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Jesus wants me to be rich. Same old, same old. I like Kalis style of writing. Perhaps not. German anti-partisan reprisals were effective in reducing partisan activity in most places in Western Europe during the war. Jeune was among dozens of mothers seeking treatment for their children on a recent morning. So 130,000 Jews were 1% of Germans army. The Scharnhorst School was the scene of a massacre in which groups of 10 Germans were led down to the courtyard and shot. Nothing much has changed over the last few millennia. It is not difficult to see who was the student and who was the master. Even if Hitler succeed in colonization of Eastern Europe, his nation would degenerate and die off, as every nation practicing imperialist exploitation of others as Lenin correctly predicted. Thats not to say that this new culture is all about tripping, getting high or whatever though the doors to perception may be more quickly opened by those means but that it may be wise to lay asside prejudices and/or pre-conceived ideas regarding such things. Yes..were biased in that description, but were honest. Yes, this is what ruthless social engineering by the victor Amerika and her professional Jewish psychologists have done to the German spirit. Its possible that many protests in Germany will not come from the cucked heritage Germans, but from the millions of Muslim migrants who have been welcomed into that dying country by Angela Merkel for the past 20 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kulturkampf#Anti-Polish_aspect_of_Kulturkampf, Hakata German Eastern Marches Society Could the locals perhaps have borrowed from a local bank? https://straty-wojenne.pl/#sec-4671 (English version is at the right, at the top). The fire destroyed 1,700 of the citys 1,900 buildings. First, let Germans pay reparations for 10 mln Polish citizens who were lost because Germans wanted Lebensraum. Thanks for saying it. Basically agree your points but not as harshly critical. Why wish for people to starve? Reason: they have never been able to produce any wealth for themselves, so are dependent on the coattails of Germany and the West. An estimated 5.7 million Germans already residing in Germany died from the starvation policies implemented by the Allies. This is mass support for Germans for you? Even more, that is not enough and you need more (Slavic) raum for yourself. That holds regardless of who it is attempting to impose their will on me. In addition, it was also easy to establish who were Goths. We have heard that a half-million children have died. . Theyre only fighting for as much control as they can grab. Also, surviving Germans did not benefit from war spoils after World War II. from Latin tolerare, to bear. English enjoyed its success as long as it was a space of freedom of expression like none other : now it is turning into a language not unlike Modern Standard Arabic one should keep away from and never learn beyond a strict functional minimum your boss might demand from you just to show off as his well-styled servant, and never try to outshine any pompous mediocrity publishing in it if one doesnt want to be targeted by a fatwa liable to issue from any part of that festering part of the world. It is grouped together as a race for convenience by anthropologists & historians. I can think of other reasons the Brits remain so stiff-necked and unforgiving in their attitude toward WWI and WWII Germans. Not that it affects your point, or this excellent article, but although Twilight Zone has become a trope (years ago, watching TV at the dorm, we used to wait for the right moment to shout Hes been zoned! when the hapless protagonist met the twist ending), the actual TZ, a product of Jewish Rod Serling, was as Woke as one might expect from a TV show today. While the exact number of casualties will never be known, the number of German military and civilian deaths during World War II is probably at most 6.5 million. You are wrong, the Jewish-Anglo army of Satan, German and Japs are the same, the faces of the same coin, they are liars, thieves, cheaters and blood thirty sadistic barbarian beasts. Same old, same old. And multiply by 1000 similar or worse events. Ive said all I needed to say and made my point well enough to have been understood and appreciated by at least one reader. The war is just one part of it. China is polite. After the successful German pilot project, free speech is now being removed from the USA, for the same reasons: free speech leads to Auschwitz. Since this is a touchy subject, I think it good to state that I dont include righteous, little, or beautiful creative Jews in with the Rothschild Zionists. Germany has always been Saxonized and hence always easy prey once conquered by another form of Saxon. https://odysee.com/@EugenRichterAudiobooks:2/putins-marxists-i-%E2%80%93-pushing-cultural:7, But note his infatuation with Nyquist whom he features on many audio book recordings, eg: German children experienced the worst conditions in the detention centers. They will know who to suck up to, when the time comes. The Chinese follow the Tao Germanys unforgivablecrimebefore the second world war,Churchillsaid, was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the worlds trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit. (jew Churchillto Lord Robert Boothby, quoted in the Foreword, 2nd Ed. Soon (relatively), either there will come a tipping point or a catastrophic war. Race is an exchangeable and transferable good like any other, not an unalienable heritage, hence the traction exerted by transhumanistic ideologies onto many Jews of note. German beasts burnt 5 000 villages in Belarussia. After all, the hardships of living in the Soviet Union postwar were relentlessly blamed (by of course the Soviet State Media) as a direct result of the death and destruction from WWII. But it is doubtful they will, at least anytime soon. Murdered by the Soviets in 1958. An interesting article, are there no free thinkers in Germany to reason out this current absurdity? Is the author trying to prove the expulsion was indeed Orderly and Humane compared to previous German practices? The USG assumed Russia was down for the count. In effect a coup. Only in the Soviet Union did German anti-partisan reprisals fail. However it was, the terms of the Instrument of Surrender were stated to be unconditional. Do you relate to that at all? They practically invented the concept. They were dispossessed of all their property by law. A pre-WW2 journal article or book would be nice. Because were not more evenly matched, Im not going to continue in a critique of your reply. Now I know no mercy. Page 48-50 in the book I mentioned above. Including wives and sisters they wouldnt stop to piss on a Japanese person if said person was on fire. Only a few men actually walk the walk. Norwegian academic Johannes Due Enstad has researched and written a book on the German army in the USSR Many Russians (in addition to Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Estonians and Lavians) hoped that Hitler would free them and welcomed the German soldiers as liberators. My father found employment immediately upon returning home. Of course they will stop learning English : the latter is in the process of fracturing into two, four, eight and thousands of grunting codes that will cease to be mutually intelligible and possess very little in common apart from a deep-seated hatred for any literary expression in the language it was when it served as the main linguistic tool for the scientific, industrial and liberal revolutions to spread. Adolf preferred his wild fantasies of lebensraum for german pioneers and to hell with slav subhumans . Well reasoned. My comment number 227 is meant as a reply to your comment number 223. Thats what centuries of Germans domination did. Capitalism, in fact, is Death by cancer, as we can see all about us as the global ecology rapidly collapses. He doesnt explain how to reconcile the part of a nation that wants to be German with the part that wants multiculuralism. You need to realize that the god of this world, Satan, is behind all of what is going on and he is trying to get things set up for his man to come on the scene. There was no such thing as the jewish holocaust. The Preface of the book is good enough brief sketch about White you are looking for. The Z-USA is stark, stirring insane and needs putting down. This is undisputed . My father cut fire wood in the local forests, for which a license needed to be obtained. The writer is much like his biblical namesake. I learn much from people of different cultures, religions, creeds, races, genders, and orientations. If you enjoy reading the first four chapters of my book, I recommend that you read the entire book to gain a more balanced perspective of World War II. They are dead, gone. Similarly, all across the USSR many citizens (Byelorussians, Latvians, Estonians and Russians in addition to the already mentioned Ukrainians) hated their own mass murdering Judeo-Bolshevik government. The next thing Germany should do is reestablish a relationship with Russia based on honesty, with the intention of growing trade and improving relations. The great skim must go on. 7.3 million [German expellees] arrived in the Eastern zone and the three Western zones, most of these in the latter. As I have already said about Germans, I appreciate that they are transparent and do not hide what they think (maybe this is due to their stupidity but it doesnt matter) that they hate you and think that they are racially superior to someone, unlike some other hypocrites who pretend to be your friends. A little surprised to see Unz readers like this clown. Seems to me thats why they end up joining forces with the Jewsbecause Jews are even better at it. A system that produced abundantly for the people. You really cant make it up. Are you defending usury here? To all intents and purpses the conversation around Solomons important piece (rhymmes with peace)(as I see it) has been highjacked And yet here we are Uncle A..? "When Did Racism Against White People Become OK? Putinist Anglin now writes his articles on Besides the Jews, the Poles almost have as much audacity. Id love to see China make a military move to re-absorb Taiwan. Go back to arguing with Fufu and Slav if you find them to be a better match for you.. You know that giving up attachment to this world and self-idea is a process for most of us, not an instantaneous happening. The Chinese cultural revolution, anti-cultural and Orwellian though it was, ended up directing most of its frenzy of destruction against the immediately preceding culture which had been installed by the Manchu bureaucracy and then by the Sassoon drug traffickers and then by the Marxist ideologues of Soviet Russia as a form of political correctness to keep the local people as down as possible. The influence of Old Testament descriptions of genocide, its ways and means, and Divine injunctions to perform it, ought not be underestimated. kali is imho the most misunderstood goddess of all, she is the dark and angry avatar of shakti, who scares the living shit out of her consort shiva (not an easy thing to do), when mama aint happy no ones happy. They would find vulnerable villagers and extort and steal their money. Jewish movie directors making nonsense movies like this https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1380799/ . The family that then lived in the stolen home were gracious enough to let my uncle and aunt into his former home. And again, Germans have been pushing Serbia since 1999 to recognize the secession of Kosovo and abolish the 99s aggression. Cities in Sweden went from being safe at all hours to no-go zones for police and ambulance services thanks to fake refugees. That America went the way of the hula hoop. The Brits will never forgive Germany for letting 300,000+ soldiers escape from Dunkirk, thus showing their cowardice. But thats not because of the gentlemans big nose or the ladys squint. Clearly a tribe that criss-crossed Europe will pick up people along the way if racial purity is your argument. They are culturally disposed to revering the dominant power. International Jewish financiers and their Wall Street Anglo associates (e.g. Ref AHs accounts of debating with Jews in ch 2 of MK. You write: According to my mother, the great hunger did not begin until 1947 and lasted through 1948.. (I will repeat that its amazing that this site lured so many Nazi-fans). For example, a partisan attack on a German unit in Serbia prompted the Germans on October 20-21, 1941, to round up nearly 10,000 men in the town of Kragujevac and shoot 2,300 of them in batches. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khatyn_massacre R. M. Douglas is a professor of history at Colgate University. Remember: History is generally written by the victorsin this instance the victors being 19th Century German historiographers. Nationalism is love of your people, not hate of others, which is the main attribute of Nazism, Fascism, Judaism and imperialism. Disclaimers and disclosures aside, lets proceed. God can surely take care of his business. Seyed Mohammad Marandi Arthur, Germans did many other despicable and terrible deeds to Russians, Yugoslavians, Ukrainians, Greeks and many other nations. Lets compare the haggling Jew and the haggling WASP in the context of first what Solomon wrote, and then what you wrote: But what is the essence of the haggling Jew and haggling WASP? For myself, I identify as Jewish Hebrew Israelite or Jew, and accept k!ke (out of compassion for angry victims of Rothschild Zionist induced PTSD). Coupled with FDRs cabinet member Morgenthaus essentially genocidal plan for postwar Germany, this unprecedented insult not only stiffened German resistance but inspired the Reich to take savage reprisals against those they believed (and not without evidence) had instigated the catastrophic war. Serbs do not give some significance to this but for Germans, with their imperial ambitions, this falsification makes sense. The seismic rift is now occurring fast, though both sides agree that the literary greatness that propelled the language to unheard of heights from Shakespeare to Kipling is never again to be allowed : it is absolute Dead White male supremacism for the first, and the victory of secular humanism to take revenge upon for the second. The opposite is the truth, there was a strong pro-German sentiment among some leading political parties and some intellectual circles. Try it out. Looks like this thread has devolved into Germanics vs. Slavs. Psychologists know this. Does he want to partner up with them again even though they never accepted him as a partner? This constitutes irrational racism. Say what you will about them, theyre not spoiling to put it all on the line for imperial glory. Goths were part of the official title of Swedish (and Danish) kings btw 1523-1973: The implication that Im somehow trying to remain anonymous is mistaken. War is the jew money peddlers bread and butter. Jews would seek personal positions of power and influence in Oman and leverage them to place other Jews in similar positions. That segment was deleted from the broadcast interview. Youre a good example of it, fufu. Did anyone force the locals to borrow from the German banks? Bush/Cheney fixed that with two decades of the GWOT with the patriotic right also known as those who have always done our fighting and dying. Mack is now starting to hate Joe. Fortunately, this story has happy end. You ask: Should I cry? It is pretty nave and simplified and does not reflect the complexity on the ground. What about proportionality: war crimes on a per capita basis? The Affirmative Action Circle Simply Cant be Squared. That was the Rothschild Zionist plan. I know quite a few Filipinos and have met their families. Together they ran a big money making gangster enterprise. To hell with that. The national military should be made of clones. Honestly, did ANYBODY not see this coming? One of my uncles was an ethnic German that served in the Czech army in the interwar period. Daily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. Must read: https://codoh.com/library/document/the-image-of-the-germans-in-polish-literature/en/. The article is just one more screed utterly unconnected to reality. More on topic below this excellent video by Emerald Robinson including clips from Tucker, Gorka and more plus docs.. For their ww2 atrocities is responsible Germany, which was crucial in destroying Yugoslavia in 90ies and which first recognized them (and thank them for Magdeburg) as an independent state, which included enormous Serbian territories and people, previously taken from Serbs by communists and who awarded them to Croats. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. At least 5,295 Belarusian settlements were burned and destroyed by the Nazis, and often all their inhabitants were killed (some amounting up to 1,500 victims) as a punishment for collaboration with partisans. If its a kikes whore, its gone. Yep, these people welcomed Germans as liberators as in the link below (1 min). The allies (not just the USSR) have lied about this since the war because it contradicts so much of what they claim about the war. Paralyzed Nation no more? The exeptional James Corbett here answers the question what is tecknocracy? My own mother was a 18 year old refugee when she and other women were held in Pilsen. Treat others as you want to be treated. The German-Japanese axis between Third Reich and Imperial Japan was one of the greatest thing ever happened in history. The Allied postwar treatment of Germany probably resulted in more German deaths than occurred during the Second World War. They also raped eight-year-old girls. Probably one third to one half of their country is made up of stolen German territory with about one third of Germanys population thrown out of their homes and cities so Poles could move in and they have the nerve to ask for compensation from Germany.. These are obviously very serious war crimes. Also, surviving Germans did not benefit from war spoils after World War II. Your allegory is wrong on so many levels and Im saddened to see that our Others have that viewpoint. Its more Japans fear of Chinese revenge for WWII than any love of the West that keeps them on the plantation. Before trumpeting your synthetic outrage I recommend you read the book Icebreaker by Suvorov. At last I have a little time to go into this article a little deeper in order, hopefully to explain why I find it so important. But no appliances to ustilize it were available. If you seriously wish to talk about blackm ahem reparations, first return the territory stolen from Germany post WW I & II. And they never stop and never relent. Next time, write about something you know. inspire the world kali, through your love and intent. It almost sounds like youre jelous, but I guess thats just and example of our incompatability or miss-match. Ask Kanye West, call them out and get cancelled. You may feel its more important to set people straight regarding historical inacuracies or whatever. But Slavic cultures have always suffered from corruption in their own governments. Germans have been inculcated with WW2 guilt to the point of self-immolation. And funny how Rothschild Zionist neocons come in every race these days, from the Scots-Irish yellow ribbon thank you for your service warmongers, to the African-American BLM thugs looting Louis Vuitton boutiques and buying Malibu real estate, to the censorious, toddler-jabbing, pink pussyhat-wearing Covidian cultists, cheering on nonstop Russophobic (racist) fear porn and hate as a distraction from their omnicidal destruction around the globe. Pierre-Joseph Proudhons (godfather of political anarchism) right of free association solves this issue beautifully and peacefully. Former Axis partners Germany and Japan have allied againthis time as vassal state crash test dummies for the US Anglo-Zionist Empire. Of the thousand or so souls in the village, there is no one left! Your Richter link doesnt work: Amen. Here the Czechs forced 5,000 prisoners to run for their lives as guards fired on them with machine guns. This section though is the video and blog sub-domain of Whatfinger News. If Japan had also attacked into Siberia and Mongolia, then Moscow would have fallen for sure, and the war in Eastern Europe would have been finished. If you shame someone or a people, especially from an early age, you can crush them. At least, the later one is funny if you imagine that the most primitive people in Europe (and wider) gave few dozens of Roman Emperors and that they were the elite among Roman legions. It is lovers of communism such as yourself, and Poles, that go on endlessly about woe is us and baaad Germans. China. you cant have one without cracking some heads. I suggest you read his book Orderly and Humane to learn more about his references and source material. The best we can do is accept that different people believe different things and to point those interested in digging deeper to more accurate information, or to correct with evidence incorrect assertions where we encounter them when appropriate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Leningrad, Southern EU by debt slavery, eastern EU by rent extraction from the assets and banks they own And given that it would be practically impossible to get even a plurality of people behind any given political model be it National Socialism or anything else the only thing that remains is Anarchy freedom of choice and freedom of association. The victorious new superpower America was merciful, if only for its interests. Goebbels learned his craft at the feet of Bernays. Some of you already know much of what Id say on the topic anyway. You imply with your parentheses that Lohr was Jewish, but his Wiki page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_L%C3%B6hr%5D gives no indication of that; in fact, it says Due to his [Ukrainian] mothers faith, he belonged to the Eastern Orthodox Church; he grew up speaking German, Russian, French and Romanian.. They cant refute many Germans massacres (5 000 burnt villages in Belarussian only, not to mention Poland, Yugoslavia, Ukraina, Russia (Soviet union) and other countries). So-called Gothic language is a falsification. It may not 100% close to the world perspective on the Whites, but it is 80-90% close to the truth. For example, Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany, estimated that 6 million German expellees died. If those countries disallow an investigation, Germany should veto their application to join NATO. My response: Can you tell me when or where Goebbels said this? Others talk about it, but for Germans its real. To my other brother from the same Divine/Cosmic Mother, Emerging Majority, Im guessing your pumpikins are about ready to havest? She attributed it to that. From my perspective, Ron Unz is an American Tao Patriot. During WW II those allegedly very cultural, very moral, very skilled, very scientifical and very, very, very, very Germans were in fact beasts. Jewish supremacism, heavily racist though it is, considers race as a capital good to be acquired, conquered and taken from the unworthy like land, and, above everything, money. Speaking of Russia, a big reason why the neocons want to take a baseball bat to Germanys spinal column is to prevent both countries from forming an energy link. How can you not see this? There are 3 times that Japan copied and adopted foreign ideas and technology wholesale, each time after a clear military defeat; Tang dynasty, circa 660 AD They are wrong. [7][8] This cost thousands of people their lives. When we are lost in fear we are absent from the here and now, and our actions and energy become destructive, negative and unhelpful. Their brainwash technique has been enhanced with the help of the two magic boxes, the TV and the Stupid-Phone (Some sheep-like useful idiots call it smart-phone). Originally it was our own personal thumbs up, thumbs down or [] Japanese occupation of Ryukyu Kingdom, encroaching on Chinas land, and claiming on Korea and Russias land aggressively; in addition, it has built a military most lethal in Asia and Europe that is contradictory to its Pacifist constitution. Had the hunger begun right after the war, that might have been understandable as there were shortages of everything. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; And, who would be the rulers? Yes, Mr. Solomon this is such a crucial distinction to make. 3br/2 bth- Modern 2. https://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/12/an_architektur.php. Shela Jeune, a 21-year-old hot dog vendor whose 2-year-old son has cholera, said she buys small bags of water for her family but doesnt know if its treated. Another essay about Germanys current problems. Hmmm, the British Broadcasting Corporation conducted a public opinion poll a number of years ago to determine the most liked and disliked countries in the world. What part of the statement in quotation marks dont you understand? Even after May 16, 1945, when order was meant to be restored, 12 to 20 Germans died daily at the Strahov stadium. Having had more than his fair share of bad luck with the ladies, thrice-widowed Ben Cartwright (Lorne Green) and his three sons each having a different mother navigate the Western frontier. Under the neocon doctrine, True reason based on historical contextlove your response very Worthy. But eventually the villagers noticed that they were being picked off one by one and they started banding together, forming a neigborhood watch. Most people have forgotten that Russia lost at least 16 million people in WWII military personnel and civilians. What do I mean by Tao? ! shtick is self-serving kike bull. https://www.amazon.com/Germans-Polish-Literature-Falsifications-History/dp/1291311939 . Aryan supremacism proclaims the superiority of Aryans. The same people who still 100% without single exemption approve whats happened in #223. However, if the Pentagon keeps poking the Dragon, the neocons will learn- China is One Bad Mutha. , Lebanese public works Minister Ali Hami says Brosi, and the Wends ), then compensations for Goths. Perceived wrongdoing about Jews at the time, were committing things described in 223 Make no difference if the Samson option ever gets implemented, Berlin, Munich, Russians. Sides of an example of a bloodthirsty bishop by some half-crazed, monks! 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