud to the Court's custody. Crimes against humanity The concept of crimes against humanity originated in the 18th century, denouncing the atrocities of slavery and colonialism, and entered international law after World War II. [6], Dominic Ongwen was indicted on 8 July 2005 on three counts of crimes against humanity and four counts of war crimes in regard to the situation in Uganda. At that time, courts could try people for war crimes. Cultural Plunge: An Exceptional History Of Perseverance. [167] On 27 September 2016 the trial chamber found al-Mahdi guilty and sentenced him to nine years' imprisonment. [11] Kony later confirmed that Otti was dead to Riek Machar, a mediator between the Ugandan government and the LRA. Many parents have labeled anything that is not family-friendly as a root cause of criminal behavior. CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, ARREST & EXECUTION LIST. Ahmad al-Mahdi's sentence of 9 years' imprisonment was reduced to 7 years' imprisonment. Murder/Extermination (this is the action of killing a larger amount of people, while murder is often more individualized) [164] Following the confirmation of his death, the Court terminated proceedings against Lukwiya on 11 July 2007. On the way, the Ottoman military raped, robbed, and killed civilians. The concept of crimes against humanity is developing through international customary law, precedent CJA is at the forefront of developing. List of Less common crimes: Abandonment of wife Accidental criminal, situational criminal Assault with intent to commit rape Bone trade Car cloning Chantage (blackmail), form of blackmail Child Exploitation, child exploitation Click job Clothing theft Complicity in genocide Concealment of birth Concealment of death Corpse abuse Crank letter He is alleged to have been the deputy leader and treasurer of an ad hoc organization created by members of the Kalenjin ethnic group to perpetrate violence on behalf of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) during post-election violence in December 2007 and January 2008. . Congrs Panafricain des Jeunes et des Patriotes, Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, led his forces into the village of Bogoro, Shura Council of Benghazi Revolutionaries, List of Axis personnel indicted for war crimes, List of people indicted in the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, List of people indicted in the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, "DR Congo warlord Thomas Lubanga released from prison", "Abd-Al-Rahman trial opens at International Criminal Court", "ICC released Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui from custody following his acquittal", "ICC Appeals Chamber confirms Trial Chamber I's decision acquitting Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Bl Goud of all charges of crime against humanity", "Mudacumura killed in DR Congo army operation", "Aim Kilolo Musamba, Narcisse Arido and Fidle Babala Wandu released from ICC custody", "Kenyan Judge Says ICC Erred in Issuing Arrest Warrant for Two Kenyans Wanted in Bribery Case", "Paul Gicheru on interim release with conditions in Kenya", "Situation in Mali: Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi surrendered to the ICC on charges of war crimes regarding the destruction of historical and religious monuments in Timbuktu", "Mali: la CPI libre Ahmad Alfaqi prsum terroriste d'Al Qaeda", "Situation in Mali: Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud surrendered to the ICC on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes in Timbuktu", "Al Hassan trial opens at International Criminal Court", "Situation in Central African Republic II: Alfred Yekatom surrendered to the ICC for crimes against humanity and war crimes", "Yekatom and Ngassona trial opens at International Criminal Court", "Patrice-Edouard Ngassona transferred to ICC for alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes", "Situation in Central African Republic II: Maxime Jeoffroy Eli Mokom Gawaka surrendered to the ICC for crimes against humanity and war crimes", "Situation in Central African Republic II: Mahamat Said Abdel Kani surrendered to the ICC for crimes against humanity and war crimes", "Said trial opens at International Criminal Court", "Public Redacted Version of Appellant's document in support of the appeal", "Bemba Lays Out Grounds for Appeal Against ICC Conviction", "Jean-Pierre Bemba's war crimes conviction overturned", "Jean-Pierre Bemba: Congo warlord's conviction overturned", "Charles Ble Goude: Ghana extradites Ivory Coast Gbagbo ally", "ICC-CPI-20140322-PR988: Charles Bl Goud transferred to the ICC", "Trial of Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Bl Goud opens at International Criminal Court", "Ex-Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo acquitted at ICC", "Saif al-Islam Gaddafi arrested in Libya", "Libya court postpones Saif al-Islam Gaddafi trial", "To Little Fanfare, Muammar el-Qaddafi's Son Is Freed in Libya", "Ivory Coast's Gbagbo Captured at Presidential Compound", "Simone Gbagbo, former Ivory Coast first lady, sentenced to 20 years in prison", "Ivory Coast president pardons 800 people including ex-first lady", "U.N. flew indicted war criminal to Sudan meeting", "ICC suspect, JEM-Bashar deputy presumably killed in Darfur", "Germain Katanga found guilty of four counts of war crimes and one count of crime against humanity committed in Ituri, DRC", "Germain Katanga sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment", "Defence and Prosecution discontinue respective appeals against judgment in Katanga case", "Thomas Lubanga Dyilo and Germain Katanga transferred to the DRC to serve their sentences of imprisonment", "Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on the withdrawal of charges against Mr. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta", "Uganda Enlists Former Rebels to End a War", "ICC-CPI-20110407-PR650: Confirmation of charges hearing in the case of, "Sudan Arrests Militia Chief Facing Trial", "ICC-01/04-01/06: Decision on the confirmation of charges", "ICC-02/04-01/05-270: Notification Confirming the Death of Raska Lukwiya", "Al Mahdi case: accused makes an admission of guilt at trial opening", "DRC army says Rwandan Hutu rebel commander Mudacumura killed", "Still smuggling: A warlord goes about his business", "Bosco 'Terminator' Ntaganda loses ground to DR Congo army", "Bosco Ntaganda: Wanted Congolese in US mission in Rwanda", "ICC-CPI-20130322-PR888: Bosco Ntaganda in the ICC's custody", "ICC-CPI-20120326-PR890: Ntaganda case: Confirmation of charges hearing to start on 23 September 2013", "Ntaganda trial opens at International Criminal Court", "Ugandan military says senior LRA commander may have been killed", "Ugandan LRA commander Okot Odhimabo's 'grave found', "Lord's Resistance Army commander and former Joseph Kony lieutenant Dominic Ongwen held in Central Africa", "Dominic Ongwen transferred to The Hague", "Dominic Ongwen makes first appearance before the ICC", "Ongwen trial opens at International Criminal Court", "Former Gaddafi spy chief held in Mauritania", "Mauritania: Former Gadhafi spy chief extradited to Libya", "East Libyan forces say have arrested commander sought by ICC", "Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda renews call for the immediate arrest and surrender of ICC suspect, Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf al-Werfalli", "Libyan commander wanted for war crimes by ICC shot dead", Wanted by the International Criminal Court, Agreements on the Enforcement of Sentences, Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, Twenty-third Amendment of the Constitution, Presidents and vice presidents of the Assembly of States Parties, American Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition for the ICC, People publicly indicted in the International Criminal Court,, People indicted by the International Criminal Court, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Appealing sentence of 25 years' imprisonment, Completed sentence of 14 years' imprisonment on, Serving sentence of 30 years' imprisonment, This page was last edited on 16 October 2022, at 21:12.,,,,,,, He was indicted on 8 March 2011 on five counts of crimes against humanity with regard to the situation in the Republic of Kenya. He is alleged to have been the Executive Secretary of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), a Hutu Power rebel group fighting in the Kivu conflict, since July 2007 and the de facto President since November 2009. [118] On 5 September 2013, however, Pre-Trial Chamber II found that a similar visit to Nigeria did not constitute non-compliance, but it requested Nigeria "to immediately arrest Omar Al Bashir and surrender him to the Court should a similar situation arise in the future". During this battle, from 3 June 2016 to 17 July 2017, al-Werfalli is alleged to have been responsible for the war crime of murder for the execution of 33 prisoners. [176] In April 2012 he and his troops defected from the military and left Goma to form the March 23 Movement, an armed group that began attacking villages and towns around Goma. [21] The Sudanese government has refused to cooperate with the Court and to execute the warrant of arrest for Kushayb. The list below details the counts against each individual indicted in the Court and his or her current status. [13] Lubanga Dyilo was arrested on 19 March 2005 by Congolese authorities after allegedly ordering an attack on UN peacekeepers; following the indictment in 2006 and the subsequent arrest warrant, Congolese authorities transferred Lubanga Dyilo to the Court's custody on 16 March 2006. On 11 March 2013, the prosecutor announced that her office would withdraw all charges against Muthaura, citing a lack of cooperation from the Kenyan government, the death and killing of witnesses, and the recantation of testimony by a key witness who was bribed by agents of the accused. [36] Additionally, he is accused of intending to partially destroy the Fur, Masalit, and Zaghawa ethnic groups by killings, "causing serious bodily or mental harm", and "deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction" of the ethnic groups. Respectively, the column titled G lists the number of counts (if any) of the crime of genocide with which an individual has been charged; H list the number of counts of crimes against humanity; W the number of counts of war crimes; A the number of counts of the crime of aggression; and C lists the number of counts of contempt of the court and other offenses against the administration of justice. On 5 December 2011 he made his first appearance before the Court and the confirmation of charges hearing took place from 19 to 28 February 2013 before the pre-trial chamber and on 12 June 2014 it confirmed all the charges against him. POSC 345 However, despite the occurrence of this trial and its proof of brutality towards humans, the world ignored, purpose of trying those responsible for the war atrocities. From July 2002 to December 2003, Ntaganda is alleged to have ordered FPLC troops to conscript and enlist children to the FPLC and UCP, and of using them "to participate actively in hostilities". [129], Charles Bl Goud was indicted on 21 December 2011 with four counts of crimes against humanity with regard to the situation in the Republic of Cte d'Ivoire. Khaled is accused of being responsible for crimes against humanity and war crimes both as a participant and as the commander of the ISA. Unlike war crimes and genocide, crimes against humanity are not codified in an international convention, although there is currently an international effort to establish such a treaty, led by theCrimes Against Humanity Initiative. From July 2002 to December 2003, the UCP and the FPLC allegedly fought in the Ituri conflict under the command of Lubanga Dyilo. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court For the purpose of this Statute, 'crime against humanity' means any of the following acts when committed as part of a. [124] The Trial Chamber sentenced Bemba to 18 years' imprisonment on 21 June 2016. [158] Despite the arrest, no evidence of any further proceedings has emerged. [173] The Prosecutor appealed the judgment, but the Appeals Chamber upheld the acquittal on 27 February 2015. To be crimes against humanity, crimes must be:[1], Crimes against humanity must also be committed against a civilian population (people who are not soldiers). [49] Muthaura was summoned to appear before the court on 8 April 2011 and the confirmation of charges hearing was held from 21 September 2011 to 5 October 2011, in conjunction with the cases against Mohammed Ali and Uhuru Kenyatta. [73] Mudacumura is alleged to have commanded FDLR troops which committed war crimes in the course of attacks against the Congolese armed forces in the villages of Busurungi, Kipopo, Malembe, Manje, Mianga, and the surrounding areas, in North and South Kivu Provinces in the eastern DRC between 20 January 2009 and 30 September 2010. He is alleged to be the chairperson and commander-in-chief of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), an armed group which has been waging a guerrilla campaign since 1987 against the Ugandan government. [50], Abdallah Banda was indicted on 27 August 2009 on three counts of war crimes with regard to the situation in Darfur, Sudan. [45], Germain Katanga was indicted on 2 July 2007 on three counts of crimes against humanity and six counts of war crimes with regard to the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). They tortured people, treated them like animals, and ultimately dehumanized them. [140], Laurent Gbagbo was indicted on 23 November 2011 on four counts of crimes against humanity with regard to the situation in the Republic of Cte d'Ivoire. The Nuremberg Trials would therefore be marked in history as one of its kind. Crimes against humanity consist of various actsmurder, extermination, enslavement, torture, forcible . These crimes include murder, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, persecution, enforced disappearance, etc. The Congolese government refused to arrest him and in 2009 Ntaganda became a general in the armed forces in the city of Goma in North Kivu province. [25] The Court transferred Katanga to the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 19 December 2015 to serve his sentence. [2], Bahr Abu Garda was indicted on 7 May 2009 on three counts of war crimes with regard to the situation in Darfur, Sudan. This is where the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials started. [49] Muthaura is allegedly criminally responsible for murders, deportations, rapes and other forms of sexual violence, persecutions, and other inhumane acts perpetrated by Mungiki forces against civilians who were perceived to be loyal to the ODM in the towns of Kibera, Kisumu, Naivasha, and Nakuru. [49] Kenyatta is alleged to have "had control over the Mungiki organization" and directed it to conduct murders, deportations, rapes and other forms of sexual violence, persecutions, and other inhumane acts against civilians in the towns of Kibera, Kisumu, Naivasha, and Nakuru. About us. Proudly created with The concept of crimes against humanity is developing through international customary law, precedent CJA is at the forefront of developing. Specifically, Pre-Trial Chamber II declined to confirm the charges of torture or outrages upon personal dignity. The ICC includes all of these as crimes against humanity:[3]pp. provides a link to an indictment, arrest warrant, summons, or other document listing the final charges against the individual before the beginning of the confirmation of charges hearing. It became a fight, a trial of humanity as the world witnessed the atrocities committed by the Nazis. In 1976, the United Nations General Assembly ruled that apartheid is a crime against humanity. [161] On 10 July 2012 he was sentenced to 14 years' imprisonment. [62] Senussi was arrested on 17 March 2012 at Nouakchott International Airport in Mauritania after he arrived on a flight from Casablanca, Morocco with a fake Malian passport. [62] Furthermore, Senussi commanded forces in and around Benghazi and "directly instructed the troops to attack civilians demonstrating in the city". Among the countries he traveled to include Chad, Djibouti, Kenya, Malawi, and South Africa which are states parties to the Rome Statute, and were therefore obligated to have arrested him. On 18 March 2013, the Trial Chamber granted the prosecutor permission to withdraw the charges and terminated all proceedings against Muthaura. [156] Ruto, as the a top leader in the ad hoc Kalenjin organization, directed Kalenjin youths to target civilians of the Kikuyu, Kamba, and Kisii ethnic groups, which were perceived to be supporters of the Party of National Unity, the political party of Odinga's opponent during the election. Lubanga Dyilo is accused of conscripting and enlisting children to the FPLC and of using them "to participate actively in hostilities". Rough Cut - Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.

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