puritanism and individuality in the crucible

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People in the town rightfully get scared and actions to follow show peoples real personalities. They do everything as a whole and that is what they believe in. In page six of The Crucible, Arthur Miller states the key factors of the Puritans survival in Salem of the Massachusetts Colony in 1692. Alarmed and to deflect attention, they instigate a witchhunt against their enemies which sets in train a court case that leads to the deaths of more than 72 people in Salem. The Crucible is a play set in a small Puritan town, Salem, Massachusetts. Thus, the society punishes anyone who pursues material and/or sexual gratification. If they really did something out of character to show their personalities, they would most likely be executed. Even later in the 1st Act, Abigail completely blames Tituba of witchcraft when questioned by Hale. This does not go with the egalitarian ideas that puritans are supposed to represent and live by this means that he is also somewhat in it for his own personal interest just like those accusing his daughter and her friends of witch craft. Puritan. Asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific knowledge that is knolegable through intuition. Paranoia is set into the town, so Reverend Hale is called upon who is an expert on witchcraft. So when John Proctor decides not to sign his name, he breaks their beliefs and goes outside of the ordinary. Rejection of individuality is also shown when Reverend Parris does not have time for personal grievances due to the community constantly accusing his slave,daughter and her friends of witchcraft. Soon thereafter, Tituba realizes she must give names of those she believes to be participating in witchcraft to not be blamed herself. Deals with issues affecting modern society, A form of government in which god is the ruling power and his laws are being interpreted by the ecclesiastical (church) authorities, A simple direct way of expressing ideas used by the Puritans, He was born in NY in 1915 He studied at the University of Michigan He has written over 20 plays and 10 other books He won the New York Drama Critics Circle Award twice He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1949 He was married to Marilyn Monroe for a short period of time He adapted his play into a screenplay for the 1996 movie version of The Crucible He was inspired to write The Crucible because of his interest in the Salem Witch trials and because of the communist hysteria (Red Scare) inspired by Senator Joseph McCarthys own witch hunts in 1953, the principles and practices of the Puritans, a member of a group of Protestants that arose in the 16th century within the Church of England, demanding the simplification of doctrine and worship, and greater strictness in religious discipline: during part of the 17th century the Puritans became a powerful political party, a person who journeys, especially a long distance, to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion (ONLY the FIRST group), They wanted religious freedom from the Church of Englando The first group that voyaged over were called the Pilgrims They also came to America to form a more god centered society in a new land, o Promoted values of industry, moderation, sobriety, and simplicityo They believed that the soul was a battle ground between god and satano Had very strict standards of behavioro Outlawed activities like dancing, bowling, gambling, or attending playso Believed strongly in education for both sexeso They valued #1 god, #2 hard work, and #3 educationo There was no alcohol or tobacco allowedo Opposite sexes couldnt be alone togethero Youths couldnt be outside on Sunday or Saturday nighto Idle hands are the devils workshop, leader of the local girls who accused the townspeople of witchcraft, Reverend Parriss niece, had an affair with John Proctor while serving in his house, Salems minister, not very well liked, Bettys father and Abbys uncle, caught the girls who were in the woods participating in a sance, only slave in Salem, served the Parris, from Barbados, led the youth girls in sances in the woods, was thrown in jail because of being in the woods and admitting to witchcraft, farmer in Salem, married to Elizabeth, has 3 sons, had an affair with Abby when she was serving in his house, doesnt like Parris and the way he preaches, wife of John, has 3 sons, made John kick Abby out after she realized they were having an affair, becomes accused of witchcraft and is thrown in jail, old crazy woman of Salem, not very well liked, when accused of witchcraft she quickly confesses and is put in jail, she shares crazy visions with Tituba in their jail cell, on the court for the trials, more humane than Hathorne but still strict in controlling all those opposed, ruthless judge who serves on the court of people being accused of witchcraft, thinks that the people who try to defend those accused are trying to challenge the authority of the court, young girl in Salem, part of the group who accused others of witchcraft, serves the Proctors, old woman in Salem, extremely kind and giving, was accused of witchcraft and because she wouldnt lie and admit to it she was hanged, old farmer in Salem, wife becomes accused of witchcraft and is thrown in jail because he mention her fancy of books, knows the law extremely well because of always being in and out of lawsuits, young girl in Salem, part of the group who accused others of witchcraft, servant to the Putnams , ran off with Abby towards the end of the trials, young girl in Salem, daughter of Parris, part of the group who was participating in sances in the woods, after being caught in the woods she and Ruth would not wake up the next morning, young girl in Salem, part of the group who accused others of witchcraft, mother of Ruth, married to Thomas, convinced that her babies all died shortly after birth because of some evil spirit murdering them, sent Ruth to Tituba to call upon the spirits and find out, married to Ann, father of Ruth, very wealthy, unlawfully acquires land by slowly expanding where he farms, man who is called to Salem by Parris to help solve their witchcraft problems, is very well known for defeating the devil in another town, he doesnt want to call this witchcraft at the start, married to Rebecca, old man farmer who is very kind, works with Proctor and Corey to try and save their accused wives, court official, serves warrants of witchcraft, court official, brings the accused to jail even though he doesnt want to (he is just obeying the law), guard of the Salem jail, witnesses Sarah and Titubas crazy vision. the puritans had a theocratical government, as said by miller himself within the introduction in act 1 "for good purposes, even higher purposes, the people of salem developed a theocracy, a combine of state and religious power whose function was to keep the community together, and to prevent any kind of disunity that might open it to destruction Abigail does the same. The fact that there is a gathering shows that they prefer aggregation over individuality. By extension, Puritan society discourages individuality, as well as individual desires. Quote/s: COREY: I have waked at night many a time and found her in the corner, readin' of a book. interesting article good example of the witches being more individually oriented. In the beginning, the girls were dancing in the forest and making a potion with Tituba to get the men they love., People of Salem had to conform to lying to save their own skin otherwise they would have to face death. In the 19th century people stuck to society. As I was reading this I found it interesting that Parris being a puritan as well as the role model of the town has slaves. These type of rumors went on because people didn't want any blame to be put on, Comparing Puritanism And The Crucible By Arthur Miller. Parris tries to assert his religious authority over Proctor, but Proctor is uninterested in the minister's message. The main conflict in the crucible was the reasoning of the human mind and the irrational fear of hysteria. She has been seen in 'The Crucible' as a manipulative and evil person. Abigail Williams, Parriss niece, was the head girl in all of this, claiming that the women were witches for the devil and were sending their spirits out after the girls. Click or tap on any chapter to read its Summary & Analysis. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# This can be seen when a group is gathered inside of Parris house as Abigail is explaining to him that rumors are spreading of witchcraft. During this time period women were subjective and inferior to men. Its initial goal was removing any remaining links to Catholicism within the Church of England after its separation from the Catholic Church. Therefore the ideals of Puritanism and the standards in the Crucible are extremely, When fear grabs hold of somebody craziness erupts and there is no longer peace. Also it can become a mob mentality easily. You also make a very valid point about the strict social con-formality of the society that makes individualism sought after. Of course, ways around these rules do exist. Right here, we have countless book Crucible Act 3 Questions And Answers and collections to check out. Abigail is proving how she is manipulative, she is forcing the other girls into protecting her., The play The Crucible written by Arthur Miller, takes place in the strict Puritan town of Salem, during the late 1600s. The idea that "Puritanism rejects individualism" definitely reflects in act one of the crucible; the whole blaming and community gatherings aspect of Salem are examples of this. John Proctor is also an important character who is pushed and questioned for having his own individual opinion on disagreeing on witchcraft. In The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, the individualism of John Proctor, Giles and Martha Corey, and lastly, Abigail Williams causes authority figures in the Salem community to panic. Puritanism rejects individuality. While in the woods conjuring spirits, Abigail, drank a charm to kill John Proctors wife (468). When accusing members of society I feel like that the citizens are looking out for the best interest of the community. I would argue that i'm not too surprised. I think it is interesting that everybody in the town determines their actions solely on what the rest of the town will think about them. I agree with the idea that in the crucible, puritanism can come before the personal identity. You could not deserted going considering book store or library or borrowing from your connections to retrieve them. Anything that did not honor God was punished with death which demonstrates their sternness and engagement to their religion which is very similar to Puritanism. Shmoop.com. All you want to do is get the blame as far away as you can. An example of one of the more important themes is Pride. The play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, illustrates a very conservative, Puritan society where the society falls apart because an event leads the people in the society to turn on themselves. This also led people to use this method to eliminate people who they held grudges against. Although the Puritans left England to avoid religious persecution, they established a society in America founded upon religious intolerance. Pride is defined as a feeling of self-respect and personal worth (Google Dictionary). In Act I under pressure from Parris and Hale, Tituba names as witches two women suggested by Mr.Putnam "And I look-and there was Goody Good"(50), and she then added "Aye, sir, and Goody Osburn"(50). You make some valid points about the connection between individualism and puritanism. In addition to being a mother, Puritan women were housewives with very limited rights. Its kill or be killed. The tides turn, and instead of the reverend having control, the group of girls have all the power., Abigail threatens the other girls into protecting her from witchcraft accusations, While all the girls are alone with Abigail she stresses that We danced. I, People change over time based on mistakes made and situations they experience. In fact, Puritans consider material and sexual desires unnatural and evil the Devil's work and a threat to society. 1. a member of a group of Protestants that arose in the 16th century within the Church of England, demanding the simplification of doctrine and worship, and greater strictness in religious discipline: during part of the 17th century the Puritans became a powerful political party. Of course, ways around these rules do exist. Salem is a Puritan community, and its inhabitants live in an extremely restrictive society. Puritanism is based on three basic beliefs that include grace, plainness, and the divine mission. If you're in a puritanism society like Salem and you happen to be undeniably different you will be shunned or even worse killed. The main problem in the Crucible is the 14 girls cry witchcraft and the whole town gets hysterical . I like how you connect Puritanism and Individuality by saying that their society requires order, and does not approve of individuality. 2. For example, Abigails quote on page 837 that says Let either of you breathe a word about the other things, and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you .Crucible as we know means to have a testing circumstance which in this context relates to the mental ability of the people of Salem to find out whether this witchcraft phenomenon is real or just a hoax made up by some girls, who did not want to commit their sins of dancing in the forest. Puritanism and Individuality l Puritan society required that its members follow strict guidelines of social order. It is also shown by how the people accused of witchcraft by the community are more privately prioritized individuals whose best interests are of themselves and not the community. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnams dead sisters. Revenge In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, revenge plays a significant role in making the Putnam believe Rebecca Nurse is guilty of witchcraft, and of making other people accuse each other of witchcraft. Here, John Proctor presents a striking individuality at odds with the strict, communal ideology of Salem's Puritanism. PART 1 Point: the repressive and oppressive society of Puritanism left the people with individuality and a sense of integrity vulnerable to accusations, as people automatically considered that to be a threat to them. The Crucible was the perfect melting pot to create mass hysteria and the awful things that come along with it. and any corresponding bookmarks? This was reality for the Puritans in England before they took a long journey to an unknown land in Salem, Massachusetts. Thus, a sermon serves as a tool to teach a biblical lesson, and the theocratic government reinforces the precepts from the sermon. Individualism can change the world.

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