non anarchist syndicalism

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I'm just interested in what peoples comments might be. Now, they throw off practically the old duality of anarchism and openness. This can be read in the known book of Juan Gmez Casas about the history of FAI. As to the exact principles of the organization, they should agree to them or not join. But it is impossible to cure an illness simply declaring it natural: one day it can become deadly. Of course, it would be unreasonably and conceitedly to give advices to comrades living in a country removed in thousands of kilometers, with quite other situation and with differing conditions of social and workers struggle. I posted this to this user on Facebook, but for clarification for people on here: I'm aware of that. Deben mostrar valor, actividad, energa. There is no longer any social necessity for human beings to be treated as mechanical elements in the productive process; that can be overcome and we must overcome it to be a society of freedom and free association, in which the creative urge that I consider intrinsic to human nature will in fact be able to realize itself in whatever way it will.[71]. Tampoco puede aceptar las tendencias que propagan los principios de la dictadura del proletariado, contrarios a la finalidad de la mayor libertad posible y del bienestar para todos, pues sta es la finalidad de todos los obreros conscientes. So, the difference between anarcho-syndicalism and anarcho-communism really does focus on the need of an anarchist federation. Ha dicho que la organizacion no debe estar abierto a todos los trabajadores, que no debe permitir entrar a personas que representan ideologias contrarias. We are against the state, somebody who wants to be a politician is in contradiction to us. So, no thanks. Based on democratic union, grouped by industriy and federalized in a unique organisation, it promote direct action in the class struggle. Famous Anarchists [11] The IWA included the Italian Syndicalist Union (500,000 members), the Argentine Workers Regional Organisation (200,000 members), the General Confederation of Workers in Portugal (150,000 members), the Free Workers' Union of Germany (120,000 members), the Committee for the Defense of Revolutionary Syndicalism in France (100,000 members), the Federation du Combattant from Paris (32,000 members), the Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden (32,000 members), the National Labor Secretariat of the Netherlands (22,500 members), the Industrial Workers of the World in Chile (20,000 members) and the Union for Syndicalist Propaganda in Denmark (600 members). Para mi, el folleto de la CNT es claro. I'm sympathetic to both dilemmas. In 2004, an agreement was reached between the CNT and the District Attorney's Office, through which all charges were dropped against the hundred prosecuted for this occupation. Beltrn Roca Martnez, "Anarchism, Anthropology and Andalucia", The Chomsky-Foucault Debate on Human Nature, The New Press, 2006, p.38-9, Romero Maura, "The Spanish Case", contained in, Swedish Anarcho-syndicalist Youth Federation, Individualist anarchism in the United States, Definition of anarchism and libertarianism, Confederation of Revolutionary Anarcho-Syndicalists, Irish Transport and General Workers' Union, National Libertarian Federation of Trade Unions, Central Organisation of the Workers of Sweden, Bangladesh Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation, Federao das Organizaes Sindicalistas Revolucionrias do Brasil, Gefangenen Gewerkschaft-Bundesweite Organisation, "1c. CNT does not participate in elections It was a notion of an anarchist workers organization which was in the same time syndicate and ideological association, or more correctly, a syndicate with clearly and openly defined anarchist ideas. CNT has no economic support from the government or the State. Unfortunately, we see a problem from time to time with individuals making statements about what the IWA is, which in no way reflect decisions or positions taken by the IWA. The CNT attracts workers because it shows that it is useful, that is resolves problem, that it handles workplace conflicts. Expert Answers: Syndicalism originated in France and spread from there. If not really, you don't have to join to work together in the concrete workplace struggles as equals. That within their own class, individuals are more and more sure to band together on the firm ground of their interests. Karl Kautsky considered syndicalism as "the most recent variety of anarchism" and noted "its anarchist ancestry" ( The Road to Power, 41, p. 67) while Lenin, referring to Germany in the 1880s and 1890s, wrote of "the growth of anarcho-syndicalism, or anarchism, as it was then called". But, without letting themselves become obsessed with this passing concern, the workers should take care to make possible and imminent the essential act of comprehensive emancipation: the expropriation of capital".[76]. Otherwise, remain standing with your wackos of Adarga against the reformist ghost. Let's not give up on this front and make up excuses for it later. It is my opinion after decades in the work force that our power lies in our labour, and by power I mean our primary mechanism for radical, revolutionary change. This is why the IWW never joined the IWA-AIT, and only joined the ICL-CIT, because they werent exclusively Anarcho-Syndicalist. Hablando contra tutela de los anarquistas, alguien puede pensar que anarquistas son organizadas en sectaso son grupos de presin dentro organizaciones sindicales. They continued to do so after Stalin had taken power in Russia and did the same with the regimes that cropped up elsewhere in the world during the 20th century that were inspired by that in Russia such as China, Cuba, Vietnam, and North Korea. The activities of its militants blend in with those of anarcho-syndicalist militants within the trade unions. [36] Lster's division was prepared for an offensive on the Aragonese front, but they were also sent to subdue the collectives run by the CNT-UGT and dismantle the collective structures created the previous twelve months. In retaliation to the attacks by the Falangists, anarchists killed three bodyguards of the Falangist leader Jos Antonio Primo de Rivera. He admits the idea that syndicalism IS a form of anarchism was common and had "countenanced to some extent by utterances of Syndicalists themselves . Down through the ages, what has social experience in every country and in the modern world in particular taught us? It is the contemporary expression of the anarchist doctrine as regards matters economic and social. En ninguna parte dicen los estatutos que la AIT estar dirigida por anarquistas que lucharn contra el reformismo de los trabajadores. Hay secciones que estan bajo mas represion que otras pero tienen activiadad gremial y eso no las convierte en ningun partido politico anarquista. It survived underground with 1520,000 members until January 1934, when it called a general revolutionary strike against plans to replace trade unions with fascist corporations, which failed. Topics: Some describe national syndicalism as facist. ehhh, its certainly similar in many ways, it even played a part in mussolini's development into the actual facism. Quiero comentar que muchos de vosotros estn involucrados en tratar de decirle a los compas de la AIT lo que la AIT debe ser desde un punto de vista ideolgico y muy pocos de vosotros estn cooperando o apoyar las luchas reales que hacemos. It achieves an amalgamation of the two in terms of material, moral, short-term, and future interests. These people can destroy the very purpose of your organization. sure, a union is not a party. Moreover, it even reinforced the anarchist syndicalist duality in the CNT and not solved the contradiction mentioned in the beginning. Just to reiterate, national syndicalism is fascism, not syndicalism. The CNT controlled most of the city, including the heavy artillery on the hill of Montjuc overlooking the city. On 3 September 2009, six members of the Serbian IWA section (ASI-MUR), including then-IWA General Secretary Ratibor Trivunac, were arrested[59] on suspicion of international terrorism, a charge that the international and other anarchist groups heavily disputed. Tomes can be written about Anarcho-syndicalism, but for our purposes it will be the simplest of these two concepts to explain. It is very sad for me that some people spend so many hours trying to convince other people to not be so anarchist instead of supporting the struggles. Much the same can be said of commentators on anarchism. Pero digo una cosa - este articulo fue publicado en una revista publicada por miembros de la CNTE que piensan que la cuestion es importante. Anarcho-syndicalism is a branch of anarchism which focuses on the labour movement. Hombre yo creo que comentar el texto que acusa a la CNT de reformista es muy grave para despues decir que tiene mejores cosas que hacer La CNT con sus mas de 100 aos de historia con sus grandezas y sus miserias, ha conseguido y esta consguiendo logros muy importantes para el movimiento libertario a nivel estatal e incluso internacional. Es preferible dejar que cada cual se equivoque como prefiera, a que intentando que todo funcione bien, se creen divisiones, escisiones, expulsiones y mil conflictos estpidos. Incontrovertibly, the foundation of that society will be man. Similarly, anarcho-pacifism has an approach to anarchism that is concerned with non-violent forms of resistance to bring about social changes and revolution in line with the anarchist ideology. - Defiende que son los trabajadores los que han de llevar a cabo su propia emancipacin. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. To show how far off this ideology, consider the Spanish civil war in which the Spanish National syndicalists sided with the nationalists and played a role in the downfall of the CNT-FAI in the north after its break from the republic. This can give a possibility to avoid some mistakes in the present and in the future. Here he defends the FORA, Anarchism and syndicalism: the CNT model and its dilemma. :-) (Y soy de acuerdo), Leyendo las pginas de la CNT y su folleto oficial, veo que ya no tienen miedo decir que la base filosfica de la CNT es el anarquismo. [44] In 1949, Rocker published another well-known work. Y crear organizaciones de trabajadores que van a llevar esto a cabo. In terms of the revolution, it is also, as the Spanish experience itself has demonstrated, the essential agent of realization. So, while we might all sort of try to understand the intenton of Lloviendorailes, these things can be interpreted in different ways and, in any case, pose a serious contradiction to what is actually the stated mission of the IWA. For the corresponding communist movement (some of which's members were Anarchists) communism meant the vision of a future mode of production where society is a classless commonwealth made up of freely associated producers who collectively own the product of social labor. No creo que ella ha dicho nada asi. Parece que segun Akai la organizacion debe ser compuesto por trabajadores anarquistas y trabajadores no-politicos, sin dejar entrar a trabajadores politicos no-anarquistas. Nobody in our movement doubt about it officially. Although there had always been disagreements, that spring also saw a significant escalation in confrontations between the CNT-FAI and the Communists. La CNT tiene mayor actividad sindical (eso no la convierte en sindicato neutro ni reformista). Libertarian socialism requires bottom up organization and the end of class society through the collective ownership of production. [11] The final formation of this new international, then known as the International Workingmen's Association, took place at an illegal conference in Berlin in December 1922, marking an irrevocable break between the international syndicalist movement and the Bolsheviks. But in practice, besides that, it seems like it fundamentally works the same way. Provides an comprehensive, well organized, and easy to understand introduction to anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism in particular. It is not about what I personally prefer or not these are the policies of the organization. The sixth IWA congress took place in 1936, shortly after the Spanish Revolution had begun, but was unable to provide serious material support for the section. 1. La CNT atrae a trabajadores, porque muestra que es til, que resuelve problemas, que arregla conflictos laborales. Up here in Aragn one was among tens of thousands of people, mainly though not entirely of working-class origin, all living at the same level and mingling on terms of equality. The only way to implement bottom up socialism would be to have collective ownership and cooperative organization of production and it's product. No estamos abiertos a los racistas, fascistas, etc. It draws its doctrine from Anarchism and its organizational format from Revolutionary Syndicalism. - Estructura libertaria Maybe somebody wants to use the words libertarian communist, but anyway you look at it, it is an anarchist society. ZSP may be different, of course. Besides the division between free skilled white workers and unfree, nominally unskilled Africans, the working class included intermediate layers of impoverished, unskilled Afrikaners, Coloreds and Indians, and . But the significance of this CGT tradition was different for France and for Spain. So we can say that the CNT led through all its history a stubborn struggle against reformism. But the most of these hopes will be in vain in a long-time perspective. Porque tal cosa no existe en la CNT. Personally, FORAismo has elements I like and,perhaps, are more oriented to certain conditions or places or even smaller organizations. In the early 20th century, there was a lot of interest in syndicalist ideas from . That antagonistic classes seek, through elimination of their own contradictions, to realize their common interest: capitalists by means of the establishment of state capitalism, of which fascism is the most distinct expression; workers, through expropriation of capital, abolition of wage slavery, abolition of the state, and establishment of libertarian communism. When the revolutionary Marxist party "Bolsheviki" took over Russia in 1917 western capitalist powers called this new government "communist". Anarcho-Syndicalism is an organizational and organized movement. Revolutionary syndicalism came about when anarchist-communists applied this strategy again in France in the 1890s -- Kropotkin and Malatesta, along with Louise Michel, were advocating the general strike in 1889 and 1890, incidently (Bakunin had raised it in 1869!). But in the end, another option prevailed: to unite all anarchist affinity groups in the FAI and to try to act as Anarchists in the CNT for counter the reformist tendencies of less ideological Syndicalism. El anarquismo tiene en todo caso, que estar con quienes piensan diferente. He also wrote that anarquists cannot play the function of tutelege and direction of the workers. That of revolutionary anarchism consists of deploying all of the resources at its disposal to help bring this about. WHAT NOW? Later, a bloc of unions in the United States, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Cuba, Costa Rica and El Salvador also shared the IWA's statutes. Halfway through February 1937, a congress took place in Caspe to create the Regional Federation of Collectives of Aragon. No confundas tu opinin, con la AIT. Thanks for dropping some names, it's appreciated. Without giving something for the workers, the reformist deideologized syndicalists can however kill the anarcho-syndicalist movement. Have we learned anything since Striketober? Miles de millones de trabajadores NO son anarquistas, pero la AIT quiere agrupar a los trabajadores, a todos, para que se emancipen. For example, in the context of the article here, some have questioned what can happen when an organization is open for all persons of all sorts of political and tactical persuasions. After Stalin took power he declared in the 1930s that Russia was "socialist" which is what the subsequent communist party ruled regimes considered their societies. The French CGT was the model and inspiration for syndicalist groups throughout Europe and the world. I'm an anarchist, and not fight against reformism. . What is anarchist movement? Likewise, it fervently wants communes to federate on a regional basis, confederate with one another nationwide, and for the confederations to link arms internationally, after the pattern of the unions and the CGT. Thanks! Libertarian socialism requires bottom up organization and the end of class society through the collective ownership of production. Beep. Here's a copy of, The term National Syndicalism is a dirty word since it was developed by fascists. My name is Lugius, I'm mentally 15 years old, I read some books from which I learnt a lot about a very, very bad thing called "reformism". (Not only this year.) No s qu organizaciones habr estudiado para llegar a semejantes conclusiones. Anarchists have historically conceived of libertarian socialism in non-communist ways. It primarily draws inspiration from the green bans in Australia, the efforts of workers at Lucas Aerospace to convert their factories away from armaments production and Judi Bari's efforts in the IWW to organise timber workers and environmentalists in Northern California. But these are not the authoritarian leftists who practice entrism into organizations to move them in their line. The unions and the 'labour councils' are not merely means of struggle and instruments of social revolution; they are also the very structure around which to build a free society. In the long term, it is doomed to defeat. Proudhon's schema would not lead to socialism at all because the collective ownership of production requires the collective ownership of it's product. Despite this they are not at all contradictory, in fact they need each other. Cuando los conceptos estn claros en la base, es decir entre los trabajadores, no nos preocupa demasiado que algn congreso ratifique de que forma y en que tono se puede expresar lo que ya se sabe desde hace 150 aos. Im not the best to answer this because I havent read de Leon, but many American socialist parties in the early day did describe themselves as Marxist-De Leonist. In maintaining this status quo, the state denies most of its citizens the ability to enjoy material independence and the social autonomy that springs from it. Fig. Although the Graham blog post states that it is from the IWAs special congress held in Paris on June 11-13, it is unclear that this is correct. Anarchism calls for the abolition of the state, which it holds to be undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful. After World War II, an appeal in the Fraye Arbeter Shtime, detailing the plight of German anarchists, called for Americans to support them. Segn tus ideas, que no son las ideas de la AIT, la AIT tiene que ser una muy pequea fraccin de las organizaciones de trabajadores. Unlike the propositions of some of its critics, anarcho-syndicalism is different from reformist union activity in that it aims to obliterate capitalism as "[anarcho-syndicalism] has a double aim: with tireless persistence, it must pursue betterment of the working class's current conditions. No es mi problema. Would it not have been a good idea to so name it? Lloviendorailes contends that the IWA is an organization open for all workers. You are right. Anarchism is usually grounded in moral claims about the importance of individual liberty, often conceived as freedom from domination. [75], Anarcho-syndicalism, therefore, is not apolitical but instead sees political and economic activity as the same. What is anarchist movement? Relations between them should be founded upon each movement's independence and autonomy of the other and they must remain on a footing of the completest equality. Could anyone explain what they are and how they differ? I really don't have much time to discuss, but maybe I need to clarify. The second tradition was of the French CGT with it Revolutionary Syndicalism based on direct action. Anarchists have historically conceived of libertarian socialism in non-communist ways. [43] By February 1946, sending aid parcels to anarchists in Germany was a large-scale operation. En defensa de los trabajadores asociados creo que varias secciones de la AIT son heterogeneas. This notion does not at all imply that anarcho-syndicalism which is, remember, against the State and federalist means and aims to be everything and that nothing else should exist alongside it. [24] Massive government repression repeated such defeats worldwide as anarcho-syndicalist unions were destroyed in Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Japan, Cuba, Bulgaria, Paraguay and Bolivia.

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