emergency medicine research articles

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Hunter AA, Bernstein B. Rosen T, Bloemen EM, LoFaso VM, et al. Facilitating HIV/AIDS and HIV testing literacy for emergency department patients: a randomized, controlled, trial. Does stage of change predict improved intimate partner violence outcomes following an emergency department intervention? Kondis JS, Muenzer J, Luhmann JD. 23(12):18, December 2001. Coben JH, Friedman DI. Complete Eats: Summer Meals Offered by the Emergency Department for Food Insecurity. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2022 Jan. Leveraging emergency department visits to connect older adults at risk for malnutrition and food insecurity to community resources: design and protocol development for the BRIDGE study. Emergency Medicine Journal is an international peer review journal covering pre-hospital and hospital emergency medicine, and critical care. Hynie M, Ardern CI, Robertson A. Regional Differences in Pediatric Firearm-Related Emergency Department Visits and the Association With Firearm Legislation. Non-accidental Trauma Injury Patterns and Outcomes: A Single Institutional Experience. Does numeracy correlate with measures of health literacy in the emergency department? Health, access to health care, and health care use among homeless women with a history of intimate partner violence. The ePub format is best viewed in the iBooks reader. Shah CP, Holloway CP, Valkil DV. Louwers EC, Affourtit MJ, Moll HA, et al. Professional interpreters and bilingual physicians in a pediatric emergency department: effect on resource utilization. J Emerg Med. Choo EK, Zlotnick C, Strong DR, et al. Biros MH, Hoffman PL, Resch K. The prevalence and perceived health consequences of hunger in emergency department patient populations. Effect of a Computerized Alert on Emergency Department Hepatitis A Vaccination in Homeless Patients During a Large Regional Outbreak. Research Article posted Oct 04, 2022. Nineteen (26%) studies focused specifically on injury patterns of abused children, and the likelihood of child abuse among patients presenting with fractures, head trauma, and oral injuries.71,75,81,82,86,91,95,97,99,101,107,109111,113,115,117,119,127 About 22 (31%) studies focused specifically on child sexual assault cases,70,79,80,96,98,106,112,116,118,120,123,125,130,132,133,141 with six of these studies looking at sexually transmitted infection (STI) and pregnancy testing, STI prophylaxis, and the use of sexual assault nurse examiners.77,78,121,122,140,150 Two of three review publications focused on screening,154,155 with one publication focusing on improving the ED workflow for suspected or confirmed child abuse cases.156, Other common study objectives included examining and amending the ED workflow for child abuse cases, developing screening protocols, and understanding provider knowledge and training with regard to child abuse in the ED. Emergency department and inpatient health care utilization among patients who require interpreter services. Russo A, Reginelli A, Pignatiello M, et al. Testing and Treatment After Adolescent Sexual Assault in Pediatric Emergency Departments. Bharel M. Emergency Care for Homeless Patients: A Window Into the Health Needs of Vulnerable Populations. Simmons S, Sharp B, Fowler J, et al. Available at: Konstantopoulos WLM, Dreifuss JA, Mcdermott KA, et al. Journal of continuing education in nursing. Impact of language barriers on patient satisfaction in an emergency department. Williams JR, Halstead V, Salani D, et al. Beydoun HA, Williams M, Beydoun MA, et al. Berkowitz SA, Seligman HK, Meigs JB, et al. Beck M, Gordon J. Pierce MC, Magana JN, Kaczor K, et al. Chisolm-Straker M. Measured Steps: Evidence-based Anti-Trafficking Efforts in the Emergency Department. Rates and correlates of risky firearm behaviors among adolescents and young adults treated in an urban emergency department. The role of alcohol use and depression in intimate partner violence among black and Hispanic patients in an urban emergency department. Predictors of emergency room use by homeless adults in New York City: the influence of predisposing, enabling and need factors. Language concordance as a determinant of patient compliance and emergency room use in patients with asthma. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. Olives T, Patel R, Patel S, et al. MS, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, 3600 Forbes Ave, Iroquois Building, Ste 400A, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (elmerjp . Emergency Medicine. Chan YF, Alagappan K, Rella J, et al. A randomised trial of compassionate care for the homeless in an emergency department. Kaltiso SO, Greenbaum VJ, Agarwal M, et al. Herndon JB, Chaney M, Carden D. Health literacy and emergency department outcomes: a systematic review. Greany GD. FOIA Emergency Department Visits for Homelessness or Inadequate Housing in New York City before and after Hurricane Sandy. Homelessness Among Patients in a Southeastern Safety Net Emergency Department. DeCamp LR, Godage SK, Valenzuela Araujo D, et al. Inappropriately Timed Pediatric Orthopaedic Referrals From the Emergency Department Result in Unnecessary Appointments and Financial Burden for Patients. Normandin PA. Hidden Child Abuse Identification in the Emergency Department. Meyer JP, Qiu J, Chen NE, et al. Feldman KA, Tashiro J, Allen CJ, et al. Predictors of transitions in firearm assault behavior among drug-using youth presenting to an urban emergency department. Diagnosing UTI: White Blood Cells and Bacteria: Many experts use 5x10 4 colony-forming units per cc as the cutoff in a urine sample, but it is often not practical to await those results before beginning treatment: Part V in a Series. Two divisions are dedicated to research: the Division of Clinical Research and the Emergency Medicine Network (EMNet). Stimpson JP, Wilson FA, Zallman L. ED visits and spending by unauthorized immigrants compared with legal immigrants and US natives. McClennan S, Worster A, MacMillan H. Caring for victims of intimate partner violence: a survey of Canadian emergency departments. Chisolm-Straker M, Willging C, Daul AD, et al. 2019 All rights reserved @ EMS Publishers LLC. Injury patterns of child abuse: Experience of two Level 1 pediatric trauma centers. Xiang J, Shi J, Wheeler KK, et al. Our work is supported by a range of federal, state . Predictors of Frequent Emergency Room Visits among a Homeless Population. Methods We obtained patient logbooks of third-year medical students (M3) and fourth-year sub-interns (M4) from the first three emergency medicine (EM) rotation blocks of the 2019-2020 (Y19) and 2020-2021 (Y20) academic years. Goyal MK, Mollen CJ, Hayes KL, et al. Addressing Human Papillomavirus Prevention During Pediatric Acute Sexual Assault Care. Semple-Hess JE, Pham PK, Cohen SA, et al. Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners. The scope of social EM is immense, including domains from housing insecurity to substance use, to gun and intimate partner violence, and many others. Brief Motivational Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence and Heavy Drinking in the Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Miller CL. Jordan KS, Steelman SH, Leary M, et al. Confronting hunger in the emergency department. Journal of Emergency Medicine makes the articles highly visible, discoverable, retrievable, and useful. International journal of injury control and safety promotion. Use of the emergency department as a first point of contact for mental health care by immigrant youth in Canada: a population-based study. Manson A. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2022 15 :58. Emergency Department Use Among Hispanic Adults: The Role of Acculturation. Flaherty MR, Klig JE. Cross-Sectional Study of the Relation of Health Literacy to Primary Language and Emergency Department Length of Stay. For example, while a large number of studies looked at ways to effectively screen patients for things like interpersonal violence, health literacy, and human trafficking, there were few publications following up on outcomes for patients who screened positive. Bookshelf Predictors of Emergency Department Use among Individuals with Current or Previous Experience of Homelessness. Background literature review was conducted prior to the meeting, and questions were iteratively focused, revised, voted on and ranked by perceived importance using nominal group method. Economic and Educational Impact of Firearm-Related Injury on an Urban Trauma Center. Why Parents Seek Care for Acute Illness in the Clinic or the ED: The Role of Health Literacy. Leetch AN, Leipsic J, Woolridge DP. Pediatric unintentional firearm injuries: a Northwestern Louisiana trauma center analysis. Jordan KS, Moore-Nadler M. Children at risk of maltreatment: identification and intervention in the emergency department. Most Read. Cummings P, LeMier M, Keck DB. Hamadi H, Apatu E, Osagiede O, et al. We classified relevant publications by study design type (observational or interventional research, systematic review, or commentary), publication site, and year. While further research is required before the safe application of bile pigments in the clinical setting, their underlying mechanisms shed light on their utilization as therapeutic agents in the field of emergency and critical care medicine. Three scenarios to teach difficult discussions in pediatric emergency medicine: sudden infant death, child abuse with domestic violence, and medication error. Prediction of emergency department revisits using area-level social determinants of health measures and health information exchange information. Munkel WI. A Texting Intervention in Latino Families to Reduce ED Use: A Randomized Trial. In addition, we provide guidance from the International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) Research Committee report of 2015 to educate EM researchers to avoid predatory publishers and journals. Wong NZ, Rosen T, Sanchez AM, et al. Emergency department protocol for the diagnosis and evaluation of geriatric abuse. Identifying and Initiating Intervention for Elder Abuse and Neglect in the Emergency Department. The Canadian journal of nursing research = Revue canadienne de recherche en sciences infirmieres. Ethnic Groups in an Urban Emergency Department. Of the seven observational studies, three (43%) related to screening tools to identify patients experiencing sex trafficking.340,342,344 Two (25%) focused on patient characteristics,79,345 one was a case report (13%),343 and the other study focused on emergency nurses perspectives (13%).341 All four interventional studies looked at the efficacy of educational modules on ED staff in better understanding the issue of human trafficking in the ED and being better able to identify human trafficking victims in the ED. Price JH, Thompson A, Khubchandani J, et al. Sormanti M, Smith E. Intimate partner violence screening in the emergency department: U.S. medical residents perspectives. Runyan CW, Becker A, Brandspigel S, et al. Correlates of intimate partner violence among female patients at a North Carolina emergency department. Vijayaraghavan M, Tochterman A, Hsu E, et al. Ohle R, Bleeker H, Yadav K, et al. Health-related material needs and substance use among emergency department patients. Implementing a text-messaging intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in emergency departments: protocol for implementation strategy development and a pilot cluster randomized implementation trial. Shaffer N. Transgender patients: implications for emergency department policy and practice. the Science X network is one of the largest online communities for science-minded people. Feldman BJ, Craen AM, Enyart J, et al. Imaging Findings in Elder Abuse: A Role for Radiologists in Detection. Administration and policy in mental health. Walton MA, Murray R, Cunningham RM, et al. Anshus AJ, Oswald J. Erector spinae plane block: a new option for managing acute axial low back pain in the emergency department. Dedicated to the care of the ill or injured child, Pediatric Emergency Care features must-have information dedicated specifically to pediatric and adolescent emergencies. Do responses to an intimate partner violence screen predict scores on a comprehensive measure of intimate partner violence in low-income black women? Aratani Y, Nguyen HA, Sharma V. Asthma-Related Emergency Department Visits Among Low-Income Families With Young Children by Race/Ethnicity and Primary Language. The research agenda presented in this article provides a roadmap for addressing and eliminating racism and other systems of oppression in emergency medicine. Shandro J, Chisolm-Straker M, Duber HC, et al. Castillo EM, Chan TC, Tolia VM, et al. 16192 Costal HighwayLewes, Delaware,USA -19958. Emergency department provider perspectives on elder abuse and development of a novel ED-based multidisciplinary intervention team. A consensus-driven research agenda should be pursued to accelerate patient-centered interventions aimed at social factors that influence acute healthcare and outcomes. Conflicts of Interest: By the WestJEM article submission agreement, all authors are required to disclose all affiliations, funding sources and financial or management relationships that could be perceived as potential sources of bias. Emergency department response to domestic violence--California, 1992. Perceived roles of Emergency Department physicians regarding anticipatory guidance on firearm safety. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. In December 2016 the Coalition on Psychiatric Emergencies (CPE) convened the first Research Consensus Conference on Acute Mental Illness, which consisted of clinical researchers, clinicians from emergency medicine, emergency psychiatry, emergency psychology, representatives from governmental agencies and patient advocacy groups. Ruhee Shah, BS, Alessandra Della Porta, BS, [], and Michelle P. Lin, MD, MPH, MS. Social emergency medicine (EM) is an emerging field that examines the intersection of emergency care and social factors that influence health outcomes. Improving Emergency Department Care for Pediatric Victims of Sexual Abuse. Yau RK, Stayton CD, Davidson LL. Ask about Metformin Anyway, What About This? The Prevalence of Bruising Among Infants in Pediatric Emergency Departments. Based on a few large-scale EHR databases, such as Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III (MIMIC-III) 15, eICU Collaborative Research Database 16, and Amsterdam University Medical Centers . Rhodes KV, Kothari CL, Dichter M, et al. The consensus conference was supported by grant R13 HS027528-01 from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Becker HJ, Bechtel K. Recognizing victims of human trafficking in the pediatric emergency department. Development of a screening tool for pediatric sexual assault may reduce emergency-department visits. The Journal of Emergency Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed publication featuring original contributions of interest to both the academic and practicing emergency physician.JEM, published monthly, contains research papers and clinical studies as well as articles focusing on the training of emergency physicians and on the practice of emergency medicine. Cortright L, Buckman C, Tumin D, et al. Hunger pains? Unmet substance abuse treatment need, health services utilization, and cost: A population-based emergency department study. Household material hardships impact emergency department reliance in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease. International quarterly of community health education. Bhargava V, Lee JS. A researcher from the IFEM Research Committee (BH), a journal editor (ML) and a university medical librarian (LM) collaborated to . Results: Number of included publications and their most frequent study objectives in the social emergency medicine literature. Diurba S, Johnson RL, Siry BJ, et al. The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse. Romanelli M, Lu W, Lindsey MA. Ziminski CE, Phillips LR, Woods DL. Insight Into Health Care Services: A Characterization of Emergency Room Visits and Economic Hazards in the United States. Recent Articles. your express consent. Please try after some time. The main goal of the SUD workgroup was to identify research priorities and develop a research agenda to improve the early identification of and management of emergency department (ED) patients with SUDs with the goal of improving outcomes. Barriers and Facilitators to Detecting Child Abuse and Neglect in General Emergency Departments. Prevalence of intimate partner violence across medical and surgical health care settings: a systematic review. Note: Tiyyagura G, Gawel M, Koziel JR, et al. Transitions clinic: creating a community-based model of health care for recently released California prisoners. Rewarding and challenging at the same time: emergency medicine residents experiences caring for patients who are homeless. Carter PM, Walton MA, Roehler DR, et al. -, Rockett IRH, Putnam SL, Jia H, et al. Emergency Department Visits For Firearm-Related Injuries In The United States, 200614. Sheikh S, Hendry P, Kalynych C, et al. Abuse and neglect of the elderly: are emergency department personnel aware of mandatory reporting laws? High utilizers of emergency health services in a population-based cohort of homeless adults. Child sex trafficking in the emergency department: opportunities and challenges. Presentation and evaluation of sexual misuse in the emergency department. DeLiema M, Homeier DC, Anglin D, et al. Ready to publish? Intimate Partner Violence and Controlling Behaviors Experienced by Emergency Department Patients: Differences by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification. Son-Hing JP, Deniz Olgun Z. Screening for intimate partner violence in health care settings: a randomized trial. For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Get daily emergency medicine research topics, journal summaries & news from MDLinx. Emergency department services use among immigrant and non-immigrant groups in the United States. Dr. Rahul Sharma, emergency physician-in-chief at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, has been named a top 25 innovator in the healthcare industry by Modern Healthcare. Oral R, Blum KL, Johnson C. Fractures in young children: are physicians in the emergency department and orthopedic clinics adequately screening for possible abuse? Rosen T, Stern ME, Elman A, et al. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine. Armstrong S. Instruments to Identify Commercially Sexually Exploited Children: Feasibility of Use in an Emergency Department Setting. Collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information in the emergency department : the divide between patient and provider perspectives. Betz ME, Kautzman M, Segal DL, et al. Moore M, Conrick KM, Reddy A, et al. A Scoping Review of Current Social Emergency Medicine Research, GUID:5ABFF5AA-ECFE-4E91-A103-66B5A24C7D5A. Woolf SM, Leventhal JM, Gaither JR, et al. . Substance use and homelessness among emergency department patients. This journal is published on behalf of the Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine and The Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine . Makelarski JA, Abramsohn E, Benjamin JH, et al. Clarke GN, Herinckx HA, Kinney RF, et al. Orr DP. Choo EK, Spiro DM, Lowe RA, et al. Maldonado CZ, Rodriguez RM, Torres JR, et al. Battered women: where they go for help. Williams L. Providing emergency care for an abused minor who is not a patient. One publication looked specifically at the pediatric population.582, Two relevant publications were identified, both of which were observational studies. Saunders NR, To T, Parkin PC, et al. Language Assistance for the Care of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Patients in the Emergency Department: A Survey of Providers and Staff. Hornor G, Thackeray J, Scribano P, et al. The journal publishes wide variety of Research articles, Case reports, Review, Commentary and Short Communications etc. We identified 22 relevant publications: 14 observational studies354367; one interventional study368; and seven369375 commentary publications. Results are summarized in Figure 2. DAmore J, Hung O, Chiang W, et al. Boyle DJ, Hassett-Walker C. Individual-level and socio-structural characteristics of violence: an Emergency Department study. Hunger and Food Insecurity among Patients in an Urban Emergency Department. The design, testing, and validation of the Illinois RapidVent emergency ventilator has been published in the journal Plos One.The article, "Emergency Ventilator for COVID-19," by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers, is the first of its kind to report such details about an emergency ventilator that was designed, prototyped, and tested at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in .

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