why do i overthink my feelings for my girlfriend

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If you take a closer look at your patterns, youll realize that over-analyzing is nothing but a time delay mechanism: the longer you think about the problem, the more you postpone having to actually act on it. Not a good idea. Thank you for this list! Sometimes just getting that elephant out of the room and having a deep conversation about what you both want in a relationship is just the trick to start the healing process. Overthinking builds a wall of unproductive thoughts around you, while the simplest solution is to talk them through. All of which can be worked on. Its the reason you have underlying anxiety and wonder if the relationship will work out. What I can tell you, however, is that breathing exercises and meditation are a great place to start. Being in love means youre in this together: dont stop talking before youre on the same page too. Does she criticize everything about you? He also feels I lack focus nd I multitask. You need to learn to take things at face value. At this point, you're probably not even able to be yourself. You know your partners own mechanisms by heart, so adjust what you have to say to the way theyll respond. I'll start from the beginning: I used to work with my girlfriend of a year and everything used . It sounds like she is questioning the trust between you, which you both are responsible for building and nurturing. Chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out. I love him but I always feel like he is playing me.i analyze everything he does and if I find anything weird I just think he has started again. As numerous empirical studies have shown, it is a strategy we use when we start losing control. We dont live in Hollywood and every relationship is different so there is no right or wrong way to be in your relationships (obviously I mean healthy relationships, not abusive/violent etc.). So, i know the title is kind of vague. Thanks for that but I am ok and choose my boyfriend and love over this thought. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Why Do I Overthink My Feelings In My Relationship? In fact, their sound reasoning is just what you need for overcoming all those uncertainties youve been obsessing about. Count every small victory in, and prove to yourself that youve earned the praise entirely on your own. And then, when you try to force yourself to feel something, you will get the opposite result, just like trying to force a child to like vegetables not going to work, he will hate vegetables even more. Listen to what they have to say: in time, their point of view might prove as much-needed relief. They dont love you. I think there may be very few sincere love, and it . The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. Overthinking is a barricade between a problem and a solution having disguised your fear of failure, it makes you sorely cautious, depressingly motionless, and even more anxious than you were and need to be. Jim Rohn famously said that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Get expert help with your overthinking. You have given me Joy, and you always put a smile on my face. A man who is over his ex does not emotionally dwell on the past when he's with you. Youve now got to a stage where you know that youll analyze things to such an extent that you can pretty much convince yourself of anything, whether or not its true. I wish you could be as kind to yourself as you are when you speak about your boyfriend because I think self-love and relaxation will help you. You'll become so busy you won't have time to spend your time overthinking a relationship. Some people are blessed with minds that dont jump to conclusions and that take things at face value. Poor sleep is, in turn, associated with negative health outcomes (Luyster et al. Feelings of connection and trust have been eroded by these issues. It really has worked. Its the hardest thing I feel I ever been through because it hurts her when I do it because she feels like I dont trust her. This cycle can create a sort of never-ending loop, like . Hey, nobody feels anything all the time. Moments of doubt and confusion. Image credits Photo by Mitchell Hartley on Unsplash, Your email address will not be published. Much like reading between the lines when she is talking, trying to get a read on her body language can also be dangerous. 5 You cannot relax It often turns out that you are unable to get your mind off the problem you can't stop thinking about. It makes perfect sense since these fast-paced modern times imply a certain tempo that not all couples can endure. There are some effective strategies that you can use to bring your thinking under control. I think you should consider making a book. Writing this article really brought back a lot of bitter memories of how I used to be. My partner thinks that I am impatient and overthinker. It goes without saying that your partner tells you that they dont understand the way your brain operates. Maybe if i share this article with help will help him? Probably not, but like love, attraction can come and go. I Talk Too Loud Without Realizing It! Silence is a lack of motion, but relationships need to grow and move forward in order to endure. 1) It's not their fault. "A person can have difficulty trusting their partner, even when there's been no indication of a trust violation, because of experiences in past relationships. One person? I was a big overthinker myself and I did waste a lot of time sabotaging a lot of good things that happened in my life and thankfully, I overcame it. Glad you enjoy the article and find it helpful. I aint the same no more I lost confidence in myself. Patterns can be unlearned as well. Itll take some practice, but as long as you take action and stay positive, youll be able to nip your overthinking in the bud. Before I say anything else, I want you to know that youre not alone. If these warning signs sound familiar, this could apply to you. Whilst your friends might behave this way at the beginning of a relationship, they all calm down after a while, whilst you can read things into your partners texts even after youve been together for years. Two things you are right about is you need to gain your confidence back and he needs to put effort into this relationship. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". It could be that she's genuinely not interested in you anymore, or that she's interested in someone else. A gardener who should step inside the garden when it is required to water the plants and step out when not required, else the plants will die. This explosive, amazing feeling doesnt last for anyone. Kolyanne. You think youve made a decision, but you dont stop dwelling and turning it over in your mind, meaning youve completely changed your mind again five minutes later. They probably hate you. So, we think about it all the time. I think it is really important to find your own personal happiness outside the relationship and enjoy that. Obsessing about things less could be the key to finding and maintaining the happy, healthy relationship that you really want. I usually dont comment on to many things but your article is exactly what Im going through. You have made me feel so much less alone, I thought I was crazy for the negative and stressful thoughts but you have made me feel like its ok not to be ok, so thank you. So then after you remove this neediness, coming back to your original question of the post on how to experience love towards this person? You cant really blame them, because even you cant follow your thought processes most of the time. When it comes to head over heart, your head wins every time. For example, instead of saying "You make me overthink our relationship," try saying something like, "I am struggling with overthinking about our relationship.". You ignore what your instinct is trying to tell you and determinedly make a detailed pros and cons list instead. By experiencing the world hand in hand, youll not only be able to have some quality time alone, but also to adjust your mindsets and stay focused on what truly matters. Youd far rather they broke up with you! Usually, the fear of failure is the one to blame. You shouldnt suffer alone, there are therapists specializing in overthinking that will be able to help. Its just about me personally healing now. I began to develop anxiety and i felt like I had lost all of my friends. Thank you! 1. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Though you should never change who you really are for another person, being in a relationship requires some compromising. Most importantly, dont get wrapped up in your head express your feelings, voice your opinions, articulate your fears, and share your doubts. Im so glad you found the article helpful. Another interesting sign that reveals your ex girlfriend is not over you is 3. Much as texting puts you on edge, if you dont hear from them constantly, you convince yourself that theyre not interested. Hey, thank you very much for the sweet comment. Develop Awareness of the Thoughts. Overthinking is no different from OCD if you think about it. Hopefully by overthinking less I can conquer some of that insecurity. Related Signs your girlfriend is getting tired of you. A vicious downward spiral is what it is. You can convince yourself that practically everything going wrong in the relationship is your fault, even when its not, because you assume you must have done something wrong. One of the things she said that is burned into my mind was,"No woman is going to love you if you grow up to be a slob like your father." I had shared this with my gf in part to explain why being asked to clean was emotionally triggering for me. And I truly adored him. Cultivate artful distractions for yourself. For the rest of your life? Ultimately, understanding why you're overthinking can help you stop overthinking, because it takes the sting out of it. Sexual attraction is what we feel for another person, and we are not always going to be around people who we feel attracted to.And, even if we are around someone we absolutely love, we are not going to feel 'attracted' every minute of that time together. Your brain thinks about things so much that it cant help but continually arrive at different conclusions. What to say .. . The floor of each half of the box had an electrical grid that could deliver a painful shock to the dog. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It inspired me for becoming a better person, not only in my relationship but also as an individual. 1. You then freak out that you picked a fight, certain that theyll break up with you. Reframe the way you are viewing your present. You believe she is too good for you and that she can do betterand you're worried that she is beginning to realize that. Develop Tools to Manage Your Anxiety. Rational people have a whole other perspective on the world, and the truth is always somewhere in between. If you love . It's selfish to be jealous over something she can't control. The future is no longer about nurturing love and respect; to an over-thinker, it is nothing but a projection of defeat. You lose confidence in yourself and trust in your partner. One problem I see at this point is that you are expecting this explosive, amazing feeling and that you believe there is something wrong not having that feeling, as if it indicates a lack of love or something being wrong with you or with the relationship. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Once you start overthinking in a relationship, it can feel like you're holding up a magnifying glass in an effort to. That could be either our both of your fault, who knows. Enjoy love. There are a few potential reasons why a girl might say she's lost feelings for you. And that means less time having to feel inadequate and imperfect. It is as if When you like a flower, you just pluck it. What this mechanism prevents you from seeing is that if the problem truly exists obsessing about it wont get it solved. I know I have to make changes but u shown me the path , realising my mistakes at thIs point was very important. You let negativity build up in your mind Take note of your inner monologue. Realistically, you will feel that feeling sometimes, at best. It seems to me that you feel differently about your boyfriend now because he more or less betrayed your trust. Im so happy that my blog is helping you. So in short, youre hurt and thats okay. The first step in overcoming overthinking is noticing and recognizing it when it happens. I beat myself up for months about it, and even repeated the pattern until one day I decided to just breathe. Really? You may not like it but It is by self-love and only by self-love. When you found out that he texted his ex girlfriend, your past hurt awakened (the family issues and past relationship you mentioned), and so was the fear of more hurt triggered. He hasnt hurt me since then. You are a WHOLE PERSON that forms part of ONE Relationship. Any girlfriend that cares about their partner would want to hear why theyre insecure and would want to help them. Here are Good Paragraphs For Your Girlfriend. Thank you so much for posting this. It is only when we expand our love towards ourself, we become so FULL that we then extend it to others. You need to heal from it just like a physical wound. This isnt a good technique for ignoring feelings and emotions, as they will only intensify over time. Yes, from the way I organize my locker to how my clothes! He does everything he can for me. Click here to chat online to someone right now. Now that youve realized how unproductive your worries were and still are, dont complicate it too much. Secondary gain. Theres surely a lot you can appreciate yourself for if it helps, write it all down. You constantly obsess about all the things that could go wrong in the future and you focus on your partners negative traits, talking yourself out of the whole thing pretty successfully. Yup, according to this guy's Reddit post, guys really do wonder this. I think that what happens to people that feel to much. Just like any excitability, they all pass. She is convinced there's a deeper meaning in almost . [/alert-note], Sharing my life lessons to help you overcome life obstacles, rejections, fears and learn to embrace failures to create your dream life xoxo More about me. Thank you for this post again. ts just really frustrating because I want to feel my love for him that I know is there. Doing so will only make you conjure up more scenarios, ideas, and theories. Your article is well articulate and informative. Hi Neha, thank you for your kind words. There is a reason that anxiety ruins relationships. You inherently don't trust others . This doesnt seem to be detachment. Personally, I like comfortable and best friend I tell him everything. They doubtlessly mean well, so listen to them out. Re-reading texts and coming up with different meanings [Read: Being left on read: What it really means when they don't text back] 2. But, is it irresistible enough to kill your relationship? I believe were all overthinkers at some point in our lives, whether we aware of it or not that is another problem. It inspires me to write more to help those who are going through what I went through solutions to overcome life challenges. You store the things they say to you away in the depths of your brain, even if to them they were just throwaway comments, and you can easily spend hours mulling them over. Are trying to be sarcastic? There is a stress response to some doubts. You also are strong enough to face your fear head on instead of run away or succumb to it. Its like if you close your hands with a butterfly inside it then it is going to suffocate, but when you open your hands and allow it to fly there is great beauty and love in the overall experience which both you and the butterfly will internally experience. Once you understand these two elements well it will help you work on your problem easier. I dont think so. Everything takes time and I believe you can do it. When you overthink your relationship, you tend to create a problem where there isn't one. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Overthinking may have been the reason that past relationships of yours have ended, even if that particular thought never entered your slightly over-wrought mind. The past is the past and there is nothing she can do to change it. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Thank you for your feed back. I literally have days where I feel full of passion and want to make love, and other days where stressful negative thoughts take over and I think I dont know if I find him attractive. On the other hand, just like what you have mentioned, it takes two to tango. If your relationship is strong and mature, their answer will be honest and helpful. 2. I cant get any emotion from anywhere. Hi Mya, glad this article helped you. Looking back, I truly felt bad for my then-boyfriend, if he came home late or he didnt call when he should, my mind would go off like an alarm clock and the thoughts started to pour and I again found myself in the dark. For example, I have days when I completely freak out and shut down. But what if theyre not the one? Are they annoyed? And so, you are expecting a feeling that cannot last to be a permanent feeling and you are pressuring yourself to feel it, which produces the opposite result. If youve had a bad experience previously, you need to talk this out with your girlfriend and come to terms with the fact that this is a new, different relationship. Never being sure of anything. Maybe we should all realize that we . ATTENTION PLEASE: Our brand new YouTube channel is live. The only inspiration I have is you. 1. 6 Reasons Why You Are Not An Affectionate Person, Staying In A Relationship Out Of Guilt: 9 Things You Can Do. Overthinking may have been the reason that past relationships of yours have ended, even if that particular thought never entered your slightly over-wrought mind. Whether youre used to overanalyzing your partners words, fixate on their Freudian slips, or obsess about a strangers perfume you kept on smelling on them, remind yourself that your assumptions were wrong and your thoughts needlessly defeating. Stressing out over how to deal with it will pull you straight back in. They can be used as our brains way of preparing for the future. By the time they do suggest a plan, youve already agonized over it so much that youve accepted that its never going to happen, so suddenly having a plan throws you off completely. (Right/Wrong Explained). Best of luck, you seem like a lovely person and I wish you only the very best , He knows and understands this confusing feeling for me. If this feels familiar to you, here are 10 simple ideas to not think too much. Required fields are marked *. I got cheated on once and that was enough to make a big hole in my confidence, my insecurity amplified and trust no longer existed. I have so much to respond because so much resonates with me. A mother will send her child to an overseas country for further studies even though she cannot live without the child. Youre convinced that the relationship youre in is going to end horribly, so you cant really see the point anyway. The three basic things that underly overthinking are stress, anxiety, and insecurity. I dont know how many times i should clear things that its nothing like what he thinks. These are the feelings you do have for your boyfriend: he comforts me I am so comfortable with him and I want to build more and more with him I really dont want anybody else but him I truly adored him. It really helps me to calm in my scary moments, DONT GOOGLE THINGS. So dont have the intense neediness of this or any other person in life. Why do I overthink relationships? "I push/avoid getting close to people in fear of disappointment, heartache and abandonment.". I know in my heart I have love for this boy. I was in tears reading it because it is exactly what I am doing and it makes me scared that I could ruin my relationship with the most amazing guy ever. Surround Yourself With Positive People. If you struggle with perfectionism, there's a good chance your overthinking problem is an emotional tolerance problem. Please, somebody give me their opinion. I chose him. Re-establish what you were doing before that made you and him happy. Overthinking increases both your protection and the chance to lose an opportunity since your brain is always debating the situation, scrabbling for another solution. 15 Signs of Wife Cheating at Work to Look out For! This response helped me alot! He done a lot on me for years but we sorted it out but now Im not able to trust him and I cant stop my head from over thinkin this situation .he keeps telling me I am gonna drive myself mad and I know I am .so he decided to tell me a month ago he dosnt feel the same way for me but is going to work on it .so I am here trying to get back to being my confidence and strong self .essipcally for my 2 beautiful kids .he is busy at work with meetings and stuff but dosnt seem to want to spend time with us ..any more information would be so grateful .I think my self I could show him that I do trust him after everything he done on me but he has to put the effort in also . If you have trust issues, it only makes sense you'd assume your partner is lying, cheating, and going behind your back. If you feel like overthinking is impacting your physical health, read on to understand why you overthink and how to stop. I mean overthinking used to leave consequences in my everyday life and it sucks, it was like I was the only who went crazy while everyone else is enjoying their lives fine. Theres no one situation is the same and once the kids are involved thing gets harder for a couple to decide what to do without affecting the children negatively. Kolyanne. You Struggle With Trust Issues. She been telling me for about a month now Im pushing her away and that kind of makes it worse cause then Im like ( I pushed her too far she done just waiting to leave me). The act of overthinking can be linked to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, although it's hard to know which happens first in each individual. Am I Good Enough for Anything? Instead, keep your mind occupied with solutions. Hello..Thanks this article is very nice and i am also an Overthinker.. but i am not able to figure out how should i tackle with it. stomach upset and other physical concerns. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This usually stems for a very poor childhood experience that is still unresolved. The good news is he is willing to work, the bad news is he is not making time for it when you are 100% in on this relationship. lack of motivation. The issue your experiencing isnt about your boyfriend and what he did and did not do, its about you. Let them plant you in front of the mirror and tell you how beautiful you are, inside and outside alike. Similar perhaps to the story of thedog placed in a special cage. How To Stop Arguing With Everyone: 10 No Bullsh*t Tips! I look up my issue online, mainly with the keywords Why do I feel like I dont love my boyfriend when I know I do and such. Answer (1 of 14): I was much the same with my girlfriend. I still do. What I can suggest you try is to establish a half an hour to an hour with your partner weekly as a start to spend time together as a family. I appreciate your time and effort with typing this for females and males with relationship problems. 9 Tips to Stop Overthinking in Relationships. Thanks again. Face your challenges, and youll become less afraid of your limitations. In fact this is attachment. Overthinking in a relationship is often due to a poor understanding of your own needs. You dont stop there. I dont want to loose him because he is my everything now but i am afraid it will end soon if this continues to happen. I am at the moment on a rocky road with my 19 years partner. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. Just like you, I had been cheated on twice, and I saw it with my eyes thats why now I can not help but to overthink because of what had happened. It is common for people with chronic pain and chronic illness to have negative thoughts about the pain and how it heals.

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